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  • Количество слайдов: 12

USEPA Office of Research and Development Program Update GLRPPC Winter Meeting 2003 USEPA Office of Research and Development Program Update GLRPPC Winter Meeting 2003

An Organizational Guide to Pollution Prevention EPA/625/R-01/003 EPA/625/C-01/003 -A new approach, unlike previous assessment An Organizational Guide to Pollution Prevention EPA/625/R-01/003 EPA/625/C-01/003 -A new approach, unlike previous assessment manuals. -Contains the Virtual Companion, a CD ROM of supplemental information, reference documents, and web links.

An Organizational Guide to Pollution Prevention EPA/625/R-01/003 EPA/625/C-01/003 An Organizational Guide to Pollution Prevention EPA/625/R-01/003 EPA/625/C-01/003

Companion CD-ROM • Guide in *pdf format • Supporting P 2 information – – Companion CD-ROM • Guide in *pdf format • Supporting P 2 information – – – P 2 checklists Links to information on P 2 tools EMS information to support P 2 implementation Green Zia quality model information Other P 2 manuals Other sources of useful P 2 information

Workshop Series Pollution Prevention Tools and Approaches for Environmental Planning Workshop Series Pollution Prevention Tools and Approaches for Environmental Planning

Workshop Series • • One per Region 5 delivered: Regions 10, 9, 4, 8, Workshop Series • • One per Region 5 delivered: Regions 10, 9, 4, 8, 7 5 for 2003: Regions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 60 participants per workshop

Workshops in 2003 • • • Region 2, New York City, March 18 -20 Workshops in 2003 • • • Region 2, New York City, March 18 -20 Region 3, Philadelphia, May 20 -22 Region 5, Cincinnati, July 22 -24 Region 1, Boston, October 7 -9 Region 6, Dallas, November 4 -6

Registration on Technology Transfer Highlights Website http: //www. epa. gov/ttbnrmrl /p 2 workshops. htm Registration on Technology Transfer Highlights Website http: //www. epa. gov/ttbnrmrl /p 2 workshops. htm

Other projects underway • Cooperative Agreement with Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center • Cooperative Agreement Other projects underway • Cooperative Agreement with Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center • Cooperative Agreement with National Pollution Prevention Roundtable • Cooperative Agreement with Indiana AWMA • Multimedia CD-ROM of Workshop Training • Compendium of Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency

KPPC Cooperative Agreement • Buy Clean for Schools CD-ROM • PEER 2 (Partnership for KPPC Cooperative Agreement • Buy Clean for Schools CD-ROM • PEER 2 (Partnership for Effective Electronic Recyclng and Reuse Workshop and CD-ROM • EMS Train-the-Trainer Workshop in Cincinnati • Energy Assessements at POTWs Case Study • Metal Finishing EMS Alliance

Future projects • Multimedia CD-ROM of Workshop Training • Sector Pollution Prevention and EMS Future projects • Multimedia CD-ROM of Workshop Training • Sector Pollution Prevention and EMS Guides • Reference EMS and P 2 CD-ROM

Contact Emma Lou George USEPA 26 W. MLK Drive Cincinnati, OH 45268 -0001 513 Contact Emma Lou George USEPA 26 W. MLK Drive Cincinnati, OH 45268 -0001 513 -569 -7578 george. emmalou@epa. gov