Giulio Kiev Masterclass.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 61
Using social media for social change Social media in action Spreading the word Tools and resources
• 3, 000 volunteers in 3 days • Sophisticated • O cost for government
Video (5: 10) • • http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=HO 6 VQr. We. RI&feature=player_embedded#! http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=hu. Qpn 0 D 0 e. K 4
Source: http: //twitter. com/caucasusproje
What do these examples have in common?
A new “voice” Citizens Government NGOs
http: //www. youtube. com/witness
http: //www. youtube. com/user/invisiblepeopletv
http: //www. informationactivism. org/
You are part of an “ecosystem” Japan’s earthquake Egyptian revolution
http: //www. engagemedia. org/Members/Kalyana. Shira/videos/PERTARUHAN. m 4 v/vie w
Understanding the ecosystem to stand out from the clutter
Using social media for social change Social media in action Spreading the word Tools and resources
Source: Ashoka Foundation
9 steps to make your video “social” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Focus on your goal Think people, not technology Understand your digital footprint Build digital embassies Create to your video to be “social” Go where the conversation is Make it simple to act Be ready to jump on “hooks” Monitor and adapt
#1 Focus your goal
#2 People first “Social media adoption happens one person at a time, and for their reasons – not yours” - E. Semple -
#2 People first
Some questions • How diverse is your network? • What are the weak and strong ties in your network? • Who are the key influencers in the women debate in Ukraine? • How do you “get” to them? • What are the goals they want to achieve and how do you help them do that?
http: //www. forrester. com/empowered/tool_c onsumer. html
#3 Understand your digital footprint A week in NY
What makes up your “info shadow”? • Email • Mobile phone • Social media (e. g. Facebook) • Photos • Presentations • . . And more
Others create your digital footprint, too - you cannot control it
why does this matter?
Tools to assess your digital footprint - aka the digital narcissist toolkit • • • Google. com “Me on the Web, ” Google dashboard Pipl. com Klout. com Linkedin Inmaps Peer. Index. com Vizualize. me The Museum of Me Personal Digital Footprint Calculator
Source: Xefer. com/twitter
#4 Build digital embassies Edelmann
Where to start • • Google profile Linkedin Facebook Twitter Vkontakte Flickr Wordpress
Go beyond Youtube Vimeo, Blip. tv
#5 Make your video “social” • Ask for feedback – Ask questions – Make it easy to comment – Ask for videos in repsonse • Include links back to your digital embassies • Make it easy to share (e. g. “Tweet this”) • Make your videos clickable (e. g. Youtube annotations) • Use tags • Make it easy to take action and involve others Source: Socialbrite (adapted)
Be ready to respond!
#6 Go where the conversation is Monitor conversations - Google - Yandex - Netvibes - Twitter search - Icerocket
Go where the conversation is (ctd) • Where are women issues discussed? • What issues are likely to have a gender component? • Where are the skeptics going to be?
Monitor the “real” world… Source: WWF New Zealand
#7 Make it simple to act
#8 Be ready to jump on “hooks”
#9 Monitor and adapt
Using social media for social change Social media in action Spreading the word Tools and resources
http: //www. socialbysocial. com/
http: //www. dragonflyeffect. com/blog/
http: //www. socialbrite. org/
Keep in touch @gquaggiotto delicious. com/gquaggiotto