Скачать презентацию Using maps and images North Downs at Скачать презентацию Using maps and images North Downs at


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Using maps and images Using maps and images

North Downs at OS 1: 25, 000 Explorer map No 171 Figure 1 Old North Downs at OS 1: 25, 000 Explorer map No 171 Figure 1 Old Quarries at GR TQ 444569 ( map centre) North Downs at OS 1: 50, 000 Landranger series Figure 2 Map centred at GR TQ 444569 Note the changes in colour, area and size of symbol between the two maps. Can you find Pilgrim House? Images produced from the Ordnance Survey Get-a-map service. Image reproduced with kind permission of Ordnance Survey and Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland.

What kinds of features can you recognise in each view? Aerial view of the What kinds of features can you recognise in each view? Aerial view of the North Downs near Pilgrim House www. multimap. com View East to Pilgrim House http: //www. geograph. org. uk/photo/64476 © Pip Rolls

Notes • Two map extracts are used. Fig 1 centres on kilometre square [Grid Notes • Two map extracts are used. Fig 1 centres on kilometre square [Grid Reference TQ 4456] and shows the chalk escarpment east of Westerham Hill which has still a good cover of mixed woodland, scrubland steep grassy slopes. • Go to http: //getamap. ordnancesurvey. co. uk/getamap/frames. htm • Enter the Grid Reference (GR) TQ 4456 into the Get-a-map search box and the same map will come up on screen. This is at the largest scale 1: 25, 000 and is represented by the large + in the diagram to the left of the map on screen. Click on the circle below the + and the map shown in Fig 2 comes on screen This shows a larger area but fewer details and is the Land. Ranger scale of 1: 50, 000. • The Explorer series shows all paths, roads, boundaries, specific vegetation, accurate spot heights and building detail. This is at the 1: 25, 000 scale. [NB the maps shown at this scale on other map sites such as Multimap and Streetmap use the OS conventions from the Landranger series - Compare Figures 1 and 2] • • Copyright : Copies of Get-a-map mapping for teaching and classroom use: Educational establishments may download sufficient copies of each map image as displayed on your browser to provide each pupil/student and teacher with an individual copy. (See http: //www. ordnancesurvey. co. uk/oswebsite/getamap ) The aerial photographs are obtainable on the Multimap site (http: //www. multimap. com/map/home. cgi)

Maps and aerial views of a limestone area The Mendips : Cheddar Gorge The Maps and aerial views of a limestone area The Mendips : Cheddar Gorge The whole grid square reference (GR) is ST 4654 This is the four figure reference for the bottom, left hand (SW) corner of the full square in the centre of the extract and this is the GR needed to enter in the search box in any map website. [If you are unsure about Grid References (GR) go to OS National Grid PDF] OS 1: 25, 000 from Get a map Centre of map at GR ST 462543 GB Images produced from the Ordnance Survey Get-a-map service. Image reproduced with kind permission of Ordnance Survey and Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland.

The quarries In the Mendips are large and cut into the crystalline Carboniferous Limestone The quarries In the Mendips are large and cut into the crystalline Carboniferous Limestone which is very hard ! The quarries and rock cliffs are shown by the rock cliff symbol rather than the steep slope symbol which is used for the softer limestone quarries on the Chalk hills. [ See OS Legend Explorer and OS Legend Landranger symbol guides] What symbols might you want to use if you were mapping this area? What features can you recognise? Aerial view Cheddar, Cheddar Gorge and adjacent quarries 1: 50, 000 Source Multimap. http: //www. multimap. com/map/photo. cgi? client=public&X=347000. 076556189&Y=154000. 891159618&scale=25000&width=700&heig ht=400&gride=346261. 076556189&gridn=153967. 891159618&lang=&db=freegaz&coordsys=gb

Thinking about symbols • What activities do you OR would you like to do Thinking about symbols • What activities do you OR would you like to do in your spare time? • List some activities and hobbies with a partner • Use the symbol guide to find something to represent your chosen activity – can you find this on a local map? If you can’t find a relevant symbol can you design one?

Which symbols would you be looking for? What symbols did you have to design? Which symbols would you be looking for? What symbols did you have to design?

Challenge: working with a partner, you have just five minutes to draw all the Challenge: working with a partner, you have just five minutes to draw all the water features you can think of. Here are some reminders: Marsh, weir, salting, lighthouse, shingle, beacon, lock, cliff, towpath, aquaduct, footbridge, canal, mud, sand, dunes, slopes, flat rock, How many did you get?