- Количество слайдов: 66
Unwrapping Your
1. Krishna becomes active
2. Reservation in Spiritual World - Goloka
That Supreme Abode of Mine is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by electricity. Those who reach it never return to this material world. ” Gita 15/6
3. Receive at least one supernatural spiritual gift
Brahma Samhita I adore the Primeval Lord Govinda from Whom the separated subjective portion Brahma receives his power for the regulation of the mundane world, just as the Supreme manifests some portion of His own light in all effulgent gems.
1. My gifts show Krishna's plan for my life. 2. My gifts show my self worth. They are the basis for self esteem. 3. My gifts are the key to fulfillment in life
If you're gifted in organizing then Krishna wants you to be an organizer. X Teaching. Music, Reaching others
Not to copy other people's spiritual gifts. Temptation of new devotees. Krishna doesn't want you to copy anybody else. He knows the gift that is best for you. That's why He chooses it.
Have you noticed that even though we believe the same, devotees still disagree about a lot? Why? Giftedness. See things differently. If you're gifted in PREACHING all you can think about is reaching non devotees for Krishna. Another person says, we need to help the devotees we've got to grow. That's TEACHING.
Have you ever read a saint’s biography and felt guilty? How come I can't chant for 23 hours daily like Haridas Thakur? He has the gift of being namacharya, that's why. How come everybody this guy talks to accepts Krishna? He's got the gift of preaching. Don't project your gift onto others. And don't let other people project their gift onto you. It's all important.
Christian History
Split in Early Church • Peter, James and the original followers who met Jesus remained exclusively Jerusalem Jews and believed in following the laws for salvation, not the atonement or divinity of Jesus. Never called themselves “Christians. ” - Nazarenes (The Way). • Paul, the self-proclaimed Apostle to the Gentiles founded the kernels of many tenets and dogmas of modern Christian theology. The origins of Christianity as we know it came, not from Jesus, but from Paul. The original followers rejected Paul to the end of their days. • .
If each of seven spiritual gifts were represented in a family and somebody dropped the desert on the floor at the dinner table here's what each person would say according to their giftedness:
1. Mercy: "Don't feel bad, it could have happened to anybody!" 2. Preaching: "That's what happens when you're not careful!" 3. Serving: "Let me help you clean it up!" 4. Teaching: "The reason it fell is because it was too heavy on one side. " 5. Exhortation: "Next time let's serve the desert with the meal!" 6. Giving: "I'll be happy to buy you a new desert. " 7. Administration: "Jim, would you get the mop? Sue, pick it up. Mary, help me fix another desert. "
Tripurari We all wanted to be like Tripurari
2. Gifts Show Your Worth Everybody is needed, every gift is needed. If you don’t use it, you are cheated. Other devotees are cheated.
Krishna designed you to make a unique contribution. Without you the picture isn't complete. It shows that you're worthy, that you're valuable, you're needed.
3. Key to Fulfillment Krishna wants us to feel the thrill of being used by Him. Real Joy comes from productivity.
Svavasa “I love my life. ”
Finding your niche compensates for a lot of sins. Api cet sudaracharo. .
“Even if you are considered to be the most sinful of all sinners, when you are situated in the boat of transcendental knowledge you will be able to cross over the ocean of miseries. As a blazing fire turns firewood to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the fire of self knowledge burn to ashes all reactions to material activities. ” Gita 4/37
Gopis feel more pleasure than Krishna
• Discover them • Develop them • Use them
1. Discover • If you don’t want to know your gift, question whether you are a true devotee. • Krishna wants you to know it. More than you do. Not trying to hide it. • Busy Signal.
• If you’ve never gotten involved, you never discovered. • If so, look back & reflect on what you’ve enjoyed • What got results, impacted most people?
Cleaning, growing, worshipping, counseling, preaching, teaching, managing, financing, cooking, building, festivals, networking, web site design, book distribution, acting, sewing, must be 100 different services. One of them will feel like your niche. It will be enjoyable.
2. Develop • A lot of you know the gift, neglecting it "I'm too busy" or "I've got the wrong priorities" or "Maybe I'm just lazy". Maybe it's the fear of failure or embarrassment. • Sometimes involvement in GOOD things will keep you from the thrill of the BEST thing.
Because you’re gifted, doesn’t mean it’s easy. Preparing these lectures week after week. Counseling or caring for people who are hurting. Organizing events.
3. Use Them Symphony
Krishna's plan is that some people set up, some people organize, some people make artistic signs, some people do music, some people teach, some people work with kids, some people know how to raise the money financially, some people put it all together. Everybody's important. It takes everybody.
Nobody applauds them. What gives them the motivation? They're gifted to do it! When you're gifted to do something and you do it, it is pleasurable! And satisfying and fulfilling! That's the way Krishna meant for it to be.
Alanath’s Garden
• One man superstar show. • Equip all for ministry. • Leader feed with inspiration. • Leader cannot feed others if he/she is starving •
Ultimate Question “What did you do with the gifts I gave you? ”
• Krishna is not going to hold you accountable for gifts He didn't give you. • But He is going to hold you accountable for gifts He did give you. The Gita says, “One who acts in devotional service, renouncing the fruits of his actions, & whose doubts have been destroyed by knowledge, is situated factually in the self. Thus he is not bound by the reactions of work. ”
• Krishna has made an investment in you and it is a sin to waste it. Don’t fear death. Fear a wasted life. • Krishna has shaped you for significance. And the first of that shape -- S -- is spiritual gifts. What are you going to do about it?
Only Krishna knows what kind of spiritual explosion could happen in our temple if everybody discovered, developed and used their gift. Only Krishna knows the excitement and the thrill and the fulfillment and satisfaction you could experience in your life. I see the faces in front of me & I see so much potential for doing Krishna’s work & enriching the world. I pray that today you catch the vision of discovering, developing and using your spiritual gifts.