Скачать презентацию Universität Dortmund What Projects you can do in Скачать презентацию Universität Dortmund What Projects you can do in


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Universität Dortmund What Projects you can do in ECE 574 This is an old Universität Dortmund What Projects you can do in ECE 574 This is an old and new class Theory removed Projects added New Embedded Systems Platforms and Robotics Platforms Technologies used in Previous classes 1. FPGA 2. Microcontrollers Revolutionary new technologies 1. Adiabatic Quantum Computer from DWAVE – link through Internet 2. GPU Supercomputers and CUDA 3. Tetrix Robotic Platform for Serious Hobby Robotics

Universität Dortmund Old Projects Spectral Transforms and DSP FFT Matching Sebastian Winter 2008 Hough Universität Dortmund Old Projects Spectral Transforms and DSP FFT Matching Sebastian Winter 2008 Hough for Ovulo-computer Hough for robot PSUBOT Radon Transform Some can be redesigned and improved Logic Machines and Problem Solving Medical Ovulocomputer Cervix Cancer Teeth measurement apparatus and patent LDM CCM Tautology Machine of Sasao Graph Coloring Oracle Decomposition Machine Rough Set Machine

Universität Dortmund Old Projects and possible collaborations VISION Morphological Image Processor Canny Edge Detector Universität Dortmund Old Projects and possible collaborations VISION Morphological Image Processor Canny Edge Detector Sobel Edge Detector Robotics PID controller Adaptive PID Controller Very Old from Poland Cement Company Rolling Machine Turing Machine Multi-Channel PID controller Tracking camera Spy camera on workers Plotter Interpolator Crazy Student Ideas and Interesting blocks – Systolic Sorter – Sorter Absorber – Julia set Winter 2008 – Quaternions and octonions for this task – Sharks and fish – Strange life generator Kameyama Emotional robot Ball catching Robot

Universität Dortmund New FPGA/GPU/Controller Projects Diagnosis of Autism Hough for eye tracking Eye tracking Universität Dortmund New FPGA/GPU/Controller Projects Diagnosis of Autism Hough for eye tracking Eye tracking for autism Prosody for autism Transforms Hough Radon for cancer therapy Poisonous Mushrooms recognition Julia and Mandelbrot set GPU for quantum simulation GPU for GA and Quantum GA GPU for motion of walking robot Stock Market Predictor Many Body Dynamics simulation Robot Controllers To Save Human Life Robot to put signs on a Highway Products for Fun and Entertainment Modern Sculpture for your house: Julia and Mandelbrot set Generators extended to Quaternions, Octonions and Clifford Algebras Walking Robot Controllers for Entertainment Tetrix + FPGA Sozobot + FPGA or micro

Universität Dortmund Simpler GPU Projects 1. Cellular Automata 2. Quantum Computer simulation or matrix-matrix Universität Dortmund Simpler GPU Projects 1. Cellular Automata 2. Quantum Computer simulation or matrix-matrix and matrix-vector multiplication 3. Genetic Algorithm 4. World visualization 5. SAT 6. Graph Coloring 7. Constraints Satisfaction

Universität Dortmund Constraint Satisfaction Projects 1. Swarm 2. Emotion Recognition for DWAVE 3. Motion Universität Dortmund Constraint Satisfaction Projects 1. Swarm 2. Emotion Recognition for DWAVE 3. Motion control for complex motions such as dances and gymnastics for KHR-1 or Sozobot Robots. 4. Waltz algorithm for object recognition 5. Error Correcting code design 6. Graph coloring various variants

Universität Dortmund Vision 1. Hough Transform for lines – ovulation prediction application 2. Hough Universität Dortmund Vision 1. Hough Transform for lines – ovulation prediction application 2. Hough Transform for robot 3. Hough Transform for circles – cancer of eye application 4. Vision processor based on morphological algebra.

