Скачать презентацию Using Multimedia in the Workplace and the Classroom Скачать презентацию Using Multimedia in the Workplace and the Classroom


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Using Multimedia in the Workplace and the Classroom Bob Bergland Missouri Western State College Using Multimedia in the Workplace and the Classroom Bob Bergland Missouri Western State College STC Region 6 Conference Oct. 16, 19986 Presentation

Multimedia includes z z z Sound Video Animations Hypertext Graphics Multimedia includes z z z Sound Video Animations Hypertext Graphics

Types of Multimedia • Presentations • Web • CD-ROM • VHS Tape/TV Types of Multimedia • Presentations • Web • CD-ROM • VHS Tape/TV

Multimedia can be used for. . . z Oral presentations y y y Sound Multimedia can be used for. . . z Oral presentations y y y Sound effects Background music Moving text Animations Movie files

MM Oral Presentation Do’s z z Consider audience gender (sounds, video examples) Use color MM Oral Presentation Do’s z z Consider audience gender (sounds, video examples) Use color to increase information recognition Check text/font readability and compatibility Use MM to eliminate complex text

MM Oral Presentation Don’ts z z Overemphasize audio cues Have visual overload Use color/3 MM Oral Presentation Don’ts z z Overemphasize audio cues Have visual overload Use color/3 -D in distracting ways Assume you have copyright permission – From Lisa Mason (TC, Feb. 1997)

Multimedia can be used for. . . z z z Oral presentations Product promotions Multimedia can be used for. . . z z z Oral presentations Product promotions Product demonstrations Training Online/CD-ROM Documentation/manuals

Factors to consider before using MM z Timeline y Working prototype of product needed? Factors to consider before using MM z Timeline y Working prototype of product needed? (prototype to production timeframe) y Production time y Scheduling contract work time y Editing/Review time y Reproduction time

Factors to consider before using MM z Cost y y y In-house personnel time Factors to consider before using MM z Cost y y y In-house personnel time Contract personnel costs Hardware/software Production costs Distribution costs

Factors to consider before using MM z Customer compatibility y Platform concerns y Hardware Factors to consider before using MM z Customer compatibility y Platform concerns y Hardware capability (processor, RAM/disk space, sound card, CD-ROM, WWW connection) y Software compatibility

Factors to consider before using MM z Is this really the best medium? y Factors to consider before using MM z Is this really the best medium? y Would paper/straight hypertext better communicate your information? y Given the cost/time constraints, will your production quality be high enough to represent your company well? y Will you be able to update this multimedia project easily?

s of Multimedia Web Advantages Quick distribution time Cheaper and quicker updates Less quality s of Multimedia Web Advantages Quick distribution time Cheaper and quicker updates Less quality expected Web Disadvantages Download times Broadcast quality Server space/limitations on capabilities/time

Types of Multimedia z CD-ROM Advantages y Better quality y Low download times y Types of Multimedia z CD-ROM Advantages y Better quality y Low download times y More capabilties z CD-ROM Disadvantages y Cost & Reproduction time y Updating y Space considerations (DVD)

Rewards of Using Multimedia z Can present information in the most efficient, easy-to -understand Rewards of Using Multimedia z Can present information in the most efficient, easy-to -understand manner z Fun for user--increases chance of use z Impresses client

Changes in Technical Communication z User expectations z Editing/Revising z Changes in skills/roles of Changes in Technical Communication z User expectations z Editing/Revising z Changes in skills/roles of TW professionals, teachers and students z Needed changes TW curriculum

Revision/Editing Changes • Definition of Editing • Fundamentals of User Testing • Updating/Timeliness • Revision/Editing Changes • Definition of Editing • Fundamentals of User Testing • Updating/Timeliness • Copy Editing • Archiving

Changes in skills needed for technical writers/TW students • Need more technology skills • Changes in skills needed for technical writers/TW students • Need more technology skills • New critical thinking skills -rhetorical skills -media choice -design skills • Reconceive role in field, company-changes definition of technical communication

Changes in TW curriculum • Introduction to New Media/Multimedia • Videography/Cinematography • Multimedia and Changes in TW curriculum • Introduction to New Media/Multimedia • Videography/Cinematography • Multimedia and Web • Editing Sound and Video • New Media Ethics/Law

PROBLEMS and Promises for Programs • Cost -hardware (computers, storage media, video/sound equip, servers) PROBLEMS and Promises for Programs • Cost -hardware (computers, storage media, video/sound equip, servers) -software (web, multimedia) • Retraining/Recruiting Faculty • Decline of Writing Skills -Trade off of tech vs writing segments/courses • Turf Wars

Problems and PROMISES for Programs • Prestige (within and without university) • High placement Problems and PROMISES for Programs • Prestige (within and without university) • High placement rate • High salaries for graduates • Better prepared students • Chance to expand department • Opportunity to gain from other depts, perspectives--multidisciplinarity

Reconception of Technical Writing Teacher as. . . • A teacher of media • Reconception of Technical Writing Teacher as. . . • A teacher of media • A teacher of technology • A teacher of print and the visual • A professional in a field in a state of flux • Someone who must still be a student • A teacher who must not abandon teaching core skills--writing, editing

Acknowledgements Hardware/software provided through MWSC Funding for Results Program Student projects: Scott Faubion, Jeanette Acknowledgements Hardware/software provided through MWSC Funding for Results Program Student projects: Scott Faubion, Jeanette Browning, Stephanie Sandvoss

Available on PDF (after Sun. ) www. mwsc. edu/~bergland/multimedia. html bergland@griffon. mwsc. edu Available on PDF (after Sun. ) www. mwsc. edu/~bergland/multimedia. html bergland@griffon. mwsc. edu