Update on CEAL RDA Review CEAL 2007 Annual Shi Deng, UC San Diego sdeng@ucsd. edu CEAL CTP Meeting March 21, 2007
RDA: Resource Description and Acess Ø A new standard for resource description and access that will replace AACR 2 Ø Designed for the digital environment URL for RDA drafts and more details: http: //www. collectionscanada. ca/jsc/rda. html
What has been accomplished: RDA Drafts Reviewed Before 2006 CEAL Annual: Part I, Description. Chapters 1 -6. Ø LC’s proposal on RDA Part I Internationalization. CEAL comments available at CTP web site: http: //cealctp. lib. uci. edu/) Ø Between 2006 and 2007 CEAL Annual: Part A, Description. Chapters 6 -7 on Relationships. Ø Revised LC’s proposal on RDA Part I Internationalization. Ø Scope and Structure. Comments were not solicited. Ø
What is on the horizon: Forthcoming RDA Drafts review timeline Ø March-June 2007: Review of revised chapter 3 on Carrier in Part A Ø July-September 2007: Review of revised chapter 6 -7 in Part A Ø December 2007 -March 2008: Review of Part B, Access Ø July-September 2008: Review of complete full draft of RDA Ø 2009: Release of RDA
How you can get involved Ø Subscribe RDA-L listserv or read discussion archives at: http: //www. collectionscanada. ca/jsc/rdadiscuss. h tml Ø Review RDA drafts and send comments: l Send to CEAL RDA Review Subcommittee via sdeng@ucsd. edu , OR l Use the web form at http: //www. libraries. psu. edu/tas/jca/ccda/ or http: //www. ala. org/alcts.
Instruction on sending comments 1. 2. 3. 4. Rule number for the rule upon which you are commenting; A brief statement of the problem; Your proposed solution(s) to the problem; Your name and email address.
CEAL RDA Review Subcommittee Members: Ai-lin Yang (Stanford) Chwang Chia Yang (LC) Daphne Wang (U. Oregon) Dawn Lawson (NYU) Edwin Yu (CJKat) Evelyn Kuo (UC Berkeley) Iping K. Wei (Princeton) Jai-hsya Tsao (U. Chicago) Joy Kim (USC) Wen-Ling D. Liu (Indiana) Nanako Kodaira (Duke) Shi Deng (UCSD, Coordinator) Thomas Tsai (LC) Wayne Richter (W. Washington) Young-ki Lee (LC) Advisors: Abraham J. Yu (UC Irvine, CEAL past president) Beatrice Chang Ohta (LC) Hideyuki Morimoto (Columbia, Chair, ALA/CC: AAM RDA Task Force) Philip A Melzer (LC, CEAL president) Sarah S. Elman (Yale, ALA/CC: AAM RDA Task Force) Ex-Officio Mary Lin (Wisconsin-Madison, Chair, CTP) Comments Consolidation Dawn Lawson Nanako Kodaira Shi Deng
Please join the shared effort in CEAL Review of RDA Drafts Suggestions/Comments? Send to sdeng@ucsd. edu Thank You!