Скачать презентацию VCCS Employment Services Planning Developing a Virtual Скачать презентацию VCCS Employment Services Planning Developing a Virtual


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VCCS Employment Services Planning & Developing a Virtual Employment Centre VCCS Employment Services Planning & Developing a Virtual Employment Centre

Agenda: n Introductions What, How and Why? Features & Technology Costs, Advantages and Limitations Agenda: n Introductions What, How and Why? Features & Technology Costs, Advantages and Limitations n Questions? n n n

What is a Virtual Employment Centre (VEC)? n A highly interactive website n An What is a Virtual Employment Centre (VEC)? n A highly interactive website n An online “space” where clients can connect with career practitioners, other clients and/or employers n A community “tool” where mediated networking and information sharing can happen Example:

How is this achieved? Through interactive features such as: n n n n Video How is this achieved? Through interactive features such as: n n n n Video & Audio Clips E-Counselling (a. k. a. Cybercounselling) Online Workshops and Courses (E-Learning) Online Quizzes and Assessments Social Bookmarking Webinars and Podcasting Blogs and Discussion Boards

Why build it? 1. Reach more clients using a medium they understand 2. Help Why build it? 1. Reach more clients using a medium they understand 2. Help clients who can’t meet face-to-face (f 2 f) 3. Still Relatively Innovative for Community Service Providers 4. Promote your services through client “trusted networks”

Thinking Styles 4 Types Visual Preferences (V) ü ü ü Remember what they SEE Thinking Styles 4 Types Visual Preferences (V) ü ü ü Remember what they SEE versus what they HEAR May know what they want to say but have difficulty coming up with the words Usually need to have verbal instructions repeated Respond to colour, art, mapping Like to have a plan; good organizers The See-ers Clue: Doodle during phone conversations, counselling sessions, classes

Visual Reading/Writing Preferences (VR) ü ü Enjoy reading and would rather read than be Visual Reading/Writing Preferences (VR) ü ü Enjoy reading and would rather read than be read to Like handouts, prefer information in words rather than charts or diagrams Like to use dictionaries, manuals, texts The Reframe-ers Clue: Often reread silently, rewrite notes, like to jot down ideas

Auditory Preferences (A) ü ü ü Like to talk through a problem Find writing Auditory Preferences (A) ü ü ü Like to talk through a problem Find writing difficult Remember what they HEAR Don’t visualize well; respond to patterns of sound, speech and music Often good speakers! The Listen-ers Clue: Talkative, love discussion, repeat words

Kinesthetic Preferences (K) ü ü ü Like to experiment and practice Memorize by WALKING Kinesthetic Preferences (K) ü ü ü Like to experiment and practice Memorize by WALKING and SEEING Respond to movement, gestures, acting things out Have difficulty remembering a place unless they’ve actually been there The Do-ers Clue: Hard to sit still during counselling session, may have messy handwriting, gesture a lot when they talk

VCCS Serves: 90 km; 1 hr 22 mins n Large rural area n Few VCCS Serves: 90 km; 1 hr 22 mins n Large rural area n Few (if any) public transit links n Assessment EAS Job Connect IRS Resource Room 34 km; 34 mins 35 km; 36 mins 2000+ clients this year Ø 62. 5 km; 51 mins Ø Ø Ø 20 km; 20 mins 31 km/ 26 mins

New Realities = New Issues n Second Career Program n Economic n New downturn New Realities = New Issues n Second Career Program n Economic n New downturn strategies?

Context: What is happening in the City of Kawartha Lakes n Expansion of broadband Context: What is happening in the City of Kawartha Lakes n Expansion of broadband Internet service across the region n Local high schools are teaching in-class lessons while simultaneously broadcasting live online n Local Adult Ed Centre also a Virtual Learning Centre

What is happening in our communities? n Websites are getting ‘deeper’ n Computers and What is happening in our communities? n Websites are getting ‘deeper’ n Computers and Internet connections are getting faster n Web Technologies are evolving n Expectations are changing

