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University of Missouri - Rolla Missouri’s Premier Technological Research University The name. The degree. The difference.
CAT & UMR: Partners in Excellence July 5, 2005 UMR Presenters l l l Bob Mitchell, Dean, School of Engineering Jay Goff, Dean, Enrollment Management Wayne Huebner, Vice Provost, Research Arlan De. Kock, Dean, School of Management & Information Systems Mariesa Crow, Dean, School of Materials, Energy, & Earth Resources Judy Cavender, Development Officer, Corporations and Foundations
UMR Missouri’s Premier Technological Research University Bob Mitchell Dean of the School of Engineering presentation to: July 5, 2005
Rolla, Missouri
Facilities Havener Center (completed 2005) Residential College (completed 2005)
Facilities Emerson Hall Electrical and Computer Engineering (completed 1998) Butler-Carlton Hall Civil, Architectural And Environmental Engineering (completed 2003)
Toomey Hall Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Construction begins 2005
Engineering Disciplines Offered Aerospace Engineering Architectural Engineering Biomaterials Engineering Ceramic Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Management Environmental Engineering Geological Engineering Interdisciplinary Engineering Mechanical Engineering Metallugical Engineering Mining Engineering Nuclear Engineering Petroleum Engineering Systems Engineering
Recognition l l l US News Top 50 engineering programs at Ph. D granting institutions Forbes 25 Most Entrepreneurial College Campuses Intel Top 100 Unwired Campuses A top 10 university for doctoral degrees to women (10 th highest percentage of doctoral degrees awarded to women in 2003, American Society for Engineering Education, October 2004) First university in the U. S. to become ISO 14001 certified 2005 Outstanding Engineering Teacher in the Nation, ASEE, Ralph Flori, Basic Engineering
Recognition 2004 Engineering Workforce Commission l UMR ranked 22 nd in the nation in the number of engineering degrees granted in 2004 with 1, 011. l UMR ranked 21 st in the number of master’s degrees awarded in engineering with 459. l UMR ranked 32 nd in the nation in the number of undergraduate engineering degrees with 603. l UMR had 35 African American engineering graduates (more than Purdue, Illinois, Penn State, or Stanford)
Student Design Competitions In 2003 -2005, UMR has won six national student competition championships: American Solar Challenge from Chicago to LA, the Formula Sun Grand Prix, the AE Heavy Lift Aero Competition East; and the Human Powered Vehicle Contest East (three times).
Goal: Student Design Teams Will l l Prove intellectually stimulating Teach self-motivation Forge a sense of team pride Reveal the principles and benefits of team-based leadership Instill in each participant the makings of a professional identity
UMR Student Enrollment Jay Goff Dean of Enrollment Management presentation to: July 5, 2005
UMR Students
UMR STUDENT BODY OVERVIEW Enrollment » Student Profile » A Focus on Diversity l Student Success » Retention & Graduation » Starting Great Careers l
Enrollment STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Grow to 6500 -7000 Students » » TOTAL Enrollment Undergraduate Students Graduate Students Freshman class 5400 4100 1300 900* * 2003, 2004, 2005 Largest New Student Classes in 15 years Class Locations • Campus: 91% • Distance: 9%
UMR's Academic Major Distribution by Headcount
Undergraduate Demographics l Average Age: 21. 6 years old l Gender: » 23% Female » 77% Male l First Generation College Students: » 2004 -05: 39% l Residency: » Missouri Residents: 76% » Out-State Students: 24% l Ethnicity: » African-American: 4% » Asian-American: 3% » Caucasian: 83% » Hispanic: 2% » Native-American: 1% » Non-resident, International: 2% » Not Disclosed: 5%
Students’ Home States
Student Profile • Average ACT: 27. 2 (upper 10% in nation) • 40% ranked in top 10% of high school class • 83% interested in Engineering & Science • 92% joining a student organization/leadership skills • 79% UMR: 1 st choice college to attend • 18% UMR: 2 nd choice college to attend • Average Family Adjusted Gross Income: 2000 -01: $61, 716 2004 -05: $67, 355 • Average Financial Aid Package: $10, 100 • 75% are receiving scholarships and financial aid • 26% qualify for Pell Grants • 73% plan to work while enrolled at UMR
