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T. T. D. ’s headquarters: address: The offices are situated in the University of T. T. D. ’s headquarters: address: The offices are situated in the University of Oradea, 01 University’s Street, 410087 Oradea, Bihor County, New Building, ground floor, telephone number / fax is + 4 0259 408147 or +4 0259 408148 / + 4 0259 408788, e-mail vmarcu@uoradea. ro , website: www. uoradea. ro

T. T. D. ’s administrative structure: T. T. D. is leaded by a teaching T. T. D. ’s administrative structure: T. T. D. is leaded by a teaching staff: The Department’s Director, The Department’s Chiefs, The Scientific Secretary and a Professor – member of one Department. T. T. D. is formed by: • Department Educational Sciences • Department Pedagogy

To be teacher is a complex and noble profession through its task: instruction, education To be teacher is a complex and noble profession through its task: instruction, education and free personalities’s formation, socialy integrated, capable of permanent learning, with a critical and creative thinking abilities, finally, with an authentic civic-moral profile. So, the University of Oradea was decided to turn up T. T. D.

T. T. D’s goal is initial and continue formation of interested persons in teaching T. T. D’s goal is initial and continue formation of interested persons in teaching career.

T. T. D. offers to all students of the University the possibility to become T. T. D. offers to all students of the University the possibility to become good specialists in didactic career. In present, over 8000 (eight thousant) students / year are prepairing for didactic career, at the University of Oradea. Over 400 from teaching staff participe at continue formation courses, and also at the examd for didactic gradations (degrees).

The initial formation realised at Oradea’s T. T. D. (by agreement with present legislation The initial formation realised at Oradea’s T. T. D. (by agreement with present legislation going by Declaration of Bologna), has the following structure:

Module I – compulsory disciplines: • Education Psyhology – 1 st semester, 2 C+2 Module I – compulsory disciplines: • Education Psyhology – 1 st semester, 2 C+2 S, 5 credits; • Introduction in pedagogy. The theory and methodology of curriculum – 2 nd semester, 2 C+2 S, 5 credits; • The theory and methodology of instruction. The theory and methodology of evaluation – 3 rd semester, 2 C+2 S, 5 credits; • The didactic of speciality, 4 thsemester, 2 C+2 S, 5 credits; • The pedagogical practice – 5 th-6 th semester, 3 S, 5 credits; • The final examination. The didactic portofolio – 6 thsemester, 1 S, 1 credit.

Module I – optional disciplines (choosing a compulsory discipline): • Optional psycho-pedagogical disciplines (packet Module I – optional disciplines (choosing a compulsory discipline): • Optional psycho-pedagogical disciplines (packet 1) psychopedagogical consiliation; education of extragifted pupils; education of special needs pupils; educational communication; deonthology and scholar legislation – 4 thsemester; 1 c+2 S, 4 credits; • Optional social-pedagogical disciplines (packet 2) – Educational management; Intercultural education; Adult education; Computerised education; Social psychology – 5 th semester, 1 C+2 S, 4 credits.

Total credits for obtaining a T. T. D. ’s graduation certificate =30 ECTS Total credits for obtaining a T. T. D. ’s graduation certificate =30 ECTS

Module II – compulsory disciplines: • Didactic of curricular area – 1 st semester, Module II – compulsory disciplines: • Didactic of curricular area – 1 st semester, 2 C+2 S, 5 credits; • Management of classroom – 2 nd semester, 2 C+2 S, 5 credits; • Consiliation and orientation – 3 rd semester, 2 C+2 S, 5 credits; • Computerised instruction - 1 st semester, 1 C+2 S, 4 credits

Module II – optional disciplines (choosing a compulsory discipline): • Optional discipline I – Module II – optional disciplines (choosing a compulsory discipline): • Optional discipline I – intercultural evolution; educational politics; contemporary pedagogical doctrines; management of scholar organisation – 2 nd semester; 2 C+1 S, 4 credits; • Optional discipline II – the psychopedagogy of adults, the bases of special education; the sociology of education; the methodology of investigation in educational sciences – 3 rd semester, 2 C+1 S, 4 credits

 • Final examination (project) – 3 rd semester, 3 S, 3 credits. • • Final examination (project) – 3 rd semester, 3 S, 3 credits. • An practical training is realised for all who don’t work in education area in period between Module I and Module II – 42 S. • Total credits for obtaining a certificate of confirmation in didactic perfecting = 60 ECTS.

