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Use Form Examples Exercises Answer key Use Form Examples Exercises Answer key

USE Usa-se a voz passiva: Ø quando o sujeito não é a pessoa que USE Usa-se a voz passiva: Ø quando o sujeito não é a pessoa que praticou a acção; Pop singers are used as models by magazines. Ø quando estamos mais interessados na acção do que em quem a praticou. Fashion magazines are bought by young people. Para referirmos quem praticou a acção usamos by. Teenagers are influenced by magazines. (sujeito) (agente da passiva)

Não se utiliza by quando: não sabemos quem praticou a acção; na frase activa Não se utiliza by quando: não sabemos quem praticou a acção; na frase activa o sujeito é people, one, somebody, they; não estamos interessados em quem praticou a acção. Fashion magazines are sold all around the world. (não interessa por quem / quê)

FORM Active – Subject + Main Verb + Object + other words / expressions FORM Active – Subject + Main Verb + Object + other words / expressions Passive – Object + to be + Main Verb (in Past Participle) + by and Passive Agent + Other Words Perguntas com who / what / when Active voice Passive voice Who writes the hair care articles? Who are the hair care articles written by? What do reporters say about models? What is said about models by reporters? When do they take photos? When are photos taken?

Forma-se a voz passiva com: verbo auxiliar to be + verbo principal no particípio Forma-se a voz passiva com: verbo auxiliar to be + verbo principal no particípio passado. Magazines are written by adults. Para formar a interrogativa, inverte-se a posição do verbo auxiliar to be com a do sujeito. Are magazines written by adults? Para formar a negativa, acrescenta-se not (ou n’t) ao verbo auxiliar to be. Magazines aren’t written by teenagers.

EXAMPLES Active Passive Present Simple Someone cleans the room every day. The room is EXAMPLES Active Passive Present Simple Someone cleans the room every day. The room is cleaned every day. Past Simple She bought a new pair of shoes. A new pair of shoes was bought by her. Present Continuous We are receiving many e-mails. Many e-mails are being received by us. Past Continuous The burglar was robbing the purse. The purse was being robbed by the burglar.

Present Perfect They have postponed the concert. The concert has been postponed. Past Perfect Present Perfect They have postponed the concert. The concert has been postponed. Past Perfect She had cooked the vegetables for too long. The vegetables had been cooked for too long. “Going to” Future She is going to serve dinner. Dinner is going to be served. Modal verbs People should protect the environment. The environment should be protected. They will invent new machines in the future. New machines will be invented in the future. Everybody must obey rules. Rules must be obeyed.

EXERCISES A - Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. 1. They could hear EXERCISES A - Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. 1. They could hear the music at the party from far away. 2. They are going to make a decision in the next meeting. 3. The bill includes service. 4. People don’t use this road very often. 5. Somebody accused me of stealing the money. 6. They have built a new ring-road round the city. 7. I didn’t realise that someone was recording our conversation. 8. They have changed the date of the meeting. 9. Someone had attacked and robbed Brian in the street. 10. People should send their complaints to the head office.

11. They shouldn’t play football in such weather. 12. She was cleaning the room. 11. They shouldn’t play football in such weather. 12. She was cleaning the room. 13. Have they repaired the machine? 14. The police can’t find the missing boy anywhere. 15. They will cancel their trip to Finland. B - This time you have to make a passive sentence from the words in brackets. 1. That church looks very old. (When / it / built) 2. Was there any trouble with the demonstration? Yes. (about 20 people/ arrest) 3. Last night someone broke into my house. Really? (anything / take) 4. Is Margaret popular? Yes. ( she / like / by everybody)

ANSWER KEY A - Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. 1. The music ANSWER KEY A - Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. 1. The music at the party could be heard from far away. 2. A decision is going to be made in the next meeting. 3. Service is included in the bill. 4. This road isn’t used very often. 5. I was accused of stealing the money. 6. A new ring-road has been built round the city. 7. I didn’t realise that our conversation was being recorded. 8. The date of the meeting has been changed. 9. Brian had been attacked and robbed in the street. 10. The complaints should be sent to the head office.

11. Football shouldn’t be played in such weather. 12. The room was being cleaned 11. Football shouldn’t be played in such weather. 12. The room was being cleaned by her. 13. Has the machine been repaired? 14. The missing boy can’t be found anywhere by the police. 15. Their trip to Finland will be cancelled. B - This time you have to make a passive sentence from the words in brackets. 1. When was it built? 2. Yes. About 20 people were arrested 3. Really? Was anything taken? 4. Yes. She is liked by everybody.