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Unit XXV – Modern Terrorism This presentation is a limited description of terrorist organizations Unit XXV – Modern Terrorism This presentation is a limited description of terrorist organizations that have conducted the most notorious attacks. Most of the groups react to foreign policies of the United States, especially in the Middle East. Copyright 2006; C. Pettinato, RCS High School, All Rights Reserved

1. Map of Israel – Primary Target 1. Map of Israel – Primary Target

2. Video - Palestinian Land Claims 2. Video - Palestinian Land Claims

3. Definitions l A. Terrorism – The deliberate use of random violence, especially against 3. Definitions l A. Terrorism – The deliberate use of random violence, especially against civilians, to achieve political goals. l B. Terrorist – A person who commits random acts of violence to achieve political goals. l C. Primary Goals of Terrorists - Destruction of governments resulting in regime change and also territorial gain.

4. Al Qaeda - 1988 l l l l l A. Attacks: 1. World 4. Al Qaeda - 1988 l l l l l A. Attacks: 1. World Trade Center – 1993 2. Tanzanian and Kenyan US Embassies – 1998 3. USS Cole – 2000 4. World Trade Center 2001 5. Kenyan Hotel -2002 6. Bali nightclub – 2002 7. Many attacks in Saudi Arabia – 2001 -2004 8. Istanbul synagogue and HSBC bank – 2004 l l l B. Goals: 1. to unite Muslims to fight against the U. S. as a way of defeating Israel 2. overthrowing non-Islamic regimes 3. expelling westerners and non-Muslims from Muslim countries 4. merged with Egyptian Islamic Jihad in 2001 5. merged with al-Zarqawi’s group -2004

5. 9/11/01 – The Second World Trade Center Attack 5. 9/11/01 – The Second World Trade Center Attack

6. Al Qaeda (cont. ) l l C. Individuals: 1. Usama bin Laden 2. 6. Al Qaeda (cont. ) l l C. Individuals: 1. Usama bin Laden 2. Abu Mus’ab al-Zarqawi 3. Ayman al-Zawahiri l l l D. Financing; 1. personal wealth Usama 2. fund raising –false Muslim and humanitarian charities 3. wealthy Arab sheiks (Saudi Arabia) 4. individuals and businesses 5. the heroin trade

7. Usama bin Laden 7. Usama bin Laden

8. Hezbollah – The Party of God – Islamic Jihad (1982) l l l 8. Hezbollah – The Party of God – Islamic Jihad (1982) l l l l A. Attacks: 1. many attacks in Israel (80’s – 90’s) 2. US Embassy (1984) 3. Marine Barracks, Lebanon, 1984 4. kidnapping of Americans in Lebanon 1980’s 5. TWA hijacking – 1985 6. Israeli Embassy attack – 1992 l l B. Goals: 1. elimination of Israel, liberation of Jerusalem, and Islamic rule in Lebanon 2. guidance and assistance to other extremist groups 3. Independent State of Palestine

9. Hezbollah (cont. ) l l l l l C. Individuals: 1. Ideas of 9. Hezbollah (cont. ) l l l l l C. Individuals: 1. Ideas of the former Ayatollah Khomeini (Iran) 2. Sec. Gen. - Hasan Nasrallah of the Consultative Council (ruling body) D. Financing: 1. Iran 2. false charities and humanitarian groups 3. wealthy individuals 4. diplomatic, political, and logistical support from Syria 5. businesses

10. The Hezbollah Flag 10. The Hezbollah Flag

11. Hamas (1987) l l l A. Attacks: 1. Many bombings, suicide bombings, rocket 11. Hamas (1987) l l l A. Attacks: 1. Many bombings, suicide bombings, rocket and artillery attacks, kidnappings, beatings, and other acts of violence against Israeli civilians during 80’s and 90’shundreds of casualties 2. provides relief, education, to Palestinians l 3. provides political participation l B. Goals: 1. destruction of Israel 2. destruction of Judaism 3. political violence 4. creation of a Palestinian State l l

12. Hamas (cont. ) l l l l l C. Individuals: 1. Saikh Ahmed 12. Hamas (cont. ) l l l l l C. Individuals: 1. Saikh Ahmed Yassir – founder 2. Mohammad Taha – political Leader 3. Many top officials have been assassinated by Israel D. Financing: 1. Israel at 1 st, to balance the power of Al Fatah 2. Saudi Arabia 3. various other Middle East countries 4. illegal drug sales

13. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) - 1967 l l l 13. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) - 1967 l l l A. Attacks: 1. numerous international attacks in 1970’s (some airliner hijackings) 2. Israeli settler and her son – 1996 3. at least 2 suicide bombings in Israel since 2003 4. assassination of Israeli tourism minister - 2001 l l l l l B. Goals: 1. freedom for Palestine 2. freedom for the Gaza strip 3. revolution against western imperialism C. Individuals: 1. George Habash (67) D. Financing: 1. Syria 2. wealthy individ. /business

14. Al-Fatah l l A. Attacks: 1. numerous attacks of international terrorism – 60’s, 14. Al-Fatah l l A. Attacks: 1. numerous attacks of international terrorism – 60’s, 70’s 2. Black September – 72, Munich 3. no know attacks since 1993 l l l l l B. Goals: 1. Destruction of Israel and the creation of a Palestinian State, training other terrorist groups C. Individuals: 1. Yassir Arafat l l D. Financing: 1. wealthy individuals 2. businesses 3. illegal activities 4. Saudi Arabia 5. Kuwait E. Evolution: 1. turned into a political party (PLO) in 1993 and claimed to represent the Palestinians 2. Current leader – Mahmoud Abbas

15. Yassir Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas 15. Yassir Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas

16. The Flag of the Palestinian Liberation Organization 16. The Flag of the Palestinian Liberation Organization

17. The PLO 17. The PLO

18. The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) l l l A. political wing created in 18. The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) l l l A. political wing created in 1993 when Yassir Arafat signed the Declaration of Principles with Israel, renouncing violence B. Yassir Arafat was the chairman C. no incidents of terrorism have been connected to this organization since. D. it has advocated for a Palestinian State E. under Arafat, it publicly discouraged violence F. it also, ignored violence when it was committed, and failed to arrest terrorists despite having it’s police force financed by the U. S.

19. Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (2000) l l l A. Attacks: 1. In Israel and 19. Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (2000) l l l A. Attacks: 1. In Israel and the occupied territories against troops, civilians: a. shootings, suicide bombings, beatings, rocket and artillery attacks, murdering cooperating Palestinians