Universität Dortmund Spectral Transforms 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Universität Dortmund Spectral Transforms 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Fast Fourier Cosine Walsh Haar Linearly Independent Adding/Arithmetic Hough optimized Radon Hartley Matching Filtering-convolution From Alan Coppola - industrial

Universität Dortmund Reconfigurable Computers 1. CCM 2. Neural Networks for Prof. Starzyk 3. Neuro-biologically Universität Dortmund Reconfigurable Computers 1. CCM 2. Neural Networks for Prof. Starzyk 3. Neuro-biologically inspired for Prof. Kameyama

Universität Dortmund Embedded Systems for Robots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Using quaternions Universität Dortmund Embedded Systems for Robots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Using quaternions for a robot CMU cam for tracking Use of ASC Controller for robot Use of MSC controller Advanced robot controller for Prof. Levin Motion generation based on curves and their processing for Prof. Traczyk and Buller/De Garis – FFT processing 7. Biped that dances 8. Sozobot control

Universität Dortmund Projects for Fall 2008 Projects can be continued: 1. Winter 2009 in Universität Dortmund Projects for Fall 2008 Projects can be continued: 1. Winter 2009 in 572 class (Combinational Logic class) 2. Spring 2009 in 573 class (Sequential Systems class) 3. Spring 2009 in 510 Quantum Computing class. 4. As Master of Science Thesis (Mathias, Vishwanath, everybody else) 5. As Ph. D Thesis (Vamsi, Scott, Carlos) 6. As individual projects for credit. Seven projects as seven is a lucky number

Universität Dortmund QC Orion Our system Camera Internet Microphone Display Speaker PC Bluetooth FPGA Universität Dortmund QC Orion Our system Camera Internet Microphone Display Speaker PC Bluetooth FPGA board Robot’s sensors GPU board Robot’s motors and effectors

Universität Dortmund QC Orion Our system Camera Internet O pe n. C V Microphone Universität Dortmund QC Orion Our system Camera Internet O pe n. C V Microphone Display CS API SA PI I P SA b Rob ot. C Robot’s sensors FPGA board Bluetooth A VH PC D CU Bluetooth DL Ro C ot Speaker GPU board Robot’s motors and effectors

Universität Dortmund 1. Project number 1: Spectral Transforms for object recognition with rotation, scaling Universität Dortmund 1. Project number 1: Spectral Transforms for object recognition with rotation, scaling and translation Vamsi Srinivas Parasa = Group Leader, Omar Joshi = Lead HDL programmer, Sudheer G = FPGA expert • • • Learn and present Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and other transforms that are useful for image matching Develop the concept of FPGA architecture for object recognition as in title. Present the previous work of Sebastian Schueppel and other students Learn how to take image from camera (with others in this class) Write Verilog or VHDL code for FPGA for Altera Board. You can reuse any software from our previous projects or from internet but you must specifically mention what is it and give it to me to compare. Download to board. Test the board. Analyze Write a journal and a conference papers (if applicable) SPECTRAL PROJECT This project is a candidate for submission to DAC contest in FPGA category

Universität Dortmund QC Orion Spectral project Camera Internet O pe n. C V Microphone Universität Dortmund QC Orion Spectral project Camera Internet O pe n. C V Microphone Display CS API SA PI I P SA b PC Rob ot. C Robot’s sensors FPGA board Bluetooth A D CU Bluetooth VH DL Ro C ot Speaker GPU board Robot’s motors and effectors

Universität Dortmund Project number 2: Fractal Images based on higher order algebras Scott Blakely, Universität Dortmund Project number 2: Fractal Images based on higher order algebras Scott Blakely, Vishwanath Kusugal and Tobias Oerstein • Learn about Mandelbrot Set and Julia sets. Understand concept of fractals. • Learn how to take image from camera (with others in this class) • • Learn about Open. CV and image preprocessing Learn about complex numbers, quaternions and octonions as their generalizations in higher order algebras. Learn about FPGA fractal generator from last year project. Understand the interface Build a processing system that starts from camera, creates initial image and next processes it fractally, using old (complex numbers) and new (quaternions and octonions) theories • • FRACTAL PROJECT This project is a candidate to submission to DAC contest in FPGA category

