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UTM Management Retreat 2014 Keynote by the Vice-Chancellor Towards Greater Heights Wahid Omar Kuala Lumpur 20 October 2014
CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 • Introduction • Some notable achievements & reality check • Stakeholders’ perspectives & the future scenario of HE • UTM Global Plan 2 • The execution of plan
UTM Management Retreat 2014 Keynote by the Vice-Chancellor
CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 • Introduction • Some notable achievements & reality check • Stakeholders’ perspectives & the future scenario of HE • UTM Global Plan 2 • The execution of plan
UTM Management Retreat 2014 (VC) Notable Achievements Transformational Journey Notable Achievements (2010 – 2020) 2010 Research University 2012 UTM Global Plan 2012 -2020 2013 Transition of Leadership (Continuation of UTM Global Plan) Consensus, Inclusiveness , Engagement - Research University - Highest growth in publication among Research Universities - Collaboration with Top-Notch Universities - The Youngest Ph. D Holder in Malaysia - Autonomous University - The Launching of UTM Global Plan 2012 -2020 - Highest percentage of postgraduate students - Highest number of Ph. D students - Highest number of International Students - Four-Time Winner of National Intellectual Property Award Organization Category
UTM Management Retreat 2014 (VC) Notable Achievements Transformational Journey Notable Achievements (2010 – 2020) 2010 Research University 2012 UTM Global Plan 2012 -2020 2013 Transition of Leadership (Continuation of UTM Global Plan) Consensus, Inclusiveness , Engagement - The highest improvement in QS ranking - First Place : Ranking Web of Malaysian universities - The Highest Number of Ph. D Industry - The Highest Number of My. Brain 15 recipients - ASEAN Energy Management Scheme AEMAS (3 Star) - Hi-COE for WCC - The first Ph. D-Industry to graduate - Completion of RMK-9 Projects - 5 Winners of Merdeka Award (UTM) - UTM Sustainable Campus Initiative - The UTM Ecotourism Campus
UTM KAI 2014 INDICATORS JAN 2014 MARCH 2014 1 MYRA 2 (2013 : 69. 45 %) N/A -N/A- 2 STAFF WITH PHD 1196 1, 246 (74. 95%) SEPT 2014 N/A 2014 2020 100 1, 292 (77. 46%) 13, 415 (56. 57%) 5, 308 1, 530 2, 100 13, 500 (60%) 5, 500 13, 500 (60%) 7, 000 3 POSTGRADUATE NO. 13, 780 4 PHD STUDENTS NO. 5, 140 (75. 79%) 11, 754 (52. 5%) 4, 927 5 POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWS 94 141 156 300 1, 000 6 MEAN INTAKE CGPA (UG) 3. 78 -N/A- 3. 72 3. 80 4. 00 7 RESEARCH GRANT (RM M) RM 59 (M) RM 3. 1 m RM 60 (M) 150 400 8 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 3, 308 3, 565 3, 808 3, 500 10, 000 9 SPIN-OFF COMPANIES 143 160 - 200 1, 000 10 ENDOWMENT (M) 49. 2 RM 50. 06 M RM 53. 6 m 80 500
UTM Management Retreat 2014 (VC) Reality Check UTM KPI CAP, PSPTN (JAN- 31 OGS / 7 SEPT 2014) My. RA 2 No. of KAIs reported: 45 Total no. of KAIs: 57
CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 • Introduction • Some notable achievements & reality check • Stakeholders’ perspectives & the future scenario of HE • UTM Global Plan 2 • The execution of plan
What does EPU want from HE? KPI and outcome for the higher education sector need to meet the following: • • • People oriented: “High tech-high touch” Demand driven: result oriented Cost effective: efficient and effective Value for money Quality Timely Impactful System transformation Image rebranding
What does EPU want from HE? (cont. ) Shortfalls with regard to KPI: • Need to do benchmarking with international standards. • Slow improvement • Costly • Numerous public criticism and dissatisfaction • Lack of human touch
Global Trends in Higher Education Altbach Marginson Kerr Newman Humboldt 1809 Combined research and teaching institution. 1852 Teaching institution covering all intellectual fields, concerned primarily with the intellectual formation of students via a liberal education. Sources: Adapted from LH Martin Institute, University of Melbourne (2014) 1962 “Multiversity”, combining a broader range of roles in service, as well as teaching and research. 2008 “Globally networked and globally referenced” institution with much wider, direct engagement with modernisation and development projects in other spheres, at national and international levels. 2010 “The Global Academic Revolution” driven by four forces: (1) the “massification” of higher education; (2) globalization & internationalisation; (3) knowledge society & the importance of RUs; (4) information technology & distance learning.
