Скачать презентацию United States Department of Agriculture Office of the Скачать презентацию United States Department of Agriculture Office of the


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United States Department of Agriculture Office of the Chief Financial Officer National Finance Center United States Department of Agriculture Office of the Chief Financial Officer National Finance Center Customer Board Meeting March 21, 2012

USDA, National Finance Center Customer Board Meeting December 7, 2011 Old Business Updates USDA, National Finance Center Customer Board Meeting December 7, 2011 Old Business Updates

Help Desk Consolidation High-level Timeline Recent Accomplishments • Phase 1 Help Desk to support Help Desk Consolidation High-level Timeline Recent Accomplishments • Phase 1 Help Desk to support NFC core payroll business (e. g. , Payroll/Personnel System, Empow. HR, web. TA, Hosting Plus) go live 10/01/12 • Market research completed for Call Center Information Technology (IT) solutions Current State Issues/Risk • Developing functional requirements for IT solutions by 04/01/12 • Building out work space by 08/01/12 • Developing Communications Plan • Developing training program for staff to eliminate silo-like processes • Reviewing impact on SLAs • Developing path-forward for EPP inquiries • None National Finance Center - as of March 21, 2012 3

Risk Mitigation for Legacy Payroll/Personnel Systems High-level Timeline Recent Accomplishments • Conduct Global Inventory Risk Mitigation for Legacy Payroll/Personnel Systems High-level Timeline Recent Accomplishments • Conduct Global Inventory Assessment – 06/08/12 • Provide training on Mainframe Express Enterprise Edition - 06/30/12 • Develop overall testing strategy – 07/13/12 • Plan the conversion of databases and applications – 08/24/12 • Determine pilot/proof –of-concept applications and begin database and program conversion - 10/01/12 • Installation and training of Modernization Workbench toolset completed Current State Issues/Risk • DB 2/COBOL training in progress • Installation of Mainframe Express Enterprise Edition in progress • Conversion Services awarded • None National Finance Center - as of March 21, 2012 4

Enterprise Reporting Solution High-level Timeline Recent Accomplishments • Demonstrate the prototype of the Reporting Enterprise Reporting Solution High-level Timeline Recent Accomplishments • Demonstrate the prototype of the Reporting Solution at NFC’s Customer Forum – May 2012 • Conduct Build 1 detailed design – July 2012 • Parallel Test Build 1 Solution – October 2012 • UAT Build 1 Solution – January 2013 • Deploy Build 1 Solution – February 2013 • Finalized the solution architecture and toolset to deliver the full range of analytic and reporting capabilities • Developed the “Common Report Library” for government-wide standard reporting • Developed Build 1 outreach approach to facilitate the ongoing information-sharing between NFC and customers Current State Issues/Risk • Documenting detailed requirements for the government-wide standard reports and the ad hoc environment for Build 1 • Engaging the Reporting User Group (RUG) to validate the requirements and detailed design • Procuring, installing, and configuring the components of the hosting solution • None National Finance Center - as of March 21, 2012 5

USDA, National Finance Center Customer Board Meeting December 7, 2011 March 2012 PRT Recap USDA, National Finance Center Customer Board Meeting December 7, 2011 March 2012 PRT Recap for PPS

Schedule Release Summary • GESD Projects Scheduled – 142 Projects Scheduled • GESD Projects Schedule Release Summary • GESD Projects Scheduled – 142 Projects Scheduled • GESD Projects Unscheduled Breakdown – 81 Pending (HOLD/RESP) – 85 FRDs Assigned – 289 TBD 7

Schedule Release Summary as of 03/06/12 Unscheduled Project Breakdown By Line of Business (LOB) Schedule Release Summary as of 03/06/12 Unscheduled Project Breakdown By Line of Business (LOB) Line of Business Total by LOB PPS 307 Empow. HR 50 HRLOB (PPS/Empow. HR) 18 web. TA 28 Other 15 PCIP/IPPS 37 8

Schedule Release Status • CY 2012 Pay Period 12 Projects – 23 Projects Scheduled Schedule Release Status • CY 2012 Pay Period 12 Projects – 23 Projects Scheduled CY 2012 Pay Period 20 Projects – 20 Projects Scheduled • CY 2011/2012 Annual Release Projects – 6 Projects Scheduled • Off Release Projects – 35 Projects Scheduled 9

Software Change Request Totals • Software Change Requests – 2010, 540 SCRs Completed – Software Change Request Totals • Software Change Requests – 2010, 540 SCRs Completed – 2011, 384 SCRs Completed – 2012, 128 SCRs Completed (as of 03/06/12) 10

Software Problem Report (SPR) Summary Number of SPRs 1 st Quarter FY 2012 (October, Software Problem Report (SPR) Summary Number of SPRs 1 st Quarter FY 2012 (October, November, December) Beginning Balance 14 Received 367 Closed 361 Ending Balance 20 11

SPR - Average Age at Closure (Days) Priority Category 1 st Quarter FY 2012 SPR - Average Age at Closure (Days) Priority Category 1 st Quarter FY 2012 (October, November, December) Critical 0 High 2 Normal 4 12

Software Problem Report (SPR) Totals • SPRs – 2010, 1490 SPRs Completed – 2011, Software Problem Report (SPR) Totals • SPRs – 2010, 1490 SPRs Completed – 2011, 1564 SPRs Completed – 2012, 218 SPRs Completed as of 02/29/12 13

United States Department of Agriculture Office of the Chief Financial Officer National Finance Center United States Department of Agriculture Office of the Chief Financial Officer National Finance Center New Business

