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Updating works on GHG emission research & extension from Paddy Rice in Vietnam Dr. Pham Quang Ha Speaker at 2017 Asia Sub-Group Meeting of the Paddy Rice Research Group Tsukuba, Sept. 2, 2017 1
Vietnam Action on NAMA/MRV (2013) and GHG reduction in Agriculture sectors Vietnamese Guide for NAMA’s Mard’s Program on GHG reduction 2
Some selective publications • • Quynh Duong Vu, Andreas de Neergaard, Toan Duc Tran, Quang Hoang, Proyuth Ly, Ti en Minh Tran, Lars Stoumann Jensen (2015) Manure, biogas digestate and crop residue management affects methane gas emissions from rice paddy fields on Vietnamese smallholder livestock farms, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. pp 1 -18, First online: 14 October 2015 Trinh, Mai Van, Tesfai, Mehreteab, Borrell, Andrew, Nagothu, Udaya Sekhar, Bui, Thi Phuong Loan, Quynh, Vu Duong and Thanh, Le Quoc (2016) Effect of organic, inorganic and slow-release urea fertilisers on CH 4 and N 2 O emissions from rice paddy fields. Paddy and Water Environment, 1 -14. doi: 10. 1007/s 10333 -016 -0551 -1 Bui Phuong Loan (2015). Sustainable paddy in Red river delta through recycling crop residues toward fertilizer usage and toward green-house gases emission reduction. Funded by ADB. Meryl Richards, Ruth Metzel, Ngonidzashe Chirinda, Proyuth Ly, George Nyamadzawo, Quynh Duong Vu, Andreas de Neergaard, Myles Oelofse, Eva Wollenberg, Emma Keller, Daniella Malin, Jørgen E. Olesen, Jonathan Hillier & Todd S. Rosenstock (2015). Limits of agricultural greenhouse gas calculators to predict soil N 2 O and CH 4 fluxes in tropical agriculture http: //www. readcube. com/articles/10. 1038/srep 26279 3
Vietnam’s Nationally Determinated Contribution (NDC) in Agriculture Options relative with rice production: Planning & Implementation of NAMA (2015) Low carbon technologies 4/15 Mitigations options • A 2. Re-Use agricultural Residue • A 3: AWD in rice cultivation in small and large scale • A 4: Biochar for Rice fields • A 5: Integrated crop management (ICM for Rice) 4
Production & Monitoring Guide for GHG measurement in paddy rice in Vietnamese (2016) Guide for Smart Rice Production in Vietnam (2015) 5
Learnt & learning Cases • MIRSA/Japan ( Rice Central Vietnam) • CLUES/ Australia ( Climate change Land uses/ Rice in MRD) • LCASP (Including mitigation and adaption in rice) • SRP (Sust. Rice Platform), UNEP and IRRI). 11 provinces • Enhancing Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) Readiness: Building Capacity in Integrated Food and Energy System in Vietnam (UNJP/VIE/054/UNJ) • Ag. Result GHG Emission Reduction pilot project in Red River Delta. Multi-donor (Push Mechanism)=> Prize payed when target obtained). RRD 6
Tool for extension: Verification in large scale? Modelling process Remote sensing • DNDC: Modelling, calibration and application • RIICE in Vietnam: Remote sensing-based Information and Insurance for Crop (WWW. RIICE. ORG) presents results of rice monitoring in Vietnam ( Yield forecast and product estimation at commune and district levels by radar satellite image processing) • Remote Sensing Data Collection Platform 7
Phuong Do et al. 2017 RIICE Project Remote sensing-based Information and Insurance for Crops Hà Nội, 26 May 2017 in Emerging economies By Do NGu
Objectives Rice production monitoring • • Estimation of yield & production Timely provide crop information to MARD. Information delivery to other partners and support crop insurance.
Specific tasks • • • Monitoring at commune level. Covering a large area (10 provinces). Daily weather data collection. Monthly crop cultivation progress information collection. Online reporting. Applications of cutting-edge technologies in surveying and monitoring rice information system. • Online Web. GIS. • Close connections with MARD, DARDs, Dep. Of Crop Production, Center for Informatics and Statistics, General Statistics Office.