On-Campus Enrollment By Gender
Current Student Success l Retention Rates, 2004 » » l General Student Body: Female Students: Minority Students: CAMPUS GOAL: 85% 90% 91% 87% Graduation Rates, 2004 » » General Student Body: Female Students: Minority Students: CAMPUS GOAL: 63% 69% 71% 70%
High School Graduates Interested in Engineering Majors
Female High School Graduates Interested in Engineering Majors
Potential Minority Engineering Majors
2004 African-American Student Funnel for Engineering l High School Seniors: ACT Testers/College Bound: l Any Engineering Interest, all scores: l Engin. Interest, +21 comp. score: l MO 8561 3850 167 36 IL 14, 479 599 111 15 50 (21 = MO average score / 50%) l Engin. Interest, +24 comp. score: (24 = UM minimum for auto admission)
Projected Change in High School Graduates 2002 -2012 +9 -11 +7 +11 +53 +12 -22 -17 -20 -4 -6 -11 +7 +20 +4 +5 -6 -8 +2 -2 -8 -7 +7 +4 -4 +3 -3 -3 -7 +3 +8 -1 -12 +6 +13 -3 -1 +2 +16 +9 +9 -10 STAMATS, 2005 SOURCE: U. S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, State Public Elementary and Secondary Enrollment Model, and State Public High School Graduates Model. May 2002. > 20 % +11% to +20% 0% to +10% Decreases -10 -2 -1 0 +10 +5 +3 -10
Results from 2003 -04 University Wide Diversity Initiative Student Diversity Programs Women’s Leadership Institute Center for Pre-College Programs Taking One 30 year-old Program and Expanding it to Three
Strategic Plan Diversity in Enrollment Goals l l GOALS: 2010 Enrollment Diversity Overall Enrollment of 6000 (5500 on campus, 500 off campus programs) » New Student Goals – 900 students first-time freshmen – 425 transfer students – 425 graduate students – total of 1750 new students overall
Post Graduation Outcomes Around 96% of UMR graduates secure a position in their field/area of choice within 3 months of graduation. l Over 400 organizations recruit UMR students each year l Average starting salary of 2004 graduates exceeded $47, 000. 00 l
Research UMR Building bridges with CATERPILLAR Inc. . Wayne Huebner Vice Provost for Research presentation to: July 5, 2005
UMR’s Vision A university whose faculty and staff are committed to the success of students through excellence in teaching and enhanced learning programs A university where faculty, staff and students conduct nationally-competitive research to meet societal needs
Annual Research Expenditures
Master Sponsored Research Agreement with CATERPILLAR INC. signed April 7, 2005 A key component of our strategy to increase our national reputation is to form strategic research partnerships with industry. CATERPILLAR Inc. is viewed as a premier corporate partner, and hence in the fall of 2004 we pursued establishing the MSRA. Clear definitions of IP, licensing and rights in Data and Publication Establishes a CATERPILLAR Visiting Scientist Program which provides access to office space, lab facilities, computer connections… User friendly - projects can be initiated under this agreement by simply specifying the “Research Project Specifications” (PI/deliverables/budget/timeframe), and gathering appropriate signatures
Core Strengths ® Infrastructure ® Environmental ® Energy ® IT ® Materials ® Nanotechnology ® Biotech ® Manufacturing ® Power Electronics ® Intelligent Systems
Structurally Integrated Coatings for Wear and Corrosion Development of plasma-sprayed Fe. Mo-B coating; produces ≈50% Mo 2 B Application for buckets and bulldozers to lower the overall weight (reduced steel section) by adding a more wear resistant coating. A Department of Energy program being lead by Caterpillar, Inc. (PI: Dr. Jason L. Sebright) Subcontracts to: ® Iowa State University ® University of Illinois ® University of Missouri-Rolla Plasma sprayed coating after bend test showing crack initiation. UMR (D. C. Van Aken) to provide mechanical test properties of coating materials formulated and processed by Caterpillar, Inc.