FRACTAL project Universität Dortmund Camera QC Orion Internet O pe n. C V Microphone FRACTAL project Universität Dortmund Camera QC Orion Internet O pe n. C V Microphone Display CS API SA PI I P SA b PC Rob ot. C Robot’s sensors FPGA board Bluetooth A D CU Bluetooth VH DL Ro C ot Speaker GPU board Robot’s motors and effectors

Universität Dortmund Project number 3: GPU and CUDA Scott Storms, Sagar Raj, one – Universität Dortmund Project number 3: GPU and CUDA Scott Storms, Sagar Raj, one – more from class, one out of class • • • Present the architecture of GPU Present examples of codes in CUDA SAT Matrix multiplication Matrix Vector multiplication Emotion Recognition or Face Recognition Any other CS, Systolic or CA problem that can be done efficiently on CUDA Write software Download to coprocessor Test, analyze and write paper for conference CUDA project This project is a candidate to submission to DAC contest in FPGA category

Universität Dortmund QC Orion CUDA project Camera Microphone O pe n. C V SA Universität Dortmund QC Orion CUDA project Camera Microphone O pe n. C V SA PI b VH Robot’s sensors FPGA board Display CS API I P SA PC Rob Speaker ot. C DA DA CU CU Bluetooth DL Ro C ot Internet GPU board Bluetooth Robot’s motors and effectors

Universität Dortmund Project number 4: Constraint Satisfaction Problem Interface to Adiabatic Quantum Computer Dmitriy Universität Dortmund Project number 4: Constraint Satisfaction Problem Interface to Adiabatic Quantum Computer Dmitriy Labunsky, Boshra Samy and Yasuda • • Learn and present about Constraint Satisfaction Problems (Samy) Give examples of Constraint satisfaction problems (Samy) Learn Open. CV how to acquire face image (Yasuda) Face recognition, Emotion Recognition or similar problems for humanrobot interaction in real time as CS problems. (Yasuda and Samy) Learn API to interface CS problems to quantum computer Orion (Samy) Test software (Dmitriy, Yasuda and Samy) Analyze and write journal paper (Dmitriy, Yasuda and Samy) Think about and propose “Killer Applications” for CS/Orion ORION project This project is a candidate to submission to DAC contest in conceptual category

Universität Dortmund QC Orion ORION project Camera Microphone O pe n. C V SA Universität Dortmund QC Orion ORION project Camera Microphone O pe n. C V SA PI b I P SA PC Rob ot. C Robot’s sensors FPGA board Speaker Bluetooth A VH Display CS API D CU Bluetooth DL Ro C ot Internet GPU board Robot’s motors and effectors

Universität Dortmund Project number 5: Testing Reversible Logic Circuits Carlos Nieva • • • Universität Dortmund Project number 5: Testing Reversible Logic Circuits Carlos Nieva • • • What are reversible gates? What are reversible circuits? What is test? Stuck-at model and other models of faults Why reversible circuits are easy to test Previous work on testing reversible circuits (Markov Hayes, Patel etc) Work of Jeff Allen in his MS thesis. Your ideas of improving Jeff’s model. Examples of testing real reversible oracles. Write a conference paper This project is a candidate to submission to Test conference contest for students

Universität Dortmund • • • Project number 5: Lego NXT/Tetrix robot Quincy Chiu SENSORS Universität Dortmund • • • Project number 5: Lego NXT/Tetrix robot Quincy Chiu SENSORS PROJECT Learn Robot. C language Learn Lego. NXT/Tetrix platform Build a mobile robot with an arm that can grab items and transport them to other location. This project has to concentrate on programming sensors in a mobile robot with hand. The project can be continued towards Artificial Intelligence and new type of Neural Networks developed in Ohio University - collaboration This project will be used in our collaboration with Tears of Joy Puppet Theatre and Ohio University

