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User ID Asher PIN ****** LOGIN Welcome to Pa. CCS End-to-end Customs solution Customs User ID Asher PIN ****** LOGIN Welcome to Pa. CCS End-to-end Customs solution Customs Reform & Trade Facilitation

Introduction Federal Tax Structure Ministry of Finance Central Board of Revenue Customs Sales Tax Introduction Federal Tax Structure Ministry of Finance Central Board of Revenue Customs Sales Tax Income Tax Federal Excises Log Out

Introduction Customs Efficiency Federal Tax Receipts – (Customs) Revenue collection: Annual Federal Tax Revenue: Introduction Customs Efficiency Federal Tax Receipts – (Customs) Revenue collection: Annual Federal Tax Revenue: 72% Collected at Imports by Customs: $ 11. 83 Bil $ 8. 51 Bil (Custom duty, Sales Tax and Income Tax) Enforcement of other laws: In addition to the Customs Laws, 27 other laws are enforced by Customs. Log Out

Pre-Pa. CCS Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Log Out q q q Multiple windows Paper Pre-Pa. CCS Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Log Out q q q Multiple windows Paper environment Complex clearance procedures Clearance Speed Fragmented Customs Integrity Issues

Customs Reform Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform started by CBR in Feb 2002. With the Customs Reform Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform started by CBR in Feb 2002. With the following broad principals: q q q Log Out q q Completely Paperless Web enabled Online with all domestic stakeholders in the supply chain Online with all domestic regulatory authorities Advanced information of cargo, crew and passengers Risk management Pa. CCS to be home grown. Built by Customs for Customs

Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage Log Out Pa. CCS became operational on Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage Log Out Pa. CCS became operational on March 23, 2005 q Single window q Paperless virtual environment q Self assessment q Clearance Speed q Integrated Customs q Integrity

Pa. CCS Advantage Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform q Ø Just in time inventory Ø Pa. CCS Advantage Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform q Ø Just in time inventory Ø Reduced clearing agency charges Ø Reduced port charges (less examinations 4%, 2%) Ø No un receipted expense Ø Better cash flow for trade Pa. CCS Advantage Pa. CCS Components Log Out Reduces the cost of doing business q q High predictability and transparency Simplified procedures Designed for ISPS, CSI and IC 3 Built to best international practices (standardized)

PACCS Components Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage Pa. CCS Components PACCS comprises PACCS Components Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage Pa. CCS Components PACCS comprises of four essential components: q TARIP (Tariff & Integrated Policy) q INTRA (Integrated Regulatory Authorities) q ECHO (Enhanced Cargo Handling & Port Optimization) Log Out q ACCESS (Automated Customs Clearance System)

TARIP (Tariff & Integrated Policy) Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage q Path TARIP (Tariff & Integrated Policy) Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage q Path Pa. CCS Components TARIP is the complete picture of Pakistans regulations for import or export of cargo to & from the country: Ø The Import Tariff rates Ø Ø Ø Log Out q The Export drawback rates Details of Import & Export restrictions Details of exemptions Details of documentary requirements List of declaration requirements TARIP is online

INTRA (Integrated Regulatory Authorities) Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage Path Pa. CCS INTRA (Integrated Regulatory Authorities) Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage Path Pa. CCS Components Log Out q INTRA connects the regulatory authorities involved in imports, exports of cargo. Ø Ø Ø Government Ministries & Departments Central Board of Revenue and its wings All Customs Collectorates All Sales Tax Collectorates State and commercial banks

ECHO (Enhanced Cargo Handling & Port Optimization) Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage ECHO (Enhanced Cargo Handling & Port Optimization) Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage Path Pa. CCS Components eening Risk Log Out q q ECHO connects the carriers, Customs and Custodians ECHO provides the following advantages: Ø Ø Ø Ø One electronic document for the carriers Real time inventory and monitoring of ports No Customs staff at the gates (e-gates) Seamless, Transits and Transshipments No requirement by Customs for Export manifest customs Controls. Instant duty drawbacks with the sail of vessel

ACCe. Ss (Automated Customs Clearance System) Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage Path ACCe. Ss (Automated Customs Clearance System) Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage Path Pa. CCS Components Performance Log Out q ACCe. Ss covers the following Ø Carrier declaration Ø Ø Ø Goods declaration Payments Risk Management System Assessments Clearance and release Status Reporting Law Cell Adjudications Warehousing Licensing Transits and Transshipments

Performance Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage Path Pa. CCS Components Performance Lessons Performance Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage Path Pa. CCS Components Performance Lessons learnt Log Out q q q Total GDs cleared: Rev. Collected: Containers cleared: 90343 Rs. 30 Bil 222675 q Total Number of Online Users: 13700

Lessons learnt Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage Path Pa. CCS Components Performance Lessons learnt Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage Path Pa. CCS Components Performance Lessons Learnt Future q q q q Log Out Don’t reinvent the wheel Automation is more than putting a PC on each desk First decide the business process and then write the law Don’t change the team during the game Consult, Consult and Consult No one knows Customs more than Customs itself Adopt best practices

FUTURE Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage Path Pa. CCS Components Performance Lessons FUTURE Introduction Customs Efficiency Reform Pa. CCS Advantage Path Pa. CCS Components Performance Lessons Learnt Future Log Out q q q Roll out Integrated API & immigration G 2 G communication

User ID Thank you for using PACCS PIN LOGIN end-to-end Customs solution Take a User ID Thank you for using PACCS PIN LOGIN end-to-end Customs solution Take a tour of PACCS? Take a Tour Contact: Ashir Azeem (Pakistan Customs) Irfan Sarfraz (Pakistan Customs) Omar Shafiq (Pakistan Customs) Cancel ashirazeem@paccs. gov. pk irfansarfraz@paccs. gov. pk omar@paccs. gov. pk Website: www. paccs. gov. pk

PACCS Users by location Users Traders Agents Shipping Lines Customs formations • Warehousing • PACCS Users by location Users Traders Agents Shipping Lines Customs formations • Warehousing • Licensing • Quotas • Cargo receipt/dispatch Sales Tax formations Govt. ministries/ depts. Terminal authority Central Board of Rev • Tariff • Exemptions • Drawbacks Peshawar Rawalpindi Sialkot Lahore Faisalabad Quetta Internet Multan Port PACCS online Users Int User external Banks Karachi 3 28 1755 2 Sialkot 12 244 1 Fasialabad 11 225 1 Rawalpindi 16 Hyderabad Karachi 6296 Lahore Gawadar 143 174 1 Peshawar 14 168 0 Multan 12 106 1 89 1 Islamabad 33

Virtual Customs accessible over the web Peshawar Rawalpindi Sialkot Lahore Faisalabad Quetta PACCS Multan Virtual Customs accessible over the web Peshawar Rawalpindi Sialkot Lahore Faisalabad Quetta PACCS Multan Importers, Exporters, agents & banks using PACCS facilities Port external Banks Karachi 1755 2 Sialkot 244 1 Fasialabad 225 1 Rawalpindi 174 Gawadar 3 Lahore Hyderabad Karachi 6296 1 Peshawar 168 0 Multan 106 1

Introduction Dwell Time (Non Pa. CCS) Customs Efficiency Log Out 50% of cargo cleared Introduction Dwell Time (Non Pa. CCS) Customs Efficiency Log Out 50% of cargo cleared from the port 11 days after arrival in the country

Introduction Clearance Time (Non Pa. CCS) Customs Efficiency Log Out 50% of declarations completed Introduction Clearance Time (Non Pa. CCS) Customs Efficiency Log Out 50% of declarations completed by Customs 5 days after filing of declaration