Скачать презентацию University of Michigan and Merit Network Inc Major Скачать презентацию University of Michigan and Merit Network Inc Major


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University of Michigan and Merit Network, Inc. Major support from the National Science Foundation, University of Michigan and Merit Network, Inc. Major support from the National Science Foundation, Intel, Hewlett Packard and the Merit RSNG Project

Overview l Develop metrics and data collection architecture l Data dissemination l Data visualization/data Overview l Develop metrics and data collection architecture l Data dissemination l Data visualization/data mining l Analysis

Architecture Exchange Point Probe Machine ISP 1 Router ISP 2 Router ISP 1 Router Architecture Exchange Point Probe Machine ISP 1 Router ISP 2 Router ISP 1 Router Dissemination Servers Campus LAN/WAN Distiller Probe Machine

Data Distillation Software Mukesh Agrawal University of Michigan & Merit Networks (quichem@merit. edu) Data Distillation Software Mukesh Agrawal University of Michigan & Merit Networks (quichem@merit. edu)

System Overview an datadstl Sa la m MRTd de r l Collection (MRTd) l System Overview an datadstl Sa la m MRTd de r l Collection (MRTd) l Processing (datadstl) l Data Dissemination Server l Visualization (IPMA Toolset) ASExplorer Flap. Graph Flap. Table SNMPTable Trend. Graph Route. Tracker. J now future

Features l “Easy to Use” l Remote Configuration (telnet interface) – Channels Published – Features l “Easy to Use” l Remote Configuration (telnet interface) – Channels Published – Publish Frequency – Which Data Dissemination Server l Portable (uses MRT and POSIX)

Architecture l l Query Database Module Report Generator Output Handler Canned Query Custom Query Architecture l l Query Database Module Report Generator Output Handler Canned Query Custom Query BGP SNMP OSPF Query Database ASExplorer Flap. Graph Flap. Table SNMPTable Trend. Graph Route. Tracker. J Salamander now Route. Tracker. J future Report Generator Output Handler

Future Directions l Additional Modules – SNMP database – SNMPTable, Trend. Graph report generators Future Directions l Additional Modules – SNMP database – SNMPTable, Trend. Graph report generators – Route. Tracker. J query handler – Route. Tracker. J output handler l Module API (plug-ins)

Distributed Data Dissemination Server Jimmy Wan University of Michigan & Merit Networks (vecna@eecs. umich. Distributed Data Dissemination Server Jimmy Wan University of Michigan & Merit Networks (vecna@eecs. umich. edu)

Project Goals l Provide access to internet data visualization tools via command line or Project Goals l Provide access to internet data visualization tools via command line or WWW interface – http: //www. merit. edu/ipma/tools/ l Allow people to create their own data channels l Controlled access to public and private data streams

Description l Push-Pull server model allowing data access from heterogeneous clients l Supports Historic Description l Push-Pull server model allowing data access from heterogeneous clients l Supports Historic & Real-Time Queries l Attribute based data discovery l Multi-Server capability l Client-side libraries available in C, C++, and Java

Features l Configurable (configuration files, admin tools, logging…) l Security via IP Access Control Features l Configurable (configuration files, admin tools, logging…) l Security via IP Access Control Lists (wildcard allow/deny) l Multi-Platform Support (UNIX and Win 32)

Multi-server capability l Run a private server to use our publicly available viz tools Multi-server capability l Run a private server to use our publicly available viz tools on your own data l Allows shared access to public data streams l Configurable peers l Unicast based with plans for multicast in the future

Current Status of IPMA Software l l Documentation and Download Info – http: //www. Current Status of IPMA Software l l Documentation and Download Info – http: //www. merit. edu/ipma/docs/Manual/ Data Distillation and Publishing Distributed Data Dissemination Server MRT Library – Currently available at http: //www. merit. edu/mrt/

Current Status of IPMA Software Client Tools – ASExplorer, Flap. Graph, Flap. Table – Current Status of IPMA Software Client Tools – ASExplorer, Flap. Graph, Flap. Table – JRE versions for Solaris and Win 32 – WWW version for Netscape 4. 06+ (http: //www. merit. edu/ipma/tools/) – Tools connect to University of Michigan and Merit servers, but are configurable l Beta version release: 25 November 1998 l