PHASE – II 2015 - 2017 Scope, partners Duration: 5/2015 – 5/2017
Technologies ESA’s free radar imagery (Sentinel 1 A/B) IRRI’s yield model (ORYZA) GISCloud and Geo. Server web map services Radar satellite image processing system from Sarmap Pocket LAI measurement from Cassandra Open-sourced GIS software (QGIS)
Methodology 6/12 -day satellite image acquisition Time-series satellite image analysis Field surveys • Rice extent mapping • Yield, product estimation • Damage assessment Soil, weather, fertilizers, water, varieties, . . .
Sites 10 Province 120 District 2630 Commune Yield forecast, product estimation - Mid-season - End-season Total monitoring area: 860, 000 ha/1 season, accounting for 30% total national rice extent
Monitoring rice phenological status
Monitoring rice phenological status
Rice monitoring bulletin publication: 11 MRD - 20/5/2016 RRD - 13/6/2016 RRD - 22/8/2016 RRD - 17/9/2016 MRD - 30/9/2016 RRD - 15/11/2016 MRD - 30/11/2016 RRD - 05/01/2017 MRD - 08/03/2017 RRD - 20/05/2017
Rice monitoring database http: //webgis. riicevn. org/2016/05/webgis. html
Field survey database 45 Surveys 44, 000 Geo-tagged photos
Update project activities http: //www. riicevn. org
Project GIS database Basemaps Land use Area, yield sum Weather Rice monitoring mary Geo. Database
How to scaling up: An other story from Ag. Result Research and Innovation Ag. Results VIETNAM GHG EMISSIONS REDUCTION PILOT (2014 -2020) (www. Ag. Result. org) - Phase preparation (2014 -2016) - Phase test (2017 -2018) Phase scaling up (2018 -2020) 22
Ag. Results Pilot introduction 1. The Pilot was designed to identify novel approaches for: Reducing GHG emissions Increasing yields in rice cultivation The Pilot anticipates reaching up to 75, 000 farm households in RRD and reducing emissions by approximately 375, 000 t. CO 2 e (may result in cost savings of around 15 percent to SHFs due to lower input use). 2. The difference from other projects in Vietnam is the application of PULLmechanism (# PUSH-mechanism incentive) PUSH MECHANISM Support seeds, fertilizer, pesticide, training cost, money… for farmer/organization/enterprise who participate in the projects PULL MECHANISM Giving incentives for farmer/orgarnization/interprise base-on their results (reducing GHGs emission and increasing rice yield) after each crop and 23 whole process
The pilot in preparation phase (2015) Before pilot implementation, a field consultant has carried out by IAE with 5 categories as following: 1 Assess potential interest in Pilot participation 2 Gauge the national and local government pilot approval process 3 Select a province in the Red River Delta 4 Validate verification approaches ( sampling, modelling and remotesensing) 5 Validate prize values 24
Research team worked at the Dept. of Agricultural and Rural Development in Thái Bình province (2015). (With Mrs. Nguyễn Thị Nga– Vice director of DARD and Mrs Đoàn Hương Sơn – Vice head of Dept of Crop production; Mr. Nguyễn Xuân Thanh - Vice head of Dept of Crop Production and plant protection; Mr. Nguyễn Như Liên – Director of Agricultural Extension; Mr. Dương Văn Vĩnh – 25 Head of Agricultural Extension office in Kien Xuong district )
Vietnam GHG Emissions Reduction in Rice Production Pilot is now testing ! (since summer 2017) • The Ag. Results Vietnam GHG Emissions Reduction Pilot is a four-year, US $8 million pull mechanism that aims to develop, test, and scale up innovative technologies, tools, and approaches in land preparation and rice production stages to reduce GHG emissions and increase rice yield. • Focusing on the Thai Binh province in the Red River Delta, the pilot will provide results-based monetary incentives to a diverse pool of actors who successfully test and scale technologies that increase yields and reduce GHG emissions in rice production. 26
Vietnam GHG Emissions Reduction in Rice Production Pilot • The pilot will be conducted in two phases. Phase I, beginning in the Summer of 2017, consists of two growing seasons during which accepted organizations will test their technologies. • Phase II, which begins in Spring 2019, consists of four consecutive growing seasons during which organizations who have proven the viability of their Phase I technology will demonstrate their ability to scale that technology to the greatest number of smallholder farmers. • The pilot is managed by SNV Vietnam. 27
Structure of the Prizes 28
Fields implementations Test(Summer 2017) 30
Technologies Being Tested in Rice Production • # Fertilizer use • Rice Husk and Rice Straw residues Management • Water management • Tillage practices • Organic Management • Rice varieties (short duration) 32
Thank you very much 34