- Количество слайдов: 10
US I n Major Topics & Themes of the Course n The expansion of liberty & reform
Age of Jackson (Ch. 7) n Democratic-Republican Party n n Age of the Common Man n n Modern day Democratic party Voting requirements have eased Jackson’s Legacy n n Spoils system Union is supreme – no nullification, no secession, Force Act (tariff collection) End of Indian Power – Removal Act, Trail of Tears SBUS – killed it (rich making $ without working)– pet banks (end up corrupt) 1830 s financial crisis makes US learn value of a National Bank
Reform Movement (Ch. 8) Abolition Mov’t n Women’s Mov’t n Religious Mov’t n Temperance Mov’t n Education Mov’t n
Manifest Destiny (Ch. 9) n n Western Trails Texas Revolution n n Settlement Strife over rules – slavery, religion Desire for autonomy – revolution, Alamo 1836, San Jacinto Republic of Texas Mexican-American War (Polk 1844) n n n US wants to purchase land from Mexico, annex TX Treaty of Guadelupe-Hidalgo –land!! See map page 296 5 years later Gadsden purchase
Antebellum Period (Ch. 10) n Debate over Slavery & State Rights n n n Republican Party – n n California Statehood debate Compromise of 1850 - Cali free, UT, NM – pop, slave trade banned in DC, Fugitive Slave Law Kansas Nebraska- pop. Sovereignty – negates Comp of 1820 HB Stowe, J. Brown, D. Scott Lincoln – “house divided cannot stand”, contain Douglass – pop. sovereignty Lincoln’s Election – minority of popular vote (not 50%) Secession – 12/20/1860 first?
Civil War (Ch. 11) n Fort Sumter to Appomattox Court House n n n Advantages? Industry, railroad, population, desire, military leaders, home field? Strategy? Get aid from Britain, Strangle economically Key Battles –Bull Run, Shiloh, Antietam, Gettysburg/Vicksburg, March to Sea Lincoln & Davis/Lee & Grant Emancipation Proclamation – what? when? Why? So what? Legacy of the War – Union Supreme, Total War, N & S Economies, Lincoln Shot n n n 13 th Amendment – free slaves 14 th Amendment – citizenship 15 th Amendment - vote
Reconstruction (Ch. 12) n Congressional Reconstruction n n Shortfalls – n n n Lincoln – “malice toward none” Freedman’s Bureau Civil Rights Act 1866 Amnesty Act Southern perception that rules were too harsh Inability to stop black codes, Jim Crow, KKK Political Fighting – within Republican, Congress v. Johnson- Tenure of Office Act Panic – lack of $ Legacy of Reconstruction n Groundwork for civil rights and Black Self-Reliance Infrastructure improvements Ongoing resentment
Populist Mov’t (13 -3) n Farmers’ Alliances n n The Grange – Kelley - laws to benefit Farmers Alliance – pool resources, methods to ensure better rates Gold V Silver Debate – more currency will raise prices and make loans easier to pay William Jennings Bryan – populist party – “Cross of Gold”- killing the US, graduated income tax, popular vote for Congress, 1 term president, secret ballot, 8 hour day
2 nd Industrial Revolution (Ch. 14) Inventions – Bessemer, electricity, etc. n Expansion of Railroads n n n Big Business n n workers Horizontal, vertical integration Labor Movement n AFL - Gompers– skilled workers
Gilded Age (Ch. 15) Social Darwinism – laissez-faire n Immigration n Urbanization n Political Machines n Reform in Gov’t – Pendleton Act, Sherman Anti-Trust Act n