Why now? n Technology trends are quickly evolving in terms of what is available Why now? n Technology trends are quickly evolving in terms of what is available and how public perceives it n Emphasis on user input and personalization of components n This new theme of interactive web is known as Web 2. 0

What Our Clients Told Us: n Focus Group of 16 multi-barriered youth aged 16 What Our Clients Told Us: n Focus Group of 16 multi-barriered youth aged 16 -29 n Survey of 142 clients Ø Ø Ø 66% had high-speed Internet at home 51% can use more complex applications 61% engaged in online chat frequently 56% had experience with webcams 54% had used video streaming/videoconferencing

What They Wanted: Ø 58% were interested in online chat (+/- counsellor) Ø 31% What They Wanted: Ø 58% were interested in online chat (+/- counsellor) Ø 31% liked the idea of attending an online workshop Ø 44% would watch videos of Employer Presentations Ø 50% would watch videos on other topics

Features & Technology Features & Technology

Video Clip Library Definition: A compilation of video information used as a tool in Video Clip Library Definition: A compilation of video information used as a tool in employment education (V) (A)

Putting It Together 2 Options: n Direct users to existing video files in another Putting It Together 2 Options: n Direct users to existing video files in another location (e. g You. Tube. com) v Beware of copyright! v Can also use hyperlinks to free video files n Record, edit and convert video “in-house” v Update web pages easily using an HTML Editor v MS Frontpage, Dreamweaver, Coffee Cup v NVU, Page Breeze, Kompo. Zer, EVRSoft First Page 06 FREE!

Suggested Hardware n Digital Camcorder ¨ Cost $270 -$800 (lower end of price range Suggested Hardware n Digital Camcorder ¨ Cost $270 -$800 (lower end of price range would be suitable) n Wireless PC Microphone ¨ Provides clear, consistent audio recording for video ¨ Cost $100 -$130 ¨ Audio can also be added later

Suggested Software n Windows Movie Maker ¨ Allows: n Add music n Split and Suggested Software n Windows Movie Maker ¨ Allows: n Add music n Split and remove portions n Insert titles and captions n Special effects n No cost service; free download ¨ Available on computers using Windows ¨ Very user friendly! n Free Screen Recorder 2. 9

Audio Clip Library (A) Definition: A compilation of audio information used as tool in Audio Clip Library (A) Definition: A compilation of audio information used as tool in employment education n Option #1: Provide a library of audio recordings (eg. Employer Presentations) n Option #2: Provide voice readings of written content

Suggested Hardware and Software n Desktop Microphone Ø $12 n - $30 Audio editing Suggested Hardware and Software n Desktop Microphone Ø $12 n - $30 Audio editing software Ø Audacity: FREE download http: //audacity. sourceforge. net

E-Counselling Methods n Use web-based media for service n More than Email; Synchronous n E-Counselling Methods n Use web-based media for service n More than Email; Synchronous n Potential Methods: ¨ Live Chat ¨ Live Document Sharing

Live Chat n n n Yahoo Messenger ICQ MSN Messenger (V) (VR) (K) ¨ Live Chat n n n Yahoo Messenger ICQ MSN Messenger (V) (VR) (K) ¨ Allows collaboration with Yahoo Messenger users ¨ Live full screen video and audio messaging ¨ Send and receive cell phone text messages ¨ Live Chat n Possibilities: establish a time to meet 1: 1 or a digital sign-up session for a group

Zoho. com Live Chat n Free product n Chat box can be embedded directly Zoho. com Live Chat n Free product n Chat box can be embedded directly into your webpage – nice feature! n Anonymous secured meeting space n “Live Support” vs “Shoutbox”

n Insert Zoho. com chat box sample here n Insert Zoho. com chat box sample here

Live Document Sharing n (V) (K) Online connection with one person or a group Live Document Sharing n (V) (K) Online connection with one person or a group ¨ collaboration on written electronic documents ¨ screen sharing and remote assistance n Live Chat is included n Examples: Googledocs. com, Zoho. com, Windows Live Workspace

Online Information Exchange Social Bookmarking n Quizzes & Assessments n RSS Feeds n q Online Information Exchange Social Bookmarking n Quizzes & Assessments n RSS Feeds n q Webcasting q Podcasting