Universität Dortmund SENSORS PROJECT QC Orion Camera Internet O pe n. C V Microphone Universität Dortmund SENSORS PROJECT QC Orion Camera Internet O pe n. C V Microphone Display CS API SA PI I P SA b Rob ot. C Robot’s sensors FPGA board Bluetooth A VH PC D CU Bluetooth DL Ro C ot Speaker GPU board Robot’s motors and effectors Lego/Tetrix Robot

Universität Dortmund Project number 6: Emotion Learning and Mimicking Robot Mathias Sunardi. This is Universität Dortmund Project number 6: Emotion Learning and Mimicking Robot Mathias Sunardi. This is individual project but done together with Dmitriy and other students • • • This work should be included in Mathias Thesis This work should use all software already developed by Mathias The project has to be an illustration of integration of image processing, speech and motion generation. Mathias has to present his work early as a lecture Final demo at the end of the class. DANCING PROJECT Details to be discussed in person. This project will be used in our collaboration with Tears of Joy Puppet Theatre

Universität Dortmund DANCING PROJECT Camera Microphone O pe n. C V SA PI QC Universität Dortmund DANCING PROJECT Camera Microphone O pe n. C V SA PI QC Orion Internet Display CS API I P SA Speaker PC VH accelerometer FPGA board A Robot’s sensors D CU DL C GPU board Robot’s motors and effectors KHR-1 Robot

Universität Dortmund Project number 7: Realistic Hand motion generation for a humanoid robot Aditya Universität Dortmund Project number 7: Realistic Hand motion generation for a humanoid robot Aditya Bhutada. This is individual project but done together with Dmitriy and other students • • • Learn about how servo works and present in class. Learn how stepper motor works and present in class. Learn how the ASC-16 controller works and present in class. Learn about a realistic human-like hand for “Dmitriy’s big robot” Write software for typical behaviors of the hand such as shaking hand, greeting a human, playing drum, etc. Analyze and conclude results. Collaborate with group of students who work on robot puppet. HAND PROJECT This project will be used in our collaboration with Tears of Joy Puppet Theatre

Universität Dortmund HAND PROJECT Camera Microphone QC Orion O pe n. C V SA Universität Dortmund HAND PROJECT Camera Microphone QC Orion O pe n. C V SA PI Internet Display CS API I P SA Speaker PC VH Accelerometer inclinometer FPGA board ASC-16 Controller A Robot’s sensors D CU DL C GPU board Robot’s motors and effectors Dmitri’s Robot

Universität Dortmund First Project Presentations. Graded as part of final project grade. 1. Project Universität Dortmund First Project Presentations. Graded as part of final project grade. 1. Project Spectral – Wamsi Parasa - Next week. (others will speak later) 2. Project CUDA – Scott Storms- Next week (others will speak later) 3. Project Orion –Bosra Samy - Two weeks from today. (others will speak later) 4. Project Hand – Aditya Bhutada – two weeks from now 5. Project Fractal – Scott Blakely, Vishwanath Kusugal and Tobias Oerstein – two weeks from now 6. Project Sensors - Quincy Chiu– two weeks from now Chiu 7. Project Dancing – Mathias Sunardi – next week • You must be prepared to speak at this time, regardless what happened, even Martian attack on Oregon. • You may be rescheduled.

