USC Selection from English Language Press USC

- Размер: 1.8 Mегабайта
- Количество слайдов: 10
Описание презентации USC Selection from English Language Press USC по слайдам
USC Selection from English Language Press
USC Selection from Foreign Language Press Der Spiegel Hauser aus dem Drucker 2/29/08 Auftrags. Berater Roboter druckt Hauser 5/6/08 Click Sakhteman bedoon-e dekhalat-e dast 7/8/08 Inovacao Technologica «Contour Crafting» construir‡ casa de 600 m 2/28/07 Cronica Crean robot que fabrica casa en un d’a sin ayuda humana 3/19/08 Tendencias Cientificas Crean un robot que fabrica una casa en un d’a y sin intervenci—n humana 3/15/08 Future. Zone Roboter werden «Huslbauer» 3/13/08 Reformatorisch Robot op de bouwplaats 3/11/08 ISNA Enghelabi noveen dar sanate saakhteman 3/23/08 Morgenwelt Fertighaus dem Beton-Drucker 3/17/08 Byggnads Arbetaren Ny robot «skriver» hus 12/19/08 Globo. com Rob™ ˇ capaz de construir casa em um dia 11/4/08 The. Move. Channel. com Robots to build homes in 24 hrs from design 3/13/08 Shargh Ebtekaar-e yek iraani-e robot saaz 3/16/08 Thu Vien Viet Nam 5/15/08 Physics News Yek iraani ba fan Avari-e kh. Aneh h. Aye ch. Appi. . 3/5/08 Stedenbouw & Architectuur Construction by CC: Robots bouwen huizen 1/2/08 Several Korean papers Several Iranian papers Several Indian papers and papers from almost every country
USC Expressions of Interest and Support
USC Degussa Corporation Maxit Group CEMEX Elotex USGypsum Corporation Lafarge Povazska Cementaren (PCLA) Hi-Tech Environmental Products, LLC Bexel Internacional European Cement Research Academy (ECRA) German Concrete Research Academy (VDZ) Construction Materials
USC Construction • Tutor Saliba • Parsons Construction, Inc. • Bechtel • JF Shea Co. • Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Co. • Swinerton Builders • Boeing (Space Construction) • URBI Desarollos Urbanos • Grupo Coyserca • Habitat for Humanity • CICH Inc. • Eiatech Limited • Metro Construction Inc. • M. A. Mortenson Co. • Krump Construction, Inc. • MOST Construction Co. • PORR Aktiengesellschaft
USC GL Forms Gehry Technologies Cal. Earth R&Sie Architects (France) Bahaus (Germany) Davis Brody Bond, LLC Pei Cobb Freed & Partners More. Mas Greenberg. Farrow Architects Red. Pump Ltd proces 2 A&G Developments. Architecture
USC Other Industry • Equipment Siemens John Deere Caterpillar Parker Hannifin Shimizu (Mitsubishi Heavy Equipment) Pioneer Concrete Pumping • Real Estate Con. Am Management Corporation Lambert Smith Hampton Hellenic Balcanian Holdings SA Superior Real Estate, Inc.
USC Government Laboratories – NASA / JPL (supporting a current project on Lunar construction) – Office of Naval Research (past support of projects on fabrication of large free form structures & PZT actuators) – U. S. Army Const. Eng. Res. Lab. (will be supporting a scoping project for personnel buildings, barracks) – Air Force Research Laboratories (considering support for automated and rapid construction of group protection shelters)