Презентация проект Кампус 2040_3.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 20
University 2040 The future belongs to those who know where they belong!
Key Factors of the Future 1. Disregard yesterday’s logic (the past) – Innovate the future 2. The digital default is near: engage, embrace, transform (present) 3. Big data is becoming as a key factor economic driver (future) 4. Great algorithms need great “HUMARITHSM” – University
The main trends ü Growth of the global economy ü Absolut poverty will remain a global challenge ü Areas of habitation will decrease in the world population ü Biotechnology will be the main ICT development aspect
Complex knowledge needs a new way of learning and new type of University Individual
Complex knowledge needs a new way of learning and new type of University P
New type of university. Vision MIND (THINKING TECHNOLOGY) How: feelings to energy Fact: Buddhism TV-Series: Vampire Diaries (controlling of human feelings and emotions shutdown) How: strengthening of physical capabilities, movement energy Fact: jump to Earth from a helium balloon in the stratosphere TV-Series: «Alphas» SENSES EMOTIONS SOUL INDIVIDUAL BODY CONSCIOUSNESS SUBCONSCIOUS How: religion, shamanism Research: connection with forefathers Fact: the weight of soul was measured (21 g) Movie: «Avatar» (the tree of souls) TV-Series: Vampire Diaries (dealing with different worlds, communicating with the dead) How: sleeping technologies Research: Lucid Dreaming (Japan) Movie: «Inception» , «Avatar»
Basis: ü Living organism ü Self-sufficiency ü “Immersion” to research ü Eco-thinking
The PRIE Test P H Y S I C A L R A T I O N A L I M A G I N A T I O N E R G Y
Studying process ü 3 steps (base knowledge, experience, specific knowledge) ü Practice rather than theory ü Courses ü Modern technology involvement ü Earpieces
Alternative resources of energy ü Solar ü Wind ü Water ü Earth ü Sand Individual emotion movement
How much we need: 1 Bill БРАК
lve o t log o n h ec inv y t en m specific base knowledge practice courses experience
Main concept MIND (THINKING TECHNOLOGY) Technology: feelings to energy Fact: Buddhism (disappearing in flash of light, melting the rocks) TV-Show: Vampire Diaries (controlling of human feelings and emotions - shutdown) BODY Technology: Exoskeleton, strengthening of physical capabilities, movement energy, avoiding the damage in conditions of overloading Fact: Jumping off the stratosphere TV-show: «Alphas» SOUL HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS SUBCONSCIOUS SENSES EMOTIONS Research: connection with forefathers Technology: religion, shamanism Fact: the weight of soul was measured (21 g) Movie: «Avatar» (the tree of souls) TV-Show: Vampire Diaries (dealing with different worlds, communicating with the dead) Research (Lucid Dreaming Japan) Technology: sleeping technologies The third of life spent in a dream, might be means of «rejuvenation» of the brain, the whole organism and education Movie: «Inception» , «Avatar»
Презентация проект Кампус 2040_3.pptx