Скачать презентацию University of Oxford The University consists of Скачать презентацию University of Oxford The University consists of

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University of Oxford • The University consists of 38 faculties and colleges, as well University of Oxford • The University consists of 38 faculties and colleges, as well as the so-called six dorms private schools that do not have the status of belonging to the college and, as a rule, religious orders. All exams, like most of lectures and laboratory classes organized centrally, while colleges run individual sessions with students and seminars.

 • Now studying at Oxford for more than 20 thousand students , about • Now studying at Oxford for more than 20 thousand students , about a quarter of them a foreigner. • Oxford uses a unique system of training tutoring - over each student establishes personal care specialist in the chosen specialty. • perhaps such a system would help our university reach new peaks

University of Cámbridge • Cambridge University is a definite association of colleges • Among University of Cámbridge • Cambridge University is a definite association of colleges • Among the people who in one way or another connected with the University of Cambridge , 88 Nobel Prize winners - this indicator it is one of the first places among the top universities of the world • Life and work colleges governed by their own statutes and regulations. Each college has its representatives in the Council of the

 • Laboratory , where it was synthesized more than two isotopes ( one • Laboratory , where it was synthesized more than two isotopes ( one of the largest amounts of laboratories in the world ) • if Tomsk Polytechnic University has modern laboratories in Cambridge and then he can have a variety of scientific achievements

Harvard University • University includes 11 separate academic units - ten faculties and the Harvard University • University includes 11 separate academic units - ten faculties and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study - with campuses throughout the Boston • As of 2010 at Harvard employs about 2100 teachers and has about 14500 students and 6, 700 graduate students. Harvard University graduated eight U. S. presidents , 75 Nobel Prize winners have been associated with the university as students, faculty

 • Harvard University ranked first in the country in the number of billionaires • Harvard University ranked first in the country in the number of billionaires among graduates , and its library - the largest academic in the United States and the third largest in the country • Harvard leadership engaged two administrative organization : President and Fellows of the University ( also known as "the Harvard Corporation" ) and the Harvard Board of Supervisors ( controllers). University