- Количество слайдов: 24
Finland • • 5. 3 million inhabitants Seventh biggest country in Europe 10 % water and 70 % forest Neighbours: Sweden, Norway and Russia • Official languages: Finnish (94 %) and Swedish • Religion: Lutheran (84 %), Greek Orthodox (about 1 %) • History: • 1155 Finland became part of the Swedish realm • 1809 Finland became an autonomous Grand Duchy under the Russian Emperor • 1917 Finland’s declaration of independence December 6 • 1995 Finland become a member of the EU • Head of state: President Tarja Halonen • Currency Euro € (2002) • Capital: Helsinki (564, 000 inhabitants)
Kajaani and Kainuu Region Kajaani • Founded in 1651 • Located in the province of Oulu, in the region of Kainuu • Population of 38, 000 • Peaceful but lively town • Short walking distances Kainuu Region • almost the size of Belgium • 87, 000 inhabitants in the whole region IVALO 625 km OULU KAJAANI 181 km HELSINKI 551 km
The Finnish Education System Doctoral degrees Licentiate degrees Masters degrees Bachelors degrees Age Work experience 3 years Bachelors degrees Universities 3 - 6 years Universities of Applied Sciences 3, 5 - 4 years Universities of Applied Sciences Upper secondary schools 3 years Vocational education and training 3 years 19 16 Basic education 9 years Whole age group 7 Preprimary education 6
Universities of Applied Sciences The Finnish higher education system consists of two complementary sectors: • Universities of Applied Sciences • Universities of applied sciences studies are a practical-oriented alternative to university education providing students with excellent professional skills - theoretical knowledge combined with career competence. The extent of degree studies is generally 210− 240 credits (ECTS), which means 3. 5 - 4 years of full time study. Structure of studies: • Basic Studies • Professional Studies • Free-choice Studies • Practical Training • Thesis
Kajaani University of Applied Sciences • Founded 1992, permanent status 1996 • Appr. 2000 students, 200 staff members • Turnover/year appr. 15 million € • Passed the quality control systems audit of all Finnish higher education establishments in 2007 • Four fields of education: Ø Ø School of of Health and Sports Business Tourism Engineering 8 bachelor level degree programmes in Finnish 3 bachelor level degree programme in English 4 master level degree programmes in Finnish
Degree Programmes and Study Places Bachelor of Health Care Study Places Degree Programme in Nursing • Nurse 30 2000 • Public Health Nurse 20 students Master of Health Care Degree Programme in Health Care Management 380 and Development or new study places Degree Programme in Clinical Nursing Expertise 10 each year Bachelor of Sports Studies Degree Programme in Sports and Leisure Management • Sports Instructor (instruction in English) 20 20 285 mature students each year
Degree Programmes and Study Places Bachelor of Engineering Degree Programme in Information Technology Degree Programme in Mechanical and Production Engineering Degree Programme in Construction Engineering Master of Engineering Degree Programme in Technology Competence Management 20 30 40 10
Degree Programmes and Study Places Bachelor of Business Administration Degree Programme in International Business (instruction in English) Degree Programme in Business Information Technology Master of Business Administration Degree Programme in Entrepreneurship and Business Competence (2010) Bachelor of Hospitality Management Degree Programme in Tourism (instruction in English) Master of Hospitality Management Degree Programme in Tourism Study Places 60 20 40 20 10
Degree Programmes Delivered in English Degree Programme in International Business Degree Title: Bachelor of Business Administration Degree Programme in Tourism Degree Title: Bachelor of Hospitality Management Degree Programme in Sports and Leisure Management Degree Title: Sports Instructor Extent of Studies: 210 credits, 3. 5 academic years Application period from middle of January until middle of February yearly at www. admissions. fi
Kajaani University of Applied Sciences
Department of Training Services Develops clients’ skills and maintains their proficiency by organizing high-quality and versatile training: • • • PD (Professional Development) training Professional studies Employment training Open studies Other supplementary training in the form of theme seminars • Personnel training In the fields of business, tourism, health and sports and engineering As clients, private companies, public sector organizations and private individuals
Department of Research and Development R&D is one of the basic functions of Kajaani UAS and its activity is based on the needs of working life R&D activity supports working life and regional development, and serves education in all fields at Kajaani UAS Functions are focused on developing the products and processes of enterprises and other organisations in the Kainuu region The objective is to convey technology, knowledge and know-how in the region Kajaani UAS carries out around 25 – 30 projects per year with an annual budget of ca. 3 million €
Fields of Interests in R&D Business Development and Tourism • Developing territorial strategies & future scenarios for SMEs and tourism business • Creating territorial valorization policies and tools for nature and heritage tourism • Game and Simulation Business e. Health in Developing Health Service Processes and Delivery of Health Services in Rural Areas • e. Health services for supporting the elderly towards better self-care and independent daily management • Developing e. Doctor and e. Nurse consultations • e. Health as a source of business opportunities for SMEs Engineering • Vehicle Information Systems • Mining Industry Earlier expertise • Several implemented EU financed projects in the fields of Business Development, Tourism, Health Services, Measuring Technology (specialized in embedded systems in demanding conditions). • Since 2002 KUAS has participated in implementing appr. 70 projects in the above mentioned fields, nine of them have been international EU-projects
Internationality at Kajaani UAS - Studying or practical training abroad, over 70 partners (30 countries) abroad English taught programmes and courses taught in English Double degree possibility for business and tourism students International projects and study trips (e. g. Russia, Central Europe) Possibility of becoming a tutoring student for international students Teacher and staff exchange International Affairs Planning Coordinators International affairs International Coordinator in each School Teaching + international affairs
Incoming Exchange Students - - Application material: www. kajak. fi English International Accommodation: • rent about € 230 /month (includes water + electricity) • Internet from € 33 /month Cost of living: € 500 -600 /month Academic year: • Autumn semester: end of August – Christmas, application deadline 31 st of May • Spring semester: early January – end of May, application deadline 31 st of October
Kajaani University of Applied Sciences All services in the campus area - Up-to-date computer facilities Library (about 30 % comprises foreign language material) Study Office Recruitment Services Student Restaurant and Cafés Student Health Centre Vital Student Union KAMO Free use of gym, sports hall
Kajaani Summer Time
Kajaani Winter Time
Kajaani University of Applied Sciences Campus area The campus area is located within walking distance of the town centre
Kajaani University of Applied Sciences Student Accommodation on Campus Student accommodation is shared with 3 -4 students in one apartment
Student Restaurant, Library, Studying
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