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UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA Presentation to the Portfolio Committee for Science and Technology Research and Innovation Management Programme 13 February 2007 1
Graduate School of Technology Management Department of Engineering and Technology Management • • • The Graduate School of Technology Management was established as a fourth school in the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology with effect from 1 January 2007. The Department of Engineering and Technology Management, which was established in 1987 and is the only department of its kind in South Africa, resides within this School. The Department of Engineering and Technology Management is a postgraduate department offering internationally recognised development programmes. These programmes are offered at honours, masters, and doctoral level and addresses different needs in the field of Technology and Innovation Management, Project Management, Engineering Management, Life Cycle Management and Asset & Maintenance Management The objective is to provide management education for the practicing engineer and technologist, irrespective of undergraduate discipline. Whereas the traditional engineering disciplines focus mainly on technology itself, this department is dedicated to the utilisation of technology for the creation of wealth at the enterprise and national level. 2
Academic Offerings (Degree programmes) The Department offers the following degrees: • Honours in Technology Management (MOT) • Masters in Technology Management (MTM) • Masters in Engineering Management (MEM) • Masters in Project Management (MPM) • Ph. D 3
Academic Offerings (Degree programmes) Honours in Technology Management (MOT) Admission requirement: Appropriate 3 year Bachelors degree at a recognised University. Applicants need to apply and register for the formal programme. Modules The honours' degree programme consists of eight courses that may be completed in one year of study (all eight courses in one year) or two years’ study (four courses per year). Mode of presentation Each module requires two and a half consecutive days of full-time attendance in Pretoria. The modules are all telematic supported Assessment Individual/group assignments Final examination Costs R 15 360. 00 incl. course material, notes and meals. 4
Academic Offerings (Degree programmes) Masters in Technology Management (MTM) Admission requirement: Honours in Technology Management (MOT) Modules The masters' degree programme consists of four courses as well as a research project. Mode of presentation Each module requires two and a half consecutive days of full-time attendance in Pretoria. The modules are all telematic supported. Assessment Individual/group assignments Final examination Costs R 26 880. 00 incl. all textbooks, course material, notes and meals. 5
Degree programmes - Articulation model Batchelor’s degree Honours in Technology Management (MOT) Short Course in Research and Innovation Management Masters in Technology Management (MTM) Students that completed the one-week short course in Research and Innovation Management will be exempted from class attendance for parts of some module/s (but will be required to study the prescribed reading, complete the assignments and write the examinations). 6
Academic Offerings (Certificate programmes) The Department offers the following certificate courses in collaboration with Continuing Education at the University of Pretoria (CE at UP): • Programme in Project Management (PPM) • Advanced Programme in Project Management (APPM) • Programme in Asset and Maintenance Management (PAM) • Principles of Maintenance Management • Programme in Engineering Management (PEM) • Programme in Systems Engineering • Programme in Technology and Innovation Management New 7
Certificate Programme in Technology and Innovation Management Admission requirement: Senior certificate or equivalent prior learning. Duration: 1 year Mode of presentation: Four blocks of 5 consecutive days of full-time attendance at Parliamentary precincts. Each module requires two and a half consecutive days each. Assessment: Assignments Costs for 2007: To be negotiated - price will depend on the number of students. 8
Certificate Programme in Technology and Innovation Management – Articulation model Senior certificate or equivalent Certificate Programme in Technology and Innovation Management Short Course in Research and Innovation Management Students that completed the one-week short course in Research and Innovation Management will be exempted from class attendance for parts of some module/s (but will be required to study the prescribed reading and complete the assignments). 9
Certificate Programme in Technology and Innovation Management Proposed modules (Eight required) • Technology and Innovation Management • Decision Analysis • Project Management • Technological Entrepreneurship • Human Resource Management • Financial Management • Technology Commercialisation • Strategic Management • Knowledge Management • Technology and Society 10