“Ferrous Microstructure” Seminar Caterpillar Technical Center short course on understanding and interpreting the microstructures of steel (October 3 -4, 2005) Attended by 30 -40 Caterpillar materials engineers each year Taught by David C. Van Aken, UMR Professor of Metallurgical Engineering Photograph shows the formation of acicular ferrite in a coarse grained steel forging. Course previously taught by Professor Emeritus Robert Bohl University of Illinois
Development of “Cellular” Polycrystalline Diamond/WC(Co) Composites for Drill Bits Surface Cross-section
Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic Composites Project Objectives Reaction-based processing of thermal protection materials: borides, carbides… Use temperatures above 2200°C. Improved aerodynamic performance Increased margin of safety for take-off and re-entry. No communications blackout on re-entry. Waverider Reentry Vehicle Configuration Sharp UHTC Leading Edge Dr. Bill Fahrenholtz Dr. Greg Hilmas
UMR EMC Lab/CAT Collaborations ADEM III* engine controller – working with CAT engineers (Thomas Baker, Electronic Power Converters) on EMI design and mitigation Clock routing with layer changes leading to EMI coupling path 10 -15 d. B EMI reduction with new layout • New EMI coupling paths identified • Developed new design strategies at the connector for CAT to reduce EMI from cable harnesses • New signal routing guidelines for clocks and high-speed signals to reduce EMI * Advanced Diesel Engine Module (ADEM® III), an electronic system that improves performance and fuel efficiency while reducing smoke and emissions.
UMR’s NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center on Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS) University of Cincinnati University of Michigan - Ann Arbor The IMS Center (www. imscenter. net) is engaged in industry -relevant, intelligent maintenance research work. Supported by 15 industrial members. Goal: Develop long-term partnerships with industry and government in the area of Monitoring, Diagnostics and Prognostics Mission and Goals of NSF I/UCRC Program Mission: Develop long-term partnerships among industry, academe, and government. Seed partnered approaches to new or emerging research Goals: ® Provide highly leveraged industry/university cooperation by focusing on fundamental research recommended by Industrial Advisory Boards ® Develop strong industrial support of and collaboration of research and education ® Direct transfer of university developed ideas, research results, experience and technology to US industry ® Provide next generation scientists and engineers with a broad industrial oriented perspective on engineering research and practice UMR Core Competencies Sensing and Monitoring ® Sensing Techniques ® Wireless Sensor Networking and Hardware (UMR Mote) ® System on a Chip Diagnostics and Prognostics ® Data Fusion ® Neural Networks ® Fuzzy Logic ® Intelligent Agents Advanced Simulation ® Virtual Reality ® Virtual Prototyping Prognostic on a Chip Memberships and Benefits Membership Levels: 40 K/year for Full Member; 11 K/year for Associate Members (< 500 employees) Leverage of internal R&D resources by joining the Center. Waiver of all indirect costs associated with the membership. Near-zero maintenance technology can result in significant cost savings Attend Center workshops at minimal/no cost. Right to use Center reports, data and information internally for evaluation and further research. An option to a non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide royalty-free license on any patentable invention conceived and reduced to practice, and the use of copyrighted software arising from Center Projects. Working with CAT engineers: Dave Schings and Jerry Wear, Systems and Controls, and Components
June 2004: Launch of the largest research contract ever at UMR: the $14. 2 M Center for Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies 30 faculty; 50 graduate students Advanced Simulation Friction Stir Processing High Speed Machining Non-Chrome Coating Partners: WPAFB & Boeing Rapid prototyping Laser Materials Processing Abrasive Slurry Cutting Non. Destructive Evaluation Composites Manufacturing Electronic Materials Processing
Environmentally Sound Aircraft Coatings Planes on Ship in salt air Aluminum after 1 day in salt fog UMR cerium coated aluminum after 2 weeks in salt fog UMR has developed a system based on Cerium which satisfies military requirements WPAFB Current chrome coated aluminum after 2 week in salt fog Dr. Jim Stoffer Dr. Tom O’Keefe
Friction Stir Welding Dr. Rajiv Mishra § Solid state process § Environment friendly § Improved mechanical and corrosion-resistance properties § Join dissimilar and “nonweldable” alloys
Partners: UMR, MIT, Georgia Tech, U. Illinois AEDC, Aerodyne, SWRI, HVL Assoc. NASA Center of Excellence for Aerospace Particulate Reduction Research Objectives: Characterize commercial and military aircraft particle emissions Develop predictive tools for propulsion emission reduction strategies Issues Addressed: Airport local air quality Global flight corridor pollution: Ozone ! Reducing the detectable particle signature (protection from attack) Maintaining U. S. leadership in the field of particle mitigation Aerodyne Inc.
