Скачать презентацию Unusual Homes Highlight 6 th Grade Ilanit Скачать презентацию Unusual Homes Highlight 6 th Grade Ilanit


  • Количество слайдов: 9

Unusual Homes Highlight – 6 th Grade Ilanit Ezra Unusual Homes Highlight – 6 th Grade Ilanit Ezra

Unusual is: strange odd different extraordinary abnormal unique special Unusual is: strange odd different extraordinary abnormal unique special

Pre reading: Copy the chart in your notebooks: Name Country Kind of house Extra Pre reading: Copy the chart in your notebooks: Name Country Kind of house Extra information Now we will read three texts about unusual homes:

Examples of unusual homes: A slideshow of unusual homes Examples of unusual homes: A slideshow of unusual homes

Highlight – Book: pages 20 -21 Bernard and his family live on a boat Highlight – Book: pages 20 -21 Bernard and his family live on a boat on the River Seine in France. There is a cabin on the boat. The cabin is just like a house. It has windows, a kitchen, bathroom and two small bedrooms. The family eats and sleeps there. Bernard and his family like to sit outside in the sun. Bernard goes to school away from home but he is always happy to come to his family and life on the river.

Lorna is English. She lives in England in a house under the ground. The Lorna is English. She lives in England in a house under the ground. The house is inside a hill. There is a wall at the front with very small windows and a door. The roof is a grass field. Sometimes sheep come to eat the grass on the roof. Light comes in thorough plastic windows on the roof. Lorna’s house is good for all seasons, It is warm in winter and cool in summer because it is under the ground. Lorna’s dad built the house under the ground to save energy.

Shota lives in a small village in Japan. His father made their house from Shota lives in a small village in Japan. His father made their house from wood and paper. Wood is very cheap in Japan because there are forests with many tall trees. Shota’s father used paper to make the walls and doors inside the house. Many people don’t wear shoes in Japanese's houses. There are mats on the floor and Shota and his family sit on them during the day and sleep on them at night. Shota has a lovely garden around his house. The Japanese people love gardens and have beautiful trees and flowers in them.

Class activity: 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose one of the unusual houses you read Class activity: 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose one of the unusual houses you read about. Fill in the chart according to your group. Send your answers to the class forum. Using the forum write your opinion about one of your friend’s answers.

Using Google, find a picture of an unusual house and answer the following questions: Using Google, find a picture of an unusual house and answer the following questions: 1. Why do you think it is unusual? 2. Would you like to live in this house? Why? 3. Why do you people choose to live in unusual houses? Add the pictures to the forum and each pupil writes a feedback to one picture.