Demands for pedagogical practice of students: • Assistation to 4 -5 lessons in speciality; Demands for pedagogical practice of students: • Assistation to 4 -5 lessons in speciality; • Assistation to 1 -2 activities of form master or consiliation; • Assistation to 1 -2 activities extradidactic activities organised in school (methodical comissions, teacher’s board, competitions, school festivals, orientation and consiliation activities, etc); • Teaching 4 -5 test lessons in speciality; • Completing a psychopedagogical record of a child (choosed by chance) from a school; • Completing a child’s caractherisation; • Teaching a final lesson. • The final evaluation will be realised regarding all these activities. 7 (seven) is the graduating mark of pedagogical practice

The educatinal offer of T. T. D. in the academic year 2006 / 2007 The educatinal offer of T. T. D. in the academic year 2006 / 2007 • • • • The educational management – master classes (3 semesters/day); The formation of teachers – master classes - (2 semesters/day); The writting and the management of projects – master classes - (2 semesters/day); Education and civic culture – master classes - (2 semesters/day); Education for health – master classes - (2 semesters/day); Technological education - postgraduate studies for specialisation - (3 semesters/day); Referent teacher - postgraduate studies for specialisation - (3 semesters/day); Psychopedagogical and methodological formation – postgraduation perfection’s classes - (2 semesters/day); Special psychopedagogical formation - postgraduation perfection’s classes - (2 semesters/day); The pedagogy of adults - postgraduation perfection’s classes; Professional reconvertion - postgraduation formation’s classes addressed to schoolmasters (kindergarden and primary school); „Crisana” – a complete program of managers’formation from preacademic teaching (280 hours = 90 ECTS); „Varadinum” –a periodical perfection once at five years – a complete programme (280 hours = 90 ECTS); Mentors perfection course. Also, T. T. D. organise exams for obtaining didactic degrees: atestation in teaching; second degree and first degree for 37 specialisation; and special courses for prepairing of these exams.

International relationships Thanks to highest level of professionalism of D. P. P. P. D. International relationships Thanks to highest level of professionalism of D. P. P. P. D. ’s members, we are engaged in partenerships with bellow institutions of academic teaching: Belgium: • Katholieke Hogeschool Zuid West Vlaanderen (IPSOC), Kortrijk • Hogeschool Gent, Gent • Universiteit Gent, Gent Swizerland: • Hoghshule for Social Arbeit, Luzern Finland: • Central Ostrobonia Polytechnic, Kokkola • Espoo – Vantaa Polytechnic • University of Lapland, Rovaniemi Italy: • University degli Studi di Parma, Parma The Great Britain: • University of Greemvich • University of North London, London Holland: • Christelijke Hogeschool Windesheim, Zwolle • Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Amsterdam Sweden: • Vajko University, Vajko

Activity of research • Activity of research is centreded in most actual • fields Activity of research • Activity of research is centreded in most actual • fields of education’s psychology, pedagogy, special psychopedagogy, special didactics, intercultural psychology, social psychology, educational management, etc. The results of these studies and researches individual or team undertaked are published in University of Oradea Annals magazine, Psychology and Special Psychopedagogy Section – Pedagogy – Methodology, 9 th edition, 9 th volume, 2005.

T. T. D. is included in next projects of research and international programmes as T. T. D. is included in next projects of research and international programmes as partener, co-ordinator or ordinator. • Intensive Programme / Socrates (ordinator) „Cross – Cultural Issues in • • Deaf Education – an European Approach for Analysis and Solutions” – (2002 / 2003); Intensive Programme / Socrates (partner) „Intercultural Competences for Social Work, Social Pedagogy and Education” – (2001/2002, 2002/2003, 2003/2004); Intensive Programme / Socrates (partner) „Social Care at European Open Market ” - (2000/2001, 2001/2002); „Training and Sensibilization Programme to Support the Implementation of the national Child – Care Policies in the Bihor County” (co-ordinators) (2001/2002, 2002/2003, 2003/2004); „Education for quality in formators’formation” (ordinator) – (2003); „Support for those close to you” (ordinator) – (2004); „Medical Adventure School Holiday” (partner) – (2004/2005, 2005/2006); „Who are We? You and I We are Building Europe Together” (partner) – (2004/2005, 2005/2006, 2006/2007) „Strengthening the role of NGOs in the implementation of youth policies in CEE, SEE countries and Caucasus”, in partnership with Youth Action for Peace, 2006.