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V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 OVERVIEW OF EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES AT BIFI-BIO OLGA ABIAN oabifra@unizar. es
V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 GENERAL AREAS OR ACTIVITIES PERFORM AT BIFI FACILITIES Molecular Biology: Genetic engineering and recombinant proteins (cloning, mutagenesis, recombinant proteins expression with biotechnology or biomedical interest). Biochemistry: Proteins and nucleic acids purification using Fast Performance Liquid Chromatography, ionic exchange, affinity or molecular exclusion columns. Small protein or chemical compounds purification. Biophysics of Biological Molecules: Characterization of protein stability, protein-protein and protein ligand interaction, and protein function. Cell Biology: Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell culture for the expression of recombinant proteins, determination of the efficacy and toxicity of bioactive compounds and apoptosis studies. Stem cell cultures for cellular differentiation and dead cell studies. High Throughput Screening (HTS): Screening methods for experimental identification of bioactive compounds against pharmacologic targets. Crystallography: Obtaining crystallographic models of proteins: preparation of crystals, analysis by X ray diffraction, data processing and molecular structure resolution.
V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 LABORATORY USERS AT BIFI
V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 RESEARCH GROUPS USERS OF BIFI FACILITIES
V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 NATIONAL COLLABORATORS INIBIC A CORUÑA Jose Francisco Pérez Llerena Univ. País Vasco Arturo Muga Mª Ángeles Urbaneja Oscar Millet C. S. I. C. C. I. B. MADRID Ángel Martínez Aitor Hernández-Ortega INSTITUTO DE CATÁLISIS CSIC MADRID Jose Miguel Palomo Jose Manuel Guisan UAB BARCELONA Salvador Ventura Mireia García-Viloca UAM MADRID Miguel Fernández Moreno Rafael Garesse Alarcón Juan J. Arredondo Lamas I 3 A ZARAGOZA Luis José Fernández CBM CSIC MADRID Celia Perales INA ZARAGOZA Jesús Martínez De La Fuente Valeria Grazú CSIC Rocasolano MADRID Julia Sanz-Aparicio Juan Hermoso Mª Ángeles Jiménez Hospital Clínico ZARAGOZA Ángel Lanas Trinidad Serrano Instituto de Bioquímica Vegetal y Fotosíntesis, SEVILLA Miguel A. de la Rosa Antonio Díaz Quintana Universidad Pablo Olavide SEVILLA Laura Ledesma Barcelona Supercomputing Centre BARCELONA Víctor Guallar UNIZAR ZARAGOZA Jesús Martínez Miguel Pocoví UMH Elche ALICANTE Jose Luis Neira CIPF VALENCIA Mª Eugenia Armengod
V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATORS U. COPENHAGEN (DINAMARCA) Marina Kasimova U. COIMBRA (PORTUGAL) Maria Joao Moreno Rui M. Brito U. VIRGINIA (EEUU) Paul S. Hoffman U. COLONIA (ALEMANIA) Agapios Sachinidis Emory University, Atlanta (EEUU) Dale Edmondson NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE (Singapur) Jayaramam Sivaraman UNAM MEXICO (MEXICO) Enrique García-Hernández Alfredo Lagunas JHU BALTIMORE (EEUU) Ernesto Freire Stem Cell Center, New York (EEUU) Michael Xavier Doss Jesudoss
V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 I+D BUILDING IN CAMPUS ACTUR OF ZARAGOZA UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATION Ø We moved to the new I+D building in February- Marzo 2010. Ø Laboratories were distributed according to techniques and equipment. Ø This allows the researches an easier use of the facilities and an efficient space distribution. Ø New incorporation of researchers and equipments is easier. Ø Biophysics, Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology sections at BIFI are distributed in laboratories dedicated to specific subjects. Ø They are distributed in block number 2 and floor 0 and block number 1 and floor 2 of the I+D building.
V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 Block 2 Floor 0
V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 Block 1 Floor 2
Laboratorio general I V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 12 individual working places composed by a desk and laboratory bench. Predoctoral students are working in this laboratory.
Laboratorio de espectroscopia V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 Spectropolarimeter and fluorescence spectrophotometer: Chirascan from Applied Photophysics. Structural characterization of proteins in steady state and kinetic state (stopped-Flod module) Fluorescence spectrophotometer: Cary Eclipse (Varian) UV/visible Spectrophotometer Cary 100 BIO (Varian) Multi-sample Peltier module Espectrofotometer Nano. Vue (GE Healthcare) Micro-volume samples Light scattering Dynapro Nanostar (Wyatt) Hydrodinamic radius determination and molecular protein mass. Multi-sampler Peltier module
Laboratorio de calorimetría y SPR V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 2 units of Isothermal Titration Calorimeters VP-ITC (Micro. Cal, GE Healthcare) Study of energetic biomolecule interaction Differential Scanning Calorimeter VP-DSC (Micro. Cal, GE Healthcare) Study of energetic structural stability of proteins Isothermal Titration Surface Plasmon Resonance Calorimeter AUTO-ITC 200 Equipment Biacore T 200 (GE (Micro. Cal, GE Healthcare) Study of energetic biomolecule Healthcare) Study of biomolecules interaction in kinetic and steady-state interaction. Multi-sample and automatic
Cámara fría 4ºC y cámara -20ºC V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 In the temperature controlled room (2. 0. 04) the storage of the samples at 4ºC or -20ºC is possible. The size of the room allows also to perform experiments such as protein purification or separation and analysis, using electrophoresis and chromatographic techniques.
Laboratorio de Rayos X V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 X-Ray Diffractometer Analysis of crystal proteins Automatic systems of liquid dispensation of liquids for macromolecules crystallization and management system and well visualization. A/ PERKIN ELMER JANUS MINI. B/ INNOVADYNE NANODROP II. C/ FORMULATRIX ROCK IMAGER 182. D/ LEICA Stereoscopies.
Laboratorio de cromatografía y microscopía V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 The Leica DMI 6000 B inverted microscope for biomedical research offers Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) for relief imaging of specimens with varying indices of refraction. The intuitive, automated Leica DMI 6000 B is ideal for fluorescence, live cell, timelapse imaging; high-speed multi-fluorescence optical sectioning; and micromanipulation. High-performance liquid chromatography equipment (HPLC) Technique used for identifying, quantifying and purifying the individual components of the mixture. 2 Fast protein liquid chromatography equipments (FPLC) Technique used for the separation or purification of proteins and other polymers from complex mixtures.
Laboratorio general II V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 6 individual working laboratory bench. Senior researchers and technicians are working in this laboratory.
Laboratorio Biología Molecular Laboratory with contains the general equipment for performing molecular biology experiments: 2 PCR thermal cyclers. DNA and protein electrophoresis system. Protein immunoblot Inmunoblot system. 2 D Electrophoresis system Electroporator used for the transformation of bacteria, yeast. Purification water system Elix 3 (Millipore) and Ultrapure purification system Milli. Q (Millipore). Ice maker. Manipulation yeast cabin. Safety chemistry cabin. V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011
Laboratorio Cristalografía V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 This is a thermostatic chamber at 18ºC temperature with an anaerobic system and a cold room at 4ºC.
Sala de Congeladores y revelado V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011
Laboratorio de Cultivos Celulares I V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011
Laboratorio de Centrifugación V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011
Laboratorio de Cribado V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 This laboratory contains: Synergy HT Multi-Mode Microplate Reader A filter-based high temperature fluorescence microplate reader Fluo. Dia T 70 Multi-plate well centrifuge
Laboratorio de Cultivo Celular V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011
V National Conference BIFI, Zaragoza, Febrero 2011 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!!