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Using Leonardo da Vinci programme for training of specific experts in plastic sector EDMOULD Using Leonardo da Vinci programme for training of specific experts in plastic sector EDMOULD - Improvement of Vocational Education in Field of Injection Moulding LLP-LDV-TOI-2009 -SK-93100534 Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Introduction • The plastic industry is considered an inter-branch between machine and chemical industry. Introduction • The plastic industry is considered an inter-branch between machine and chemical industry. • The education in this field requires high investments into the technology that enables the practical training. • The commonly used technological method in plastic industry is called injection moulding. • There used to be no education in this specific industrial field moreover there were no future plans for such education within the school system of Slovak Republic. Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Project goal The main aim is to increase the quality of further education in Project goal The main aim is to increase the quality of further education in the field of plastic processing through transfer of innovated content, curriculum and methods used by other European partners in education of setupers of moulding machines. Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Project partnership Project was performed by partnership of 7 organizations: • • A-OMEGA, s. Project partnership Project was performed by partnership of 7 organizations: • • A-OMEGA, s. r. o. - project lead (Slovakia) Slovac plastic cluster (Nitra, Slovakia) ISPA – Institute for plastics and polymers Alencon (France), MAPRO (Czech Repulic) TECOS (Slovenia). Regional branch of Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Trenčín Regional branch of Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Prešov Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Coordinator and project team leader A - OMEGA, s. r. o. • Slovak education Coordinator and project team leader A - OMEGA, s. r. o. • Slovak education and consulting company found in 2005 • Co-founder of Slovac Plastic Cluster in 2009 – responsibility for education • • Employee search for its clients mainly in technical industries Until 2010 educated more than 80 specialists for injection moulding Organization of international and national pilot projects in the field of education Design and delivery of education in „soft skills“ for its customers Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Project summary Duration: 18 months 01. 10. 2009 – 31. 03. 2011 Approved budget: Project summary Duration: 18 months 01. 10. 2009 – 31. 03. 2011 Approved budget: 205 726 EUR Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

External project evaluator Dr. Christian Kukla, University of Leoben, Austria His tasks were monitoring External project evaluator Dr. Christian Kukla, University of Leoben, Austria His tasks were monitoring and evaluation of quality management system as well as the quality of final educational products. Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Target groups • Setupers of moulding machines, • Technologists in the field of injection Target groups • Setupers of moulding machines, • Technologists in the field of injection moulding, • Maintainers from companies in plastic industry NUMBER OF ATTENDEES FOR TESTING: 60 • Teachers and trainers in injection moulding NUMBER OF ATTENDEES FOR TESTING: 6 Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Transfered and adapted products • Curriculum (ISPA France) • E-learning material (Slovenia) • Guide Transfered and adapted products • Curriculum (ISPA France) • E-learning material (Slovenia) • Guide for plastic processing (Czech Repulic) Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Steps in product transfer 1. Setting of selection criteria and search for potential lecturers Steps in product transfer 1. Setting of selection criteria and search for potential lecturers based on those criteria. 2. Selection of lecturers/trainers. 3. Training of lecturers (by TECOS and MAPRO) 4. Working group from MAPRO in ISPA (comparison of curricula). 5. Training of teaching skills („How to teach“) 6. Training of lecturers/trainers for usage of e-learning as teaching method. Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Steps in product transfer 7. Transfer of curriculum from ISPA – assessment done by Steps in product transfer 7. Transfer of curriculum from ISPA – assessment done by new lecturers and proposals for adaptation. 8. Creation of test guide by new lecturers – solution of examples from reality. 9. Translation of e-learning into Slovak language, adaptation of elearning user's manual and adaptation of questions included in the e-learning materials. 10. Creation of curriculum for testing by new lecturers. Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Steps in product transfer 11. Search and selection of candidates for test groups (entry Steps in product transfer 11. Search and selection of candidates for test groups (entry form) 12. Search and selection of training facility. 13. Proposals for test execution (time schedule, feedback). 14. Six test groups (May 2010 – November 2010) 15. Adaptation of Guide for education of setupers (harmonisation with curriculum and e-learning) and testing of this guide by 60 attendees from companies. Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Education in the training centre instructions before practical training Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Education in the training centre instructions before practical training Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308 –

Partner meeting and external evaluation in the training centre (05. 10. 2010) Name: Ing. Partner meeting and external evaluation in the training centre (05. 10. 2010) Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Information from testing • 62 attendees from 15 companies from Slovakia • 70% of Information from testing • 62 attendees from 15 companies from Slovakia • 70% of attendees were setupers of moulding machines • The rest of 30% were technologists and maintainers Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Information from testing • E-learning test Feedback/Suggestions: Slovak terminology to be used during the Information from testing • E-learning test Feedback/Suggestions: Slovak terminology to be used during the teaching process (not only at the begin). • Curriculum test Feedback/Suggestions: too short practical education. • Test of Guide for education of setupers Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Project output and sustainability • Accreditation of educational program „Setup of Moulding Machines“ granted Project output and sustainability • Accreditation of educational program „Setup of Moulding Machines“ granted in November 2011 by Ministry of Education of Slovac Republic – 2 new modules added: Robotics and Training of Trainers – 01. 07. 2013 OPEN DAY in training facility – school directors invited to discuss the opportunity to implement this program into the educational process Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Project output and sustainability • 120 attendees trained before receiving of accreditation in Slovakia Project output and sustainability • 120 attendees trained before receiving of accreditation in Slovakia and Czech Repulic – Commercialisation: 19 trainees in 2011 – 2 companies, June/July 2013 – education of 18 new attendees contracted • Book: „Basics of injection moulding technology“ - sold 158 pcs. in Slovak and Czech Repulic Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Project recognition Best practice case - European Business Forum on Vocational Training (07. -08. Project recognition Best practice case - European Business Forum on Vocational Training (07. -08. 06. 12). Selected by DG Education of European Committee as one of the 11 most successful projects of the year in the European Union Name: Ing. Pavol Markovič address: Slovac Plastic Cluster, Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra state: Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308

Thank you for your kind attention! Pavol Markovič Slovac Plastic Cluster Vašinova 61, 949 Thank you for your kind attention! Pavol Markovič Slovac Plastic Cluster Vašinova 61, 949 01 Nitra Slovakia contact: +421 949 545 308