2011 W-2 Issuance Process High-level Timeline Recent Accomplishments • None • Issued all 742, 2011 W-2 Issuance Process High-level Timeline Recent Accomplishments • None • Issued all 742, 428 W-2 s prior to 01/31/12 • All W-2 s are available on NFC’s Reporting Center Current State Issues/Risk • Currently researching and issuing 2011 W-2 Cs when necessary • Developing Customer Notification to provide instructions on how to request W-2 reprints • None National Finance Center - as of March 21, 2012 15

2011 Electronic Paperless Personal Benefit Statements High-level Timeline Recent Accomplishments • Any agencies still 2011 Electronic Paperless Personal Benefit Statements High-level Timeline Recent Accomplishments • Any agencies still receiving paper statements will be reminded annually of their opportunity to go paperless • A total of 605, 471 statements will be generated • 326, 525 statements will be printed and mailed • 278, 946 statements will be paperless and posted to EPP Current State Issues/Risk • 74 (47%) agencies are identified as paperless • 84 (53%) agencies are identified as receiving paper statements • None National Finance Center - as of March 21, 2012 16

2012 Annual Pay Raise High-level Timeline • None Recent Accomplishments • • • NFC 2012 Annual Pay Raise High-level Timeline • None Recent Accomplishments • • • NFC generated a total of 11, 153 pay raise actions Pay Raise actions included transactions for 60 different agencies for employees in the non-foreign areas NFC received requirements from the following agencies for their employees in unique pay plans in the non-foreign areas: o Farm Service Agency o Smithsonian o Department of Commerce Current State Issues/Risk • None National Finance Center - as of March 21, 2012 17

Governance Process Governance Process

Customer Board (CB) • NFC and Board Executive Meeting – Represent the interests of Customer Board (CB) • NFC and Board Executive Meeting – Represent the interests of their respective Department/Agency or Council membership – Have the authority to speak for their respective Department/Agency or Council membership – Have the authority to commit resources, make decisions, and enforce decisions on behalf of their Department/Agency – Will facilitate information dissemination resulting from Board meetings to their respective organizations – Provide strategic advice and guidance on PPSS related matters 19 – Set Software Change Request priorities (if required)

Project Review Team (PRT) • Represent the NFC Payroll/Personnel System and Services (PPSS) clients Project Review Team (PRT) • Represent the NFC Payroll/Personnel System and Services (PPSS) clients in establishing prioritization of agency specific requests, system-wide enhancements and unresolved customerwide initiatives involving the NFC Scheduled Release – Representing all users, large and small, to meet agency needs within the PPSS – Providing a unified approach to system project prioritization – Providing comments and recommendations to ensure that projects are prioritized in a fair and consistent manner using customer input, NFC, LOE, etc. – Providing consensus solutions to system problems, changes, or proposed enhancements 20

Committee for the Agriculture Payroll/Personnel System (CAPPS) • Provides a forum for information sharing Committee for the Agriculture Payroll/Personnel System (CAPPS) • Provides a forum for information sharing between the USDA/NFC PPS user community, the program staffs at departmental level, and the technical systems staff at the NFC – Representing all users, large and small – Interacting with other system users and NFC in implementing, operating, maintaining, and continually improving the automated USDA/NFC PPSS – Providing leadership and guidance to agency users regarding the PPSS and assures the integrity of the systems – Coordinates Work Groups/User Groups 21

Configuration Control Board • Internal to NFC • Manage changes to the system based Configuration Control Board • Internal to NFC • Manage changes to the system based on Government-wide requirements, requests from users, need for system upgrades, effectiveness, and efficiency improvements • Schedule 4 releases of software in PP 04, PP 12, PP 20, and PP 25 each year • PP 01 Annual Pay Raise • Reacts to feedback from CAPPS, User Groups, Project Review Team (PRT), and Customer Board (CB) • Implement the near- and long-term requirements of HRLOB 22

United States Department of Agriculture Office of the Chief Financial Officer National Finance Center United States Department of Agriculture Office of the Chief Financial Officer National Finance Center Empow. HR

Empow. HR In-sourcing High-level Timeline Recent Accomplishments • Own 100% of development work for Empow. HR In-sourcing High-level Timeline Recent Accomplishments • Own 100% of development work for CY 12 PP 20 Release • Continue internal and external stakeholder engagement (e. g. , internal communications, external webpage, customer forums, etc. ) • Empow. HR application re-hosting from NITC, Kansas City to NFC’s PCF in Denver July 2012 • • • Current State Issues/Risk • Proceeding with staffing the last 4 positions (2 developers and 2 requirements analysts) • There will be no CY 12 PP 12 Release due to Empow. HR Re-Hosting • Analyzing current Empow. HR project inventory of unscheduled projects to facilitate schedule projections. Currently working toward scheduling projects for our CY 12 PP 20 Release • Proceeding with Empow. HR Security Clean-up Project • None Participated in training and knowledge transfer sessions Gathered, reviewed, and cataloged Unisys documentation Shadowed and monitored contractor development staff Owned 90% of development work by CY 12 PP 4 Release Determined we are ahead of schedule with regard to performing the development work and realized significant cost savings in previously slated contractor funds that could be redirected to other much needed GESD initiatives National Finance Center - as of March 21, 2012 24

Data Center Re-Hosting of Empow. HR High-level Timeline Recent Accomplishments • Re-Hosting of Empow. Data Center Re-Hosting of Empow. HR High-level Timeline Recent Accomplishments • Re-Hosting of Empow. HR by ITSD to begin by 06/30/12 • QA testing of the application began on 03/12/12 • QA test team members are testing, logging, and resolving issues • Empow. HR Stakeholders were invited to assist in testing application on 03/13/12 Current State Issues/Risk • ITSD/GESD continuing to work together to test the application, finalize the timeline, and implementation plan • Empow. HR maintenance contract Period of Performance (POP) ends 06/30/12 National Finance Center - as of March 21, 2012 25