Скачать презентацию УРАЛЬСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ СЛУЖБЫ Support of single-industry cities Скачать презентацию УРАЛЬСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ СЛУЖБЫ Support of single-industry cities


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Описание презентации УРАЛЬСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ СЛУЖБЫ Support of single-industry cities по слайдам

УРАЛЬСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ СЛУЖБЫ Support of single-industry cities in Russia: search of ways of improvement UstinovУРАЛЬСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ СЛУЖБЫ Support of single-industry cities in Russia: search of ways of improvement Ustinov Aleksandr

2 Structure of research Analysis of the periods of policy implementation  Analysis of the current2 Structure of research Analysis of the periods of policy implementation Analysis of the current experiencestages Study policy basics Outcome Possible areas of optimization of the domestic policy of supporting the development of single-industry cities were emphasized. Study of foreign supporting of monocities To reveal basic areas of optimization of the domestic policy of supporting the development of single-industry cities (monocities). Goal Subject of analysis. Object of analysis Monocities Supporting the development of monocities

3 Features and criteria of monocities City-forming enterprise and settlement is integral economic complex; they are3 Features and criteria of monocities City-forming enterprise and settlement is integral economic complex; they are connected by stable technological relations. Quanititative criteria – enterprise or several enterprises which conduct business within the bounds of a single technological process providing: The principal criteria City-forming functions dominate city-serving functions The economy of the settlement depends on the demand of external environment for the production of the city-forming enterprise Related criteria Monocity is a settlement (city), where population and enterprises can’t compensate the risks of the external economic environment using their own forces exclude the possibility of a stable development. 25% 50% more than 25% of employment of population… … Or also more than 50% of industrial production of the settlement.

4 Problem scale Monocities generally concern oldindustrial regions, hot metals sectors, heavy industry,  materials sector4 Problem scale Monocities generally concern oldindustrial regions, hot metals sectors, heavy industry, materials sector and forestry. 460 monocities* 40% RF population Volume of GDP 25% … single-industry cities add about 30% in different All-Russian indicators. * — estimates vary

5 Specific features of the monocities economy Considerable dependence on the town-forming enterprise, which defines: Single-industry5 Specific features of the monocities economy Considerable dependence on the town-forming enterprise, which defines: Single-industry cities have problems with a non-flexible structure of the economy, low effectiveness of the economy. Influence of the international cyclic-wave tendencies Dependence of the elements of the city system on the functioning of the town-forming enterprise Dependence of the population and small business income on town-forming enterprise — Specialization in production of commodities — Specialization on the low-added value products — Low diversity of the economy — Outdated and ineffective manufacture

6 Specific features of the social sphere of single-industry cities … considerable dependence on the city-forming6 Specific features of the social sphere of single-industry cities … considerable dependence on the city-forming sector which leads to such negative factors as: Single industry cities have problems because of inavailability of modern services and infrastructure Unfavourable demographic setting. Dependence of the social objects on the city-forming complex Underdevelopment of the service sector High level of mortality Impossibility of getting hight-quality education Essential ecological problems High level of drug addiction, alcoholism, social diseases Concentration of infrastructure around the enterprise

7 Specific features of modern policy of supporting monocities in Russia Ministry of Regional Development Local7 Specific features of modern policy of supporting monocities in Russia Ministry of Regional Development Local Strategic Plans. Federal Structure of RF subjects. Regional Initiatives Local. International None none Programs of regional Development by Regional Government CIPs *, megaprojects Shortage of resources A lot of resources * — complex investment plans Level Power entity measures resources

8 International experience of monocities development  Monocities in other countries Rhur Germany * Lion France.8 International experience of monocities development Monocities in other countries Rhur Germany * Lion France. Cardiff Bay Great Britain Toxtet Liverpool Detroit USA Success is connected with the creation of conditions for the economic development of settlements: transition to the new economic structure of the city Successful support was based on: Involvement in international projects ( INTERREG, INTERACT etc) Involvement a big business in monocities Unique approach to every settlement Any action was anticipated by the thorough activity planning Miyata Japan

9 Modern aim of the Russian single-industry cities development should become a transition to the new9 Modern aim of the Russian single-industry cities development should become a transition to the new economic structure Sustainable development of economy include transformation of Complex transformation Strategic aim № 4 Formation of ecological clean production and comfort condition of life. Strategic aim № 1 Formation of competitive sectors Strategic aim № 2 Formation of conditions of modern life Strategic aim № 3 Formation of comfort urban environment Old industrial Postindustrial. Education Low-technology High-technology Medicine Not improved and landscaped Improved and landscaped. Territory Resources are not concentrated Resources are concentrated Transformation

10 Need to form general conditions for supporting monocities Create conditions for transition to the new10 Need to form general conditions for supporting monocities Create conditions for transition to the new technological structure of single-industry cities Formation of public policy : Link the methodologies of planning at the local, regional levels with the federal strategic programs and standards. Development of the system of indicative planning Realization of big investment projects ( Sochi , World Cup 2018 etc. ) Creation of possibilities to control investment climate at local level Industrial policy Settling policy Development policy Regional economy policy

11 Complex transformation of monocities economy and infrastructure Saving a current specialization, positioning as a center11 Complex transformation of monocities economy and infrastructure Saving a current specialization, positioning as a center of unique service/production Development of transport infrastructure Support of the established specialization Support of big investment projects Assist to settlement replanning Abandon unrealistic project. Integration with nearest settlements Strategic plans of monocities should be realistic

12 Main sources 1. The impact of the economic downturn on local government: what is happening12 Main sources 1. The impact of the economic downturn on local government: what is happening and what can be done about it? // Report be OSI / LGI to the Council of Europe. 2. Regional Planning and Urban Governance in Europe and the USA // Urlan Wannop // The political econo 9 my of regionalism edited by Michael Keating and John Loughlin // Frank Cass London – Portland, or. Copyright C 1997 Frank Cass & Co . Ltd. 3. Mc. Kinsey Global Institute report “Urban World: Mapping the economic power of cities” by Richard Dobbs, Sven Smit, Jaanaa Remes, James Manyika, Charles Roxburgh, Alejandra Restrepo // report march 2011 4. Official site of Cardiff Bay // URL : http : // www. cardiffbay. co. uk / 5. Градоведение: Учеб. пособие. /Анимица Е. Г. , Власова Н. Ю. 2 -е изд. , перераб. и доп. – Екатеринбург: Изд-во Урал. гос. эконом. ун-та, 2006. – 417 с. 6. Official site of Europe Council // http: //www. coe. int/t/dg 4/cultureheritage/cemat/default_en. asp 7. Official site of Baltic Sea Council // URL : http: //www. cbss. org/ 8. Official site of Arctic council // URL : http: //www. arctic-council. org/ 9. Official site of URBACT program http: //urbact. eu/en/header-main/our-projects/ 10. Официальный сайт Европейской комиссии (по проблемам региональной политики) http: //ec. europa. eu/regional_policy/what/index_en. cfm

13 Thank for your attention 13 Thank for your attention

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