- Количество слайдов: 8
Update on HBD @ SB The Stony Brook Crew 1
QE Reproducible in Addn’l Test n n n Excellent QE again (basically identical). Era of good QE production as the principal concern still over. Working focus is maintaining QE after production. 2
Coping with Glove Box Costs n n n Initial Glove Box Quotes too high. Change to purged air-lock. Adapt Protocol for smaller box. l Change 1: n n l Change 2: n n n GEMS Vacuum after testing. After enough good GEMs made, retask the glove box to installation. Laminar hood for GEM Evap Box Removes this task from Glove Box. New bids match $53 k quote on smaller/purged air-lock box. 3
$$$ redux. n Craig Woody & Co. have redesigned transparency monitor saving costs (see Craig’s talk). l l n Overall reconsideration of costs in MRI l l n Socoro placing order with sole source letter. Advice: Stress compatibility and interchangeable parts with existing spectrometer, Should allow $53 k box to be purchased within existing funds. Still we’ll live lean after purchase. New Bid process was out the door Tuesday this week. 4
INFN Glove Box (failsafe plan) n n Failsafe only (hopefully don’t need). The gloves are home made design. l Suggestion from local company: “If you buy our smallest diameter 36” long glove and cut it to 20” long, to fit mounts you have. ” n Leak tests (Vlad) show that the leaks are primarily bad design: l l l n Threads on most all bolts leak. One bolt missing (leaks like wind). Possible to seal with Vacuum grease? Not the favorite option: l l l Could be sealed. No air-lock. Mechanical changes to swap gloves. 5
Laminar Table Installed Tested and works! n Moved from “Room 7” to tent. n Just big enough for Evap Box. n Dramatically increased dexterity for handling GEMs prior to Cs. I deposition. n Costs for new filters slightly below our estimates in new budget (~80% of estimate). n 6
Vacuum Storage Box New flanges for ends made. n Came in at estimated cost. n Still needs flange for turbo. n We’ll get pump (free) in a couple of weeks when Pietralla no longer needs one of the multiple beam lines he’s using. n 7
Local Miscellany n Procedures: l n Updated, well understood. GEM plate for Evap Box: Design finished l In the shop (CNC). l Lift table for handling Evap Box. n SB Railroad (concept done). n Bids resubmitted (WILL fit). n 8