Vasily Andreyevich Tropinin (1776 - 1857) The outstanding Russian painterportraitist, born into a family of a serf. This is a story of talent, who through perseverance and hard work, no matter what couldbe great.
The famous paintings n n Portrait of Arseny Vasilyevich T ropinin "Portrait of the human memory is written to people close to him, people who love him" said Tropinin
n n «lace-maker» A special place in the history of Russian art of female portraits occupy Tropini n. He, like anyone else, either before or after it failed to express the new attitude towards women, not only as an elegant decoration, but as a mother, wife, mistress, girlfriend.
n This is the most famous portrait Pushkina. V 1827 he commissioned a portrait of. Tropinin. It was not sh own "the sublime poet, " and ordinary cheloveko m. Tropininsky. Pushkin d id not land - he was so royally majestic that it seems impossible to disturb hismeditation. A special impressiveness, almost monumental ima ge of the poet tell a proudposture and stable posture, maki ng his dressing gown likened to the ancient ceremonial toga.
Carl Bryullov (1799 -1852) n n Carl P. Bryullov - an outstanding Russian historical painter, portraitist, landscape painter, author of the monumental murals, holds honorary awards: a gold medal for the painting "The phenomenon of the three angels to Abraham at the oak Mamvriyskogo" (1821) and"The Last Days of Pompeii" (1834 ), Anna ordena III level, Member of the Milan and. Parma academies, the Academy of Saint Luke in Rome, a professor of St. Petersburg and Florence academies of Arts, an honorary free an accomplice of the Paris Academyof Arts.
Last Days of Pompeii
Italian Midday Portrait of Countess Julia Samoilova with the adopted daughter Pachchini
Aivazovsky, Ivan Konstantinovich (1817 -1900) n Outstanding painter Ivan Aivazovsky went down in history as the art world seascaperomantic, master of classical Russian landscape, passing on canvas the beauty and power of the marine element.
«Девятый вал» 1850
Васнецов Виктор Михайлович (1848 -1926) n Russian painter Vasnet sov transformed the historical genre, combining motifs from the. Middle Ages, exciting atmosp here of poetic legends and fairy tales, however, and thetales themselves are often themes of his large canvases.
Alyonushka Ivan Tsarevich on the Grey Wolf
Mikhail Vrubel (1856 -1910) n Vrubel in his work appealed to the problems of human existence, the moral andphilosophical questions about good and evil, of man's place in the world.
The Swan Princess 1900