Universität Dortmund Project Example: NXT Robots & Their Applications in Machine Learning Universität Dortmund Project Example: NXT Robots & Their Applications in Machine Learning

Universität Dortmund Please create such charts for your project for this quarter Gantt Charts Universität Dortmund Please create such charts for your project for this quarter Gantt Charts Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Familiarize with hardware Research programming environments Learn to interface with the robots Construction Program robots Program swarm autonomous robots network Testing and Troubleshooting Prepare for Final Presentation Documentation Goals Accomplishments Delayed Week 9 Week 10

Universität Dortmund Project Overview • Original project goal: To Program a swarm of autonomous Universität Dortmund Project Overview • Original project goal: To Program a swarm of autonomous Lego NXT robots to perform a specific task without human interaction. • To learn more about both the accuracy and functionality of sensors and motors packaged with the Lego NXT Robots • To learn to program in one or all of three Lego oriented programming languages (Lejos, NXC, and Robot C) • To apply what we know about machine learning to “teach” robots or rather to allow them to learn and behave based upon their environment and each other.

Universität Dortmund Approach: Research Acquire hardware 4 Lego NXT kits 4 Bluetooth adapters 1. Universität Dortmund Approach: Research Acquire hardware 4 Lego NXT kits 4 Bluetooth adapters 1. 5 V Batteries Familiarize with hardware Motors Sensors Brick Learn various programming languages Developed specifically for Lego NXT Robot. C le. JOS NXC Bluetooth compatible?

Universität Dortmund Approach: Programming Robot. C Line Tracking NXC Bitbot Program Stores values in Universität Dortmund Approach: Programming Robot. C Line Tracking NXC Bitbot Program Stores values in arrays Communicates through Bluetooth Master -> Slave Light Following Random Movement Python Establish Bluetooth communication

Universität Dortmund Technical Details Bluetooth Frequency of 2. 402 GHz to 2. 480 GHz Universität Dortmund Technical Details Bluetooth Frequency of 2. 402 GHz to 2. 480 GHz Spread Spectrum Frequency Hopping NXT Bluetooth capabilities Hardware CSR Blue. Core 4 v 2. 0+EDR System Supporting the Serial Port Profile Master to Slave communication only Bluetooth Adapter Kensington Bluetooth USB Adapter 2. 0 Lego NXT, Windows XP compatible Allows communication between PC and NXT Serial Connection

Universität Dortmund Technical Details Programming NXC Similar to C Easy to use IDE Limited Universität Dortmund Technical Details Programming NXC Similar to C Easy to use IDE Limited Bluetooth capabilities Limited processing power Python Scripted Language Used in many other applications Communication is between PC and NXT Will use PC processing power

Universität Dortmund Technical Details Lego NXT Mindstorm Ports similar to RJ 12 connectors for Universität Dortmund Technical Details Lego NXT Mindstorm Ports similar to RJ 12 connectors for sensors & motors Input Light Sound Ultrasound Touch Output Motors Brick Supports Bluetooth and 1 USB 2. 0 port 32 -bit ARM 7 microcontroller @ 48 MHz 256 KB of Flash Memory 64 KB of RAM 8 -bit Atmel AVR microcontroller @ 4 MHz 4 KB of Flash Memory 512 Bytes of RAM

Universität Dortmund Homework 4. Cellular Automaton This is the last homework of the class Universität Dortmund Homework 4. Cellular Automaton This is the last homework of the class 1. Find any simulator of Cellular Automata on the WWW. 2. Recommended simulators are on my webpage. 3. Select your own application for simulation. You cannot take it from Internet but you can take and modify the application if you clearly mention the web address and you write what you modified. 4. Describe the cellular automaton. It can be whatever you want. Here are some examples. 1. Game of life with modified rules 2. Sobel filter 3. Any other filter, may be your invention? 4. Thinning algorithm 5. Two-dimensional sorter 6. Logic gate simulator 7. Sharks and fish simulation 8. Spread of religion simulation 9. Economic system simulation 10. Particle simulation 5. Simulate 6. Change parameters 7. Simulate 8. Draw conclusions and write a report. 9. Present in class and make it really exciting Midterm 1 is at the end of October

Universität Dortmund Some slides used from Anjum Gupta, Roanne Manzano, Eric Tsai and Jacob Universität Dortmund Some slides used from Anjum Gupta, Roanne Manzano, Eric Tsai and Jacob Robison