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United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2015 -2019 Donor Coordination Forum 30 October, 2013 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Rationale for the UNDAF (United Nations Development Assistance Framework) • A coherent, effective response from the UN Country Team* • Support achievement of national development priorities *UNCT: the totality of UN operations in a country, including all resident and non-resident agencies, funds and programmes
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina UNDAF Road Map • Three key elements of the UNDAF’s preparation process: Ø Final Evaluation of the current UNDAF Ø Common Country Assessment (CCA) / Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Progress Report Ø Strategic Planning (SPR and follow-up consultations)
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina UNDAF Road Map • Timetable (2013): Ø April: UNDAF final evaluation Ø September: Finalization of MDG Report/CCA Ø October: Strategic Prioritization Retreat Ø December: Finalization of the draft 20152019 UNDAF for Bi. H Ø 1 st quarter 2014: Submission of UNDAF to the Council of Ministers
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2010 – 2014 UNDAF Final Evaluation • Ø Ø 4 thematic areas: Democratic governance Social Inclusion Environment Human Security • 40% of indicators-achieved, 30% - on target, 10% - failed • Total envisioned resource delivery: USD 180 Mil. USD • Projected total resource delivery: USD 240 Mil. USD
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina UNDAF Analytical Basis MDGs in Bi. H 2013 Draft Report - Progress towards the realisation of MDGs in Bi. H
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Achievement of MDGs in Bi. H by 2015? • Significant progress achieved in certain areas and limited in others • To date, not a single MDG has been fully achieved in Bi. H (assessed against targets set for each MDG) • Based on the key parameter/indicator MDG 4: Reduction of Child Mortality has been achieved, however success is overshadowed due to inequalities • Considerable improvements are evident with MDG 2 Education, MDG 6 HIV/AIDS and MDG 8 Global Partnership (in particular relating to a reduction in ODA). • Some progress has been made in relation to MDG 3 Gender Equality and MDG 5 Maternal Health • Limited progress has been made in MDG 7 Environment. • Least progress is evident in relation to the achievement of MDG 1 Poverty Reduction.
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Progress against indicators INDICATORS: 31 (45%) achieved/on track vs. 37 (55%) potentially/unlikely Under 800 days/28 months remain to reach the targets
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Poverty reduction Every sixth household in Bi. H is poor 17. 9% in relative poverty (under 416 KM/213 EUR per month) 15% in absolute poverty (under 235 KM/120 EUR per month) Education Male Female Primary 97. 6% Secondary (all) 90. 4% 93. 1% Secondary (Roma) 9. 2% 4. 5% Higher 36. 0% 39. 9% Literacy (15 -24 all) 99. 9% 99. 3% Literacy (15 -24 Roma) 89. 9% 68. 9% Universal primary eduction at 97% Extensive inequalities and social Pre-school enrolment only 13% exclusion (Roma, People with disabilities, Elderly, Youth, Children) Access to education/inequalities Quality of education Unbalanced development 6 cities vs. Quality of vocational education/skills for labour market the rest of the country
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Gender Equality Male Female Employment rate 41. 3% 23. 0% Unemployment rate 26. 1% 29. 9% Active labour force 67. 2% 32. 8% Work in agriculture 19% 26% in Parliament 81% 19% As municipal mayors 97% 3% Inequalities in political representation Inequalities in decision making positions Inequalities in pay/remuneration Reduce Child Mortality ! Infant mortality rate 7. 6 (2000) to 5. 0 (2012) per 100, 000 35% decrease…. Roma - 24 per 100, 000 in 2012 Under 5 mortality rate 9. 6 (2000) to 7. 7 (2012) per 100, 000 20% decrease Roma - 27 per 100, 000 in 2012 Immunisation 2011 68% vs. 4% Roma Early childbearing 2011 0. 9% vs. 31% of Roma
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Maternal Health HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis Maternal deaths 5. 5 per 100, 000 live births in 2000 …. 47% decrease HIV prevalence per 100, 000 population to 2. 9 (2009) … remains steady followed by 54% increase to and under 1% 6. 3 per 100, 000 in 2011 (total 187 cases by end of 2011) In 2011… Tuberculosis prevalence per 100, 000 Assisted childbirths…. 99. 9% population on an increase Contraception prevalence 46% from 50 in 2007 to 66 in 2012. Fertility rate 1. 21 child per woman Natural growth rate – 0. 8%
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Environmental Sustainability 2011 2015 or most recent data target % of forest area 42. 8% 60% % of protected areas 2% 6% CO 2 emissions 8 5 Access to water supply system 61. 7% 67% Access to sewage system 36% 40% Surface cleared of landmines 20% 80% Global Partnership 2000 2012 Target ODA as % of GDP 11. 1% 2. 3% 1% External public debt /GDP ratio 35. 2% 27. 5% 25% Exports/ GDP ratio 17. 9% 30. 4% 43%
