Varusha Zhenya 13 EН
Athletes involved in sports Yard call themselves Turnikmenam.
Turnikmen - street gymnast yard, engaged the yards hard horizontal bar. A follower of the new youth dvizheya street gymnasts in Ukraine. Fairly new word, the origin of which lies in 2009
Despite its youth, the movement swept almost all the CIS countries, and the world at large. Overseas large number of analogs of the movement. Elements of Style gimbarr – elements of strength and flexibility at the same time.
Workout (Ghetto/Street Workout) - mnogokompleksnaya system of physical development in outdoor environments, using mainly the weight of his own body on the playing fields, objects of natural and urban landscapes.
Street Workout ( SW) - is a powerful, efficient physical base for the sports and outdoor extreme sports that require explosive power and manifestation of the great endurance.
Movement actively supported youth and even a so-called "gatherings turnikmenov".
Turnikmeymeriyutsya which "forces" and experiences. While the reference to take on in this context is not entirely successful, as the strength of the most important for turnikmena than force also needs to develop flexibility, technique and show imagination, just as amazed as you see some elements.
Gradually, the movement is infused elements of gymnastics and sometimes street gymnast without a coach and without special equipment, horizontal bar in an old rusty do such miracles that even every professional athlete could.
Movement turnikmenov - pravlny choice of young people, allowing teenagers to send in the right way zhizmennomu.
We in the city has its own team turnikmenov. Team called SWM (STREET WORKOUT MELITOPOL). It consists of eminent persons: Katunin Igor Kovalenko Sasha Popov Pasha Voloshko Sergei, Ruslan Fugol, Artem Sankovich, Kohl Konovalov, Stas Skochko, Amal Abdurasulov and naturally I-Varusha Eugene.
Our team is strong and well-known. We often compete with other teams, building playgrounds for the dissemination of a healthy lifestyle
Repeatedly communicated, exchanged experiences with the Ukrainian national team
I am personally familiar with the world champion poker and Eugene Dennis Minenym and other well-known personalities workouta
Our team is very united and collected. I hope in the future time, we will represent Ukraine in international competitions