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United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Dr. Muhammad Asim Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad
USMLE n Step 1 n Step 2 CK (clinical knowledge) n CS (clinical skills) n n Step 3
USMLE Step 1 n Subjects n n Avg. time required to prepare n n 8 - 12 H/day, 6 days a week for 5 -12 M, try to be consistent Fee n n Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Behavioral sciences, Pathology, Microbiology. 740$+140$ (International Test Delivery surcharges) =880$ Test centers n Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi
n Date of exam n n Every Wednesday, Thursday throughout the year Exam format Computer based exam n Total exam time n n 8 H (1 day exam) n Tutorial n 15 min n Total no. of MCQs n 336
n Total no of blocks n 7 (each block contains 48 MCQs and lasts 1 H. Beginning May 15, 2010 total no of questions in each block will be reduced to 46) n Time for break n 45 min, you can take breaks between any 2 blocks but not within a block.
USMLE Step 2 CK (Clinical Knowledge) n Subjects n n Avg. time required to prepare n n 8 -12 H/day, 6 days a week for 4 -8 M Fee n n Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Psychiatry 740$+155$=895$ Test centers n Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi
n Date of exam n n Every Wednesday, Thursday throughout the year Exam format Computer based exam n Total exam time n n 9 H (1 day exam) n Total no of MCQs n 352 n Total no of blocks n 8 (each lasts 1 H and contains 44 MCQs)
USMLE Step 2 CS (Clinical Skills) n Subjects tested n n Avg. time required to prepare n n 6 -8 H/day for about 1 Month Fee n n Same as step 2 CK 1295$ Test centers n Philadelphia, PA. Houston, TX. Chicago, IL. Atlanta, GA. Los Angeles, CA.
n Date of exam n n Every day except Saturday and Sunday throughout the year Exam Format Involves direct patient encounters n Total exam time n n 8 H (1 day exam) n Total no of stations n 12 n Time available at each station n 25 min, you are required to take history, do physical examination, determine differential diagnosis and then write down notes of 12 Simulated patients (SPs)
USMLE Step 3: (Be clear that this exam is not necessary to apply for residencies) n Subjects n n Avg. time required to prepare n n 705$ Test centers n n 16 H (2 day exam) Fee n n 6 -8 H/day for 1 -2 M Total exam time n n Same to Step 2 CK all over USA and only in USA Date of exam n Everyday including Saturday and Sunday
Frequently Asked Questions about USMLE
How should I prepare for USMLE step 1 exam? Take decision before graduation n Start preparation after the result of final professional n Buy books n Dictionaries n Kaplan Lecture notes n MCQs books like “USMLE World for step 1” and “Q bank for step 1” n First Aid for step 1 n
n First reading; n n n Just read and try to understand Kaplan Lecture notes, don’t try to memorize Use dictionaries aggressively Start with physiology Listen to Kaplan lecture notes DVDs specially Genetics and Behavioral sciences. Second reading; n n n Try to memorize Kaplan lecture notes now Add MCQs books like USMLE WORLD (UW) series and Q BANK series (Boosters). Read pathology immediately after physiology
n Third reading; n n Read Kaplan lecture notes again and add First Aid (you would start making your own questions). Take practice tests n Kaplan test (available on CD) n excellent test to check your speed n NBME practice test (Buy on the internet) n correlates very strongly with USMLE score n It’s time to go for exam….
When should I take USMLE step 1 exam? Before graduation or after graduation! n Before house job, after house job or along With house job! n I want to get experience certificate n The Knowledge I gain will help me in USMLE n I am not that strong financially n
How and when should I apply for visa?
Which subject is more important and which one is less or can I skip some less important topics?
What if I go for step 2 CK before step 1?
What specialties can I go to after doing USMLE?
What are electives and when should I do electives?
How can I enhance my memory and learning skills? n Use multiple ways to learn knowledge (read books, use dictionaries, listen to class lectures, write down notes, listen to Kaplan DVDs, put notes on the walls)
What is match process and how should I plan myself according to it?
What are other important things that matter in getting residency in USA? Duration from graduation (less than 5 years) n US Clinical Experience (electives, research and observer ship) n Letter of Recommendations (LORs) preferably from American teachers n Time of USMLE certification n Others (how did you utilize your time between graduation and application, performance at the day of interview) n
Who is the best person over here to do USMLE? n We all have brains; we just need to use our brains in the right way.
Links n http: //ecfmg. org/ n http: //www. usmle. org/