Social Bookmarking n A method of Human Mediated Search n Search engines such as Social Bookmarking n A method of Human Mediated Search n Search engines such as Google use “metaspiders” n Social bookmarks centralize info others have found on the same topic

“The average person spends 1 hour a day searching online. That means every 2 “The average person spends 1 hour a day searching online. That means every 2 weeks, our clients are loosing an entire working day of time. ” Marco Campagna – OCASI Demystifying Web 2. 0 Facilitator

How this works: n Sign up for a FREE account on a social bookmarking How this works: n Sign up for a FREE account on a social bookmarking site n Copy the website address and add it to your social bookmark

n Place links on pages of your website n Place links on pages of your website

Quizzes & Assessments Ø Crossword puzzles Ø Multiple choice or short answer quizzes Ø Quizzes & Assessments Ø Crossword puzzles Ø Multiple choice or short answer quizzes Ø Fill in the blank worksheets Ø Matching exercises

RSS Feeds n RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication” n A file format for RSS Feeds n RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication” n A file format for delivering regularly updated information over the web n Users request notification when an addition is made to a webpage through a feedreader n Can be added to your webpage or blog using a feedburner n Podcast subscriptions work this way

Webcasting n An Internet technology that literally broadcasts information: audio or video ¨ live Webcasting n An Internet technology that literally broadcasts information: audio or video ¨ live (streaming) or ‘on demand’ ¨ Unlike typical surfing (which relies on users coming to the information) webcasting uses push technology (RSS Feeds) ¨ n Non-interactive, linear stream of a media file n Could be used to broadcast workshop facilitators or guest speakers

Components of a Podcast Webpage Podcast RSS (Subscription Method) Components of a Podcast Webpage Podcast RSS (Subscription Method)

Client Communications: Blogs and Discussion Boards A space for clients to learn and to Client Communications: Blogs and Discussion Boards A space for clients to learn and to network

Blogging n Open forum communication tool n Can be individualistic or perform a crucial Blogging n Open forum communication tool n Can be individualistic or perform a crucial function for your organization n (V) (VR) (K) 3 basic functions: ¨ post links to other sources ¨ compile news and articles ¨ provide a forum for opinions and commentary

Discussion Board/Message Board n Users post and read announcements on topics of common interest Discussion Board/Message Board n Users post and read announcements on topics of common interest n A popular way to interact online n Easy to navigate and easy to use

Where To Start? 1. Consider Your Context - what makes sense? Ø Ø Agency Where To Start? 1. Consider Your Context - what makes sense? Ø Ø Agency & Budget Service Area and Client Demographic Human Resources Current Online Presence 2. Survey Your Clients – where are they?

Where To Start? 3. Take An Inventory – how much do you already know? Where To Start? 3. Take An Inventory – how much do you already know? Ø Ø Staff training needs Identify a “Champion” 4. Explore Partnerships – who can help you make it happen? Ø Ø Ø Look within your community for logical partners Who offers training in Web 2. 0? Can we collaborate?

Where To Start? 5. Test It Out – when should you ‘go live’? Ø Where To Start? 5. Test It Out – when should you ‘go live’? Ø Ø Have we missed anything? Run some test groups or pilots with existing clients 6. Model the Behaviour – use the tools often! Ø Ø Have staff refer clients to the site and demonstrate features during f 2 f sessions Encourage staff to participate in the collaboration

Considerations: ü Funding model & where virtual service delivery fits ü Organizational capacity to Considerations: ü Funding model & where virtual service delivery fits ü Organizational capacity to make it work “The ultimate goal of technology should be to enhance customer relationships and to increase service levels. ” - Dan Trepanier, YMCA of Greater Toronto (Technology & Career and Employment Counselling – A Compendium of Thought, Counselling Foundation of Canada, 1998)

Questions? Questions?

Thank you! Sonya Hardman VCCS Employment Services Email: shardman@careerservices. org www. careerservices. org Thank you! Sonya Hardman VCCS Employment Services Email: shardman@careerservices. org www. careerservices. org