A university where faculty, staff and students conduct nationally-competitive research to meet societal needs…. .
Computing at UMR Arlan De. Kock Dean of the School of Management & Information Systems presentation to: July 5, 2005
Computing at UMR Computer Science Information Science Computer Engineering Material Science
INFOSTRUCTURE Facilitate the interoperability of communication and information technology in support of improved service delivery and informed decision-making.
Integrated IT l Web Technology l Database l Networks and Communications l Human-Computer l Business Interaction Processes
Computer School of Engineering Research, design, develop, and test computer hardware and supervise its manufacture and installation. • Fault-tolerant computing • Computer networks • Embedded computer systems • Machine vision • Artificial intelligence • Software engineering (with Computer Science) • Computer architecture
Computer College of Arts and Sciences Science Design, develop, test, and evaluate the software and systems that enable computers to perform. • Database systems • Artificial intelligence • Graphics • Programming languages • Programming methodologies • Software engineering • Operating systems • Computer networks • Machine intelligence • Intelligent software systems
Information School of Management and Information Systems Science & Technology Interface technology into organization, insure usability, administer systems, support computer systems and networks. • Network performance • Internet computing • Web data management • System administration • Interface design • E-Commerce • Project management • Business process design
Business Processes University Alliance l l To give our graduates a better understanding of how technology enables companies to use information in conducting business. To use software technology to help teach business concepts. To provide students a more global integrated knowledge about business operations as a total entity. To integrate business concepts and theories with business applications.
Rousing Start
SM&IS Mission ØEducate Professionals for Leadership Roles in Modern Business Organizations. ØEmphasize Entrepreneurial Management Through Technology. ØFocus on Information Systems and Their Application in a Fastchanging, Competitive Global Environment.
SM&IS Departments Economics & Finance Business Administration Information Science & Technology
Gaining Recognition Rolla, Mo. , www. umr. edu, (573) 341 -4165 In one upper-level business class, students are required to write a business plan and apply for venture capital funding, then, if they can get it, launch the company. Any profit from the business goes to a charity of the student's choice. The school's new Residential College's Global Entrepreneurship Learning Community puts entrepreneurially minded students together in both classes and dorms. 25 Most Entrepreneurial Campuses
UMR Industry & Corporate Partnerships Bob Mitchell Dean of the School of Engineering presentation to: July 5, 2005
Industry Partnerships Many industries have designated UMR as a “key school” such as • Boeing (one of 24) • GM (one of 29) • Ford • Caterpillar • Anheuser-Busch • Honeywell • Ameren • Alcoa • Deere • National Instruments • Exxon-Mobil • Union Pacific
The Boeing Systems Engineering Program University of Missouri-Rolla University of Southern California UMR & USC team proposal was selected from 15 competing proposals responding to Boeing’s RFP, to provide Systems Engineering graduate education to Boeing engineers and their suppliers, worldwide. Currently over 300 students at 25 Boeing locations are participating. Main sites are Houston, Huntsville, Los Angeles, Mesa, Philadelphia, Puget Sound, St. Louis, Washington DC, and Wichita. 210 Boeing students, 113 from UMR and 07 from USC, graduated from the program during the last four academic years.
Core Courses l l Systems » Systems Architecture » Systems Engineering and Analysis » Systems Engineering - Information Based Design Management » Economic Decision Analysis » Systems Engineering Management » Organizational Behavior and Management
Specialization Tracks l l l Artificial/Computational Intelligence/Robotics Astronautics (USC only) Civil Engineering (UMR only) Computational Fluid & Solid Mechanics (USC Only) Computer Security Construction (USC only) Communication Systems Control Systems Dynamics and Control (USC only) Economic Decision Analysis (UMR only) Engineering Management
Specialization Tracks l l l Flight Systems Information Science and Technology (UMR Only) Information Systems & Computer Architecture Manufacturing Systems Multimedia Network Centric Systems Nuclear Engineering (UMR Only) Product Development Engineering (USC Only) Quality & Reliability Engineering (UMR only) Software Systems Design and Optimization
New ECE Course Developed for GM l Integrated Vehicle Electronics » Fault tolerant systems » Reliability impacts of vehicle systems » Integration of vehicle functions » Expanded features and improved control through interaction between subsystems » Busses » Power consumption » Hybrid controls » Protection of software
Caterpillar Mechatronics Laboratory UMR: K. Krishnamurthy and Robert Landers Caterpillar: Larry Mueller and Jigar Patel l The Caterpillar Mechatronics Laboratory is being developed to provide both undergraduate and graduate ME, AE, EE and Cmp. E students the opportunity to acquire skills in sensors and actuators, feedback control systems, design of electro-hydraulic systems, and integration of mechanical, electronic and hydraulic components. l The Caterpillar Mechatronics Laboratory will be the centerpiece for mechatronics related activities in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and will be used in several courses. Caterpillar’s hardware and software gift is valued over $200 K.
