Unnecessary inventions.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 13
Unnecessary inventions Completed by: Rakhimbaev Ernur
1. The 10 -in-1 Gardening Tool is the very essence of chindogu itself. Whilst clearly a good idea, and useful in a strange kind of way, it is entirely impractical, unusable and quite bonkers. - See more at: http: //www. weirdworm. com/10 bizarre-japaneseinventions/#sthash. ay. IEEot 6. dpuf
2. Personal Rain Saver If you are worried that the world as we know it could come crashing down on our heads at any time, you might want to get your hands on one of these handy rain saving devices. Essentially an upside-down umberella, it collects water in an easy to carry tank. With the price of bottled water going through the roof and utility bills on the rise this could prove to be very useful, if you could bare the embarrassment that is - See more at: http: //www. weirdworm. com/10 bizarre-japaneseinventions/#sthash. ay. IEEot 6. dpuf
3. Subway. Sleepers#sthash. ay. IEEot 6. dpuf The idea of a device that will allow you to sleep on the subway has become somewhat of a national obsession for the Japanese, with various inventors working on different ways to perfect the idea. The biggest problem facing anyone who falls asleep on the subway is, of course, missing his or her stop. For this reason, most subway sleepers are now designed with a message board attached, so that other passengers will know when to wake you. However, you have to ask yourself if relying on the kindness of strangers is really such a good idea. - See more at: http: //www. weirdworm. com/10 bizarre-japaneseinventions/#sthash. ay. IEEot 6. dpuf
4. Butter. Stick#sthash. ay. IEEot 6. dpuf Butter in a stick. Brilliant! Unlike most chindogu creations this one has a very clear and practical purpose. It will not only help to keep your butter fresh but will also make it easier to serve, eliminating the need for butter knives. - See more at: http: //www. weirdworm. com/10 bizarre-japaneseinventions/#sthash. ay. IEEot 6. dpuf
5. Duster Slippers Robotic vacuum cleaners are all the rage at the moment. But who wants to spend all that money on a robot shaped like a cat bowl when you could have your cat or your baby do the cleaning for you instead. Attaching dusters to you cat’s feet seems like a good idea, but you have to ask yourself how much dusting a cat would really get done in a day. Surely it would just dust the same chair over and over again. - See more at: http: //www. weirdworm. com/10 bizarre-japaneseinventions/#sthash. ay. IEEot 6. dpuf
6. The Umbrella Tie As a rain swept island nation, the Japanese are almost as obsessed with the weather as the British. It’s no wonder then that they have invented so many different types of umbrella. From shoe umbrellas to umbrella hats, they’ve done it all. My favorite is this umbrella tie; it’s dual function convenience means that you will no longer have to worry about leaving your umbrella on the bus. Although as a fashion statement it does leave something to be desired. - See more at: http: //www. weirdworm. com/10 bizarre-japaneseinventions/2/#sthash. vr 5 f. V 60 k. dpuf
7. Boyfriend and Girlfriend Pillows Do you miss your boyfriend or girlfriend? Do you wish you had one? Having trouble sleeping by yourself? Then why not buy a cuddly quarter of a person to snuggle up to at night. A half torso with arm is available for the girls. For the boys, a soft lap to fall asleep on. - See more at: http: //www. weirdworm. com/10 bizarre-japaneseinventions/2/#sthash. vr 5 f. V 60 k. dpuf
The Urinal Elephant That’s right, this elephant cleans urinals. All you have to do is push it up against the urinal and it will get to work cleaning out all those stray pubic hairs, leaving your urinal sparkling and minty fresh. The problem is that it’s just so big. Whilst cleaners will be glad of the labour the elephant saves them, businesses will struggle to find a place to store it. - See more at: http: //www. weirdworm. com/10 bizarre-japaneseinventions/2/#sthash. vr 5 f. V 60 k. dpuf
Sex Chewing Gum Those crazy guys really do think of everything. They’ve even invented a brand of chewing gum that will increase a man’s sexual performance. It contains ‘plant testosterone’ to make your wood harder. There is also a female verson of the product which promises to make women more attractive. B 2 Up Bust Up Gum will give your boobs a natural lift if chewed three times a day. Bored secretaries will love it. - See more at: http: //www. weirdworm. com/10 bizarre-japaneseinventions/2/#sthash. vr 5 f. V 60 k. dpuf
Eyedrop funnels There eye drop funnel glasses have to be the most pointless invention to ever come out of Japan. If you can’t aim an eye dropper directly into your eyes then you probably don’t deserve to have eyes in the first place. Perhaps a device that would keep you from blinking would be more useful. - See more at: http: //www. weirdworm. com/10 bizarre-japaneseinventions/2/#sthash. vr 5 f. V 60 k. dpuf
Unnecessary inventions.pptx