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Unfinished business of MDGs in Bi. H • With significant and consolidated efforts, by the end of 2015, Bi. H could potentially achieve 4 of the 8 MDGs: – MDG 2 Education (achieve pre-school enrolment rate of 35%, improve access to education, improve quality of education) – MDG 4 Reduction of Child Mortality and MDG 5 Maternal Health (through improvement of access to services of vulnerable groups such as Roma) – MDG 6 HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis (focus on decrease of tuberculosis prevalence) Post-2015 agenda Conflict and Fragility Education Energy Environmental Sustainability Food security and nutrition Governance Growth and Employment Health Inequalities Population Dynamics Water
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Top 5 Development Priorities for UN focus: Citizens National counterparts 1 Economic Development and Employment 2 Fight Corruption and Organised Crime 3 Education 1 Economic Development and Employment 2 Agricultural Development 3 Health 4 Agricultural Development 4 Water, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability 5 Rural and Local Development 5 Child Protection 5 Social Inclusion and Inequalities 5 Justice, Rule of Law, Human Rights and Refugee Protection International community 1 Social Inclusion and Inequalities 2 Child Protection 3 Rural and Local Development 3 Justice, Rule of Law, Human Rights and Refugee Protection 3 Agricultural Development 3 Fight Corruption and Organised Crime UN Staff 1 Rural and Local Development 2 Economic Development and Employment 3 Fight Corruption and Organised Crime 4 Water, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability 5 Social Inclusion and Inequalities -
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina UNDAF Analytical Basis 2013 Common Country Assessment (CCA) for Bosnia and Herzegovina
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013 Bi. H Common Country Analysis • Purpose Ø UN assessment of development challenges in Bi. H Ø Focus on priority development sectors in line with the UN mandate Ø Analytical basis for UNDAF strategic planning Ø Suggests prioritization of areas for future partnership between UN and Bi. H
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013 Bi. H Common Country Analysis • Sectors Governance/Political Ø Rule of Law and Transitional Justice Ø Corruption Ø Human Rights Ø Peacebuilding and Inter-cultural Dialogue Security Ø Ageing Military Stockpiles Ø Disaster Risk Reduction Ø Migration, Asylum and Human Trafficking Socio-economic Ø Rural/Local Economic Development Ø Labor Market Ø Refugees and Displaced Persons Ø Census and Population Dynamics Ø Social Inclusion and Protection Ø Health Ø Education Ø Culture Ø Environment and Energy Efficiency
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013 Bi. H Common Country Analysis • Analyzing elements Ø Legal context (laws, policies, international conventions) Ø Main disaggregated data and trends Ø Effects on people (vulnerable groups) Ø Capacity needs Ø Potential areas for action
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013 Bi. H Common Country Analysis • Cross-cutting challenges Ø Implementation of strategies/policies/sector reforms Ø Access to services Ø Human and financial capacities Ø Coordination/harmonization
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013 Bi. H Common Country Analysis • UN comparative advantage Ø Mandate Ø Neutrality Ø Field presence Ø Resources including human capacities Ø Multi-sectoral expertise
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013 Bi. H Common Country Analysis • Priority areas Ø Sustainable Human Development Ø Governance, Justice and Human Security Ø Social Investment and Inclusion
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2015 -2019 UNDAF Strategic Prioritization Retreat • Purpose Ø Review major development challenges in Bi. H and the comparative advantages of the UNCT Ø Validated priority themes for the UNDAF and discuss the main expected results Ø Discuss proposed implementation and coordination mechanisms Ø Endorse the timeline for finalization of the UNDAF
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2015 -2019 UNDAF Strategic Prioritization Retreat UN Cooperation Strategy 2015 – 2019 to Bi. H Social Inclusion Sustainable Development and Employment Rule of Law/Human Security Anticipated financial envelope for 2015 -2019: 200 Mil. USD
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Mechanisms for UNDAF implementation • UN Reform – Delivering as One Ø Better cohesion between the UN agencies Ø Flexible approach to fit the country’s context Ø Strengthened national ownership Ø Simplified engagement for governments and development partners.
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Delivering as One
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Joint Steering Committee Ø Provides strategic oversight of the One Programme Ø Reviews and validates the joint UN Work Plans Ø Inclusive participation Ø Co-chaired by UN and Bi. H Ø Meets once or twice per year
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Next Steps • Consultations with international partners – 12 November • Consultations with CSOs representatives – last week of November • Draft UNDAF: early December • Invite Bi. H authorities/UN to review the draft UNDAF • Submit the document to the Bi. H Council of Ministers: first quarter 2014
United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina THANK YOU Contact information Aris Seferovic, aris. seferovic@undp. org Envesa Hodzic-Kovac, envesa. hodzic-kovac@undp. org