The National Scenario The National Education Blueprint for Higher Education 2015 -2025 (Higher Education Blueprint) 11 Big Ideas: • Empowered governance • Financial sustainability • Higher education excellence • Holistic entrepreneurial graduates • Innovation ecosystem • Higher education delivery transformation • Private HEIs enhancement • Enculturation of lifelong learning • Technical and vocational education transformation • Global prominence • Intensification of online learning The Way Forward of MRUs • Dictate the direction of industries by identifying their needs and developing R&D to suit their needs. • The strategy for MRUs is commercialisation of ideas rather than their R&D products. • The MRUs must be respected, referred, relevant, responsible and responsive to society. • The aim is to have at least a world class RU in 2025.
CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 • Introduction • Some notable achievements & reality check • Stakeholders’ perspectives & the future scenario of HE • UTM Global Plan 2 • The execution of plan
Strategic Review and Planning Process of the UTM Global Plan Phase 2 (2015 -2017) Timeline Presentation To Steering Committee 13. 8. 2014 7. 7. 2014 * Seminar Series 2 29. 5. 2014 10. 7. 2014 22. 7. 2014 23. 6. 2014 Steering Committee Meeting Series 1 Lab 1 *Seminar Series 1 May June 5 6 14 -16. 11. 2014 LPU Retreat 8. 9. 2014 (UTMJB) 10. 9. 2014 (UTMKL) 8 -15. 9. 2014 (Online) Lab 2 20 - 22. 10. 2014 Management Retreat Town Hall Meeting July 7 August 8 September 9 Oktober November 10 11 December 12 Prepare 2 nd draft • Seminar on Current Trends and Global Scenario In Higher Education Office of the Vice-Chancellor 9 July 2014 Prepare 1 st draft Prepare Final draft
Looking back. . .
The Journey (1997 -2020) TEACHING UNIVERSITY UTM GLOBAL PHASE III END-STATE (Top 50 in the World) ? My. RA 2 My. RA 1 Focus Group Research University Research R&D Cluster Alliance Group THE COMENCEMENT OF UTM GLOBAL PLAN 2012 -2020 CAPACITY BUILDING 1997 PRESENT My. RA 1 STATE complied 2006 OVERALL OBJECTIVES OF UTM GLOBAL PLAN 2012 -2020: To be the top 50 engineering and technology university in the world, and to produce high quality graduates who are competent, competitive, innovative, entrepreneurial and noble in character that serve the needs of the nation and the world UTM CORE BUSINESS: Education | Research | Services 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Source: Adapted from Shahrin Mohammad (2014) 2020
Our Philosophy, Vision, Mission Philosophy The divine law of Allah is the foundation for science and technology. UTM strives with total and unified effort to attain excellence in science and technology for universal peace and prosperity in accordance with His will To be recognised as a world class centre of academic and technological excellence Mission Vision To be a leader in the development of human capital and innovative technologies that will contribute to the nation’s wealth creation
The journey will never end. . . OVERALL OBJECTIVES OF UTM GLOBAL PLAN 2012 -2020: To be the top 50 engineering and technology university in the world, and to produce high quality graduates who are competent, competitive, innovative, entrepreneurial and noble in character that serve the needs of the nation and the world Leading in Innovation, Commercialization & Entrepreneurship (ICE)
Leading in… Innovation Commercialisation Entrepreneurship • UTM DNA – New Academia • Graduate attributes • • Wealth creation, prosperity and well being Nation building High income advanced economy Financial sustainability • Graduate attributes • UTM DNA – New Academia
Desired state by 2020 Student enrolment: 20, 000 -25, 000 Academic staff with Ph. D by 2020: 90% UG-PG ratio: 40: 60 Academic staffstudent ratio: (1: 15) Research University: Maintain status Rating: Tier 6 (SETARA) Graduate employability: 80% Financial sustainability: 70: 30 Academic staff-non -academic staff ratio: (1: 1) Ranking: Top 50 in the world (engineering and technology )