Caterpillar Mechatronics Laboratory l Lab includes 8 stations with each having a PC, Math. Works Electronic Joystick x. PC Target. Box, Caterpillar electronic control module, and an electro-hydraulic test bench with subsystems used in Caterpillar industrial products. x. PC Target. Box l Lab developmental effort being helped by graduate students, David Fenstermacher and Assembled Test Bench Jeff Lentz, 4 undergraduate students supported by an NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates grant, and MAE electronic technician, Mitch Cottrell. • Jeff Lentz is currently at Caterpillar on a summer internship.
Caterpillar Mechatronics Laboratory l Current Status – One test bench is operational and the remaining seven are in the final assembly stage. – Some components have already been used to provide hands-on experience in ME 279, Automatic Control of Mechanical Systems. l Planned Activities – A new mechatronics course based on the Caterpillar Mechatronics Laboratory is scheduled to be taught in Fall 2005. – The Caterpillar Mechatronics Laboratory will be integrated into several other courses: Linear Systems, Mechanical and Aerospace Control Systems, Manufacturing Automation, Senior Design. – Graduate student research using the test benches.
Caterpillar Personnel Interacting with UMR l l l Advisory Boards: » Engineering Deans’ Advisory Council – Steve Wunning » Management & Information Systems Dean’s Advisory Council – John Heller » Metallurgical Engineering – Dennis Blunier » M. E. Industrial Advisory – Bill Logel » Manufacturing Engineering – Bill Logel » Career Opportunity Center – Jeff Morris Corp. Dev. Council – Bill Logel, Donald Bolin Academy of Elec. and Comp. Engrg. – Randall Richards Mining Development Board – Dave Finn, Jim Humphrey Caterpillar Mechatronics Laboratory – Jigar Patel, Larry Mueller Campus Coordinators – Jeff Morris, Larry Mueller
Additional CAT Interactions Research: Thomas Baker, Electronic Power Converters (working with Jim Drewniak) Dave Schings and Jerry Wear, Systems, Controls, and Components, (working with Ming Leu and Jag Sarangapani) Larry Seitzman, Manager University Relations, Technology & Solutions Division, working with UMR administrators on developing CAT relationship UMR Design Teams now CAT people: Doug Staley- Early solar car EE Matt Wolk- HPV Will Strasser- Solar Car ME Brian Call- Solar Car ME Keith A. Gettinger, a manufacturing engineering supervisor (Tractor Assembly), former president of ASME at UMR
The Grainger Partnership The UMR Power Engineering Program, one of the top five in the country, is nationally recognized as a program designed to produce graduates prepared to assume industry leadership. l In 2001 The Grainger Foundation established an annual awards program recognizing academic excellence for students in Power Engineering. Over the past four years 78 students have received $5, 000 awards from this program. l Due the resounding success of The Grainger Outstanding Power Engineering Student Awards program the Foundation gave UMR $1. 3 million to endow this program for the future.
Caterpillar and the CAT Foundation have generously supported UMR students and programs with gifts and grants of over $1 Million since 1992. $375, 000 of that funding has been within the last 5 years. Our 2005 request for $835, 000 over the next 5 years would more than double the CAT Foundation’s previous level of giving. Totals MEP Transfer Program $300, 000 Student Design Center $50, 000 Implementation of 6 Sigma $55, 000 Financial Assistance $200, 000 Metallurgical Eng Equipment $100, 000 Engineering Faculty Development $100, 000 Factory Automation Laboratory Totals $30, 000 $835, 000 Thank you for consideration of our request to elevate the status of UMR to a Strategic Partner School with Caterpillar and the CAT Foundation.