Certificate Programme in Technology and Innovation Management – Proposed modules Technology and Innovation Management. Technology and technological innovation will increasingly become the basis of competition in many industries and a key component in the quest for competitiveness. The importance of technological considerations underlying major business decisions will become more prominent. The management of technology and technological innovation are essential components of the corporate management and strategy portfolio of a company. Decision Analysis. Have you ever had a difficult decision to make? If so, did you wish that there was a straightforward way in keeping the different issues clear? Did you eventually end up making the decision based on intuition? Individuals run into difficult decisions all the time, and these difficult decisions are hard because of many unknowns and uncertainties. The course in Decision Analysis will help the decision maker to think about the specific problem at hand, including the overall structure of the problem as well as his or her preferences and beliefs. The course provides an overall paradigm and a set of tools with which a decision maker can construct and analyse a model of the decision situation. 11
Certificate Programme in Technology and Innovation Management – Proposed modules Project Management. Project management forms part and parcel of the work of almost all engineers. It is also the fastest growing form of management worldwide. This module has been designed to provide a sound introduction to the basics of project management, including project risk management. It furthermore addresses project scheduling at a more advanced level. Technological Entrepreneurship. The course offers prospective students exposure to innovation and entrepreneurship in the technological domain in two ways; firstly it creates an understanding of theory, and, secondly, it develops some practical entrepreneurial and small business management skills such as the compilation of a sound business plan. Learners will experience that entrepreneurship, like innovation, is a discipline in its own right with its own systematic, purposeful and simple rules that can be learned and mastered through hard work. Entrepreneurs are made, not born - a must for prospective self-employers! 12
Certificate Programme in Technology and Innovation Management – Proposed modules Financial Management. The nature of and interaction between different financial statements are investigated, as well as their role in the creation of shareholder wealth. Although maximizing shareholder wealth is the basic general cornerstone of management, recent developments point out that nonquantitative factors are also important in the measurement of company performance. Human Resource Management. This module integrates the component of effective management of people into the equation for business profitability. Topics like HR processes, motivation of people, diversity, individual and team performance labour relations and stress management are themes covered to enhance understanding of people management and to lay a foundation for further management training and development. 13
Certificate Programme in Technology and Innovation Management – Proposed modules Strategic Management. The objective with this module is to stimulate strategic thinking and the development of strategic decision making skills amongst students in the field of strategic management in an engineering environment. In this module the following topics are addressed: Concepts and Practice of Strategy, The Process of Strategic Management, Formulation of Strategy and the Implementation of Strategy. Technology Commercialisation. The survival of modern companies increasingly depends on the development and successful commercialisation of new products and services. The module is designed to address the principles embedded in the process of identifying, transferring and commercialising inventions and knowledge within the context of national systems of innovation. The intention is to integrate the functional elements of innovation management with emphasis on the entrepreneurial process of commercialising new methods, practices, processes, products, services, systems and technology towards the generation of economic growth, wealth and prosperity. 14
Certificate Programme in Technology and Innovation Management – Proposed modules Knowledge Management. Overview of information and knowledge management; Information and knowledge audit; Business strategy and the development of a knowledge management strategy; Knowledge management governance; Corporate Information Policy; Records management and electronic document management systems; Knowledge representation of information resources; Information organization for knowledge management; Intranet: theoretical background and practical project; Knowledge processes; Change management in a knowledge-based organization. Technology and Society (Provisional – to be developed) • Technology and service delivery • Technology and poverty alleviation • Technology and skills development 15
Certificate Programme in Technology and Innovation Management Accreditation • • • The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) does not accredit certificate programmes of Public Higher Institutions. Certificate programmes are rated according to level (difficulty) and credits (quantity of work). – The Certificate Programme in Technology and Innovation Management will be pitched at SAQA’s NQF Level 5/6: “Undergraduate certificates / first degree”*. – This certificate will carry 80 credits (First degree: 360 credits). The Certificate holder could receive some credit when doing certain certificate programmes offered by the University of Pretoria and other Higher Education Institutions depending on their policy. * The Development of Level Descriptors for the NQF, SAQA, Government Gazette, 16 Vol. 424, No. 21679, 24 October 2000
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