Strategic Themes since 2009 ? Culture of innovation Inspiring creative and innovative minds Innovative, entrepreneurial, global; Institutional DNA ; Blue Ocean Srategy “Soul”; Appreciation of value Consensus, inclusiveness and engagement Impactful; Bold; Distinct; Leading in Innovation, Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship Balance Score Card 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Proposed specific programmes Specific Programmes Descriptions UTMGems (Graduates with entrepreneurial, innovative and global mindset) • Integrated programs to develop students not only knowledgeable and highly competent, but equipped with leadership skills and noble character. • Synergy between all DVCs, CSI, UTMTech, UCTC, ICC • New academia • Jobs in campus • Attached/loyal alumni UTMShines • Initiatives structured to nurture talents so as to increase (Scheme for harnessing and the numbers of top notch scientists and researchers inspiring top notch scientists among UTM staff. and researchers) • This as to ensure UTM achieve the top 50 engineering and technology university in the word. New. Lens • A program to equip non-academic staff with new skills (New learning and competencies. leadership exposure for non- • transformative learning experiences that enable staff to academic staff) perform in a global university with UTM DNA • Organisational capability - high performance team • Lean
Proposed specific programmes (cont. ) Specific Programmes Descriptions Skudai Innovation Valley • Wealth creation activities through R&D&C , impactful to the community • Revival of Technovation Park • Enhance efforts towards commercialisation • Spin-off and start up • Niche, regional and international COE Sustainable Campus • • • Enhancing eco-tourism Showcasing research activities/products in campus Low carbon campus, Green vehicle, solar power Park n ride, cycle lanes Zero waste, energy and water management
Proposed specific programmes (cont. ) Specific Programmes Descriptions Financial sustainability • • • Business Development Unit raise friends vs raise fund Unlocking assets Saving in maintenance by 5 -10 % How much is ‘enough’ to run UTM Self sustained fleet management, stay in Scholar’s Inn UTM Central Bandar Penawar Tanah Mukim Setapak Replanting of pocket lands in campus Golf facilities and in-campus holiday package
Proposed specific programmes (cont. ) Specific Programmes Descriptions Infrastructure s • • • Conducive campus ecosystem Staff quarters Space optimisation RMK 11 – new or major refurbished Chancellory Conducive work place Inspiring and friendly environment, a feel-good ambiance , international outlook • café, waqaf/casual meeting place, Inspiring quotes, posters • Upgrading of outlets, students’ accommodation
Proposed specific programmes (cont. ) Specific Programmes Descriptions Invest in HR development - Healthy. happy and highly motivated staff • • Branding • HEK to package branding highlighting the activities/ achievement and impact on regular basis • Link with marketing • Manage perception K-organisation, Life long learning Every third week (for one- week) – English speaking week Soul, DNA Compulsory wellness programs UTMLead, HCD Reduce medical bills Motivations? Staff quarters
Proposed specific programmes (cont. ) Specific Programmes Descriptions ICT and Systems • ICT upgrading and capability to support efficient and effective delivery • Paperless and online system Anugerah Kualiti Perdana Menteri 2016
Overall Impact on UTM Research Restructuring Consolidation of RAs; Merging of Co. Es; RGs, ; research niches; new research mgnt/governance structure; Academic Restructuring Re-alignment of faculties/schools; realignment of programmes; new academic structure Students Affairs Restructuring Consolidation of units/roles & functions; HR audit – redeployment, right-sizing; new structure. UTMKL Restructuring Empowered governance structure; major re-engineering of work processes; improvement of internal operations ① Impact on overall governance structure & process flows; central structure to PTJ/Faculty structures. ② Impact on HR needs (KSA, skillsets, ratios) and HR response (culture, mindset, multitasking). ③ Impact on infrastructure and cyberinfrastructure (systems to support efficient process & effective work culture) Synergy, Efficiency, Effectiveness
CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 • Introduction • Some notable achievements & reality check • Stakeholders’ perspectives & the future scenario of HE • UTM Global Plan 2 • The execution of plan
Resources Structure/team Execution The people Regular monitoring
Global UTM 2020 Impact Global UTM 2020 Outcomes Measurable, Numbers Processes UTM with a Soul Synergy, Simplified UTM DNA Resources Lean, Optimum