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University of Virginia T&P Committee Meeting Thursday, September 25, 2008
Agenda for the Year Meeting Dates, Times, and Location P&T Updates Adjourn
Agenda for the Year Sustainability and Alternative Transportation Transition to Consistent Parking Management at UVA properties Constituency specific concerns - students, employee council, faculty senate Communication/survey/outreach Budget Meetings - December/January Tour Joint Meeting with Safety and Security Suggestions from Membership Yoke San Reynolds to attend December meeting
Meeting Dates, Times, and Location All meetings will be held at 2 pm in the Emmet House, Lower Level Conference Room Meeting Dates : 10/21 11/18 12/16 1/20 2/17 3/17 4/21
P&T Updates Cav. Pool http: //www. virginia. edu/parking/TDM/CAVPOOL/index. html Route Changes http: //www. virginia. edu/parking/uts/routes/index. html UVa’s Sustainability Report Card http: //www. dailyprogress. com/cdp/news/local/education/article/uva_takes_top_marks_in_state_on_en vironment/28217/ Center For Survey Research Results Whitehead Road Construction Door at the east tower of the Emmet/Ivy Garage is open 6 AM to 8 PM Nesting is complete to ensure that students are parking in the upper levels of Emmet/Ivy Garage