- Количество слайдов: 16
Update on the Faculty Activity Repository Project Report to FAR Advisory Group March 19, 2008 1
Objectives o o Facilitate data-driven decision-making for department heads, deans and senior administrators Improve timeliness, accuracy and consistency of internal and external reporting, including assessment activities Provide a centralized online repository for faculty to collect information about activities and accomplishments; to use for CV / resume, program planning, and other academic planning reports First goal – to meet needs of upcoming SACS reaffirmation 2
Authoritative Data Sources OFA/IR Human Curriculum Registrar Resources Systems In-House OFA/IR School/College FAR Systems Digital Measures Faculty Activity & Reporting Assessment Reporting Faculty CVs Faculty Phase I-Populating FAAR Current II-Institutional FAR Validating Authoritative Data Phase Situation SACS Reaffirmation Assessment Reporting Grad School Budget OVPR Assessment Institutional SACS Reports Reaffirmation Reports College Reports Departmental Reports Faculty Member Reports 3
Assessment--Dashboard Existing Processes Existing Needs 5 -Year Program Planning Undergrad Major Assessment Graduate Program Assessment Decision Making FAR Unit Assessment Dashboard Program Review Resource allocation Program management Strategic planning Personnel evaluation Reporting Faculty Activity Unit Data (link to OIR/FACTS) Annual reports Assessment reports Program review reports Accreditation reports 4
Major Milestones To Date o o o Reviewed and made changes to the generic DM product to fit UGA Met with constituents to better understand Public Service & Outreach, courses offered, budget, contracts & grants, and some HR data Designing screens for outcomes assessment Reaffirmed need to start small, expand in phases Reviewed one test set of data; made some modifications 5
Major Milestones to Date, continued o Website in place (and will grow) n o o o http: //www. far. uga. edu Reference Manual developed (also accessed from FAR website) Email goes to far@uga. edu Second data load ready for Beta Testing 6
Next Milestones o o o Complete beta testing (3/28/08) Determine if we are ready to release to all faculty (4/1/08) Publicize rollout through Advisory Group (4/08) Rollout 1 (if ready, 4/29/08) Work on assessment screens and other areas of faculty activity (summer 2008) 7
Beta Testing o o o Have identified about 20 faculty members who will serve as beta testers Advisory Group is second set of beta testers Beta test comments and reactions will weigh heavily into if system will be released to all faculty in April 8
Brief demo of UGA’s FAR o http: //www. far. uga. edu OR o http: //www. digitalmeasures. com/login/uga/faculty 9
Questions? Break For Those Who Need to Leave 11
More Detail http: //www. far. uga. edu OR o http: //www. digitalmeasures. com/login/uga/faculty o o Sections with prefilled data, others for entry, others to be prefilled in future o Reports available 12
So again, Requesting Your Help Over the next week, review the system from two perspectives: administrator and faculty o o Verify that all faculty for your unit are included Review and enter your individual information for 2007 Email far@uga. edu or call Karen with comments by 3/28 Review reference manual if you wish 13
Requesting your suggestions for name 2. Suggest possible name for system. Some possibilities: n n n Faculty Activity Repository [FAR] or [UGAFAR] Faculty Activities Institutional Repository [FAIR] Faculty Activities & Outcomes Repository [FAct. OR] Faculty Activities Repository for Assessing Outcomes [FARAO] Others? ? ? 14
Feedback Form o o Available on the FAR website if you would prefer to complete as opposed to talking with Karen. http: //www. far. uga. edu 15
FAR Working Group o Shweta Dalmia - EITS o o Sharon Burch - EITS o o Rehan Khan - EITS o o Mel Crask - Terry o o Mark Dawkins - Terry o o Sandi Glass - Education o Jerry Ne. Smith - OVPR o o o Bob Scott - OVPR Christine Miller – A&S Brian Watson - CAES Sue Achtemeier –Inst. Effect. Allan Aycock – Inst. Effect. David Jordan – Inst. Effect. Maurice Saavedra - IHE Karen Webber - IHE 16