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Update on CEAL RDA Review CEAL 2007 Annual Shi Deng, UC San Diego sdeng@ucsd. Update on CEAL RDA Review CEAL 2007 Annual Shi Deng, UC San Diego sdeng@ucsd. edu CEAL CTP Meeting March 21, 2007

RDA: Resource Description and Acess Ø A new standard for resource description and access RDA: Resource Description and Acess Ø A new standard for resource description and access that will replace AACR 2 Ø Designed for the digital environment URL for RDA drafts and more details: http: //www. collectionscanada. ca/jsc/rda. html

What has been accomplished: RDA Drafts Reviewed Before 2006 CEAL Annual: Part I, Description. What has been accomplished: RDA Drafts Reviewed Before 2006 CEAL Annual: Part I, Description. Chapters 1 -6. Ø LC’s proposal on RDA Part I Internationalization. CEAL comments available at CTP web site: http: //cealctp. lib. uci. edu/) Ø Between 2006 and 2007 CEAL Annual: Part A, Description. Chapters 6 -7 on Relationships. Ø Revised LC’s proposal on RDA Part I Internationalization. Ø Scope and Structure. Comments were not solicited. Ø

What is on the horizon: Forthcoming RDA Drafts review timeline Ø March-June 2007: Review What is on the horizon: Forthcoming RDA Drafts review timeline Ø March-June 2007: Review of revised chapter 3 on Carrier in Part A Ø July-September 2007: Review of revised chapter 6 -7 in Part A Ø December 2007 -March 2008: Review of Part B, Access Ø July-September 2008: Review of complete full draft of RDA Ø 2009: Release of RDA

How you can get involved Ø Subscribe RDA-L listserv or read discussion archives at: How you can get involved Ø Subscribe RDA-L listserv or read discussion archives at: http: //www. collectionscanada. ca/jsc/rdadiscuss. h tml Ø Review RDA drafts and send comments: l Send to CEAL RDA Review Subcommittee via sdeng@ucsd. edu , OR l Use the web form at http: //www. libraries. psu. edu/tas/jca/ccda/ or http: //www. ala. org/alcts.

Instruction on sending comments 1. 2. 3. 4. Rule number for the rule upon Instruction on sending comments 1. 2. 3. 4. Rule number for the rule upon which you are commenting; A brief statement of the problem; Your proposed solution(s) to the problem; Your name and email address.

CEAL RDA Review Subcommittee Members: Ai-lin Yang (Stanford) Chwang Chia Yang (LC) Daphne Wang CEAL RDA Review Subcommittee Members: Ai-lin Yang (Stanford) Chwang Chia Yang (LC) Daphne Wang (U. Oregon) Dawn Lawson (NYU) Edwin Yu (CJKat) Evelyn Kuo (UC Berkeley) Iping K. Wei (Princeton) Jai-hsya Tsao (U. Chicago) Joy Kim (USC) Wen-Ling D. Liu (Indiana) Nanako Kodaira (Duke) Shi Deng (UCSD, Coordinator) Thomas Tsai (LC) Wayne Richter (W. Washington) Young-ki Lee (LC) Advisors: Abraham J. Yu (UC Irvine, CEAL past president) Beatrice Chang Ohta (LC) Hideyuki Morimoto (Columbia, Chair, ALA/CC: AAM RDA Task Force) Philip A Melzer (LC, CEAL president) Sarah S. Elman (Yale, ALA/CC: AAM RDA Task Force) Ex-Officio Mary Lin (Wisconsin-Madison, Chair, CTP) Comments Consolidation Dawn Lawson Nanako Kodaira Shi Deng

Please join the shared effort in CEAL Review of RDA Drafts Suggestions/Comments? Send to Please join the shared effort in CEAL Review of RDA Drafts Suggestions/Comments? Send to sdeng@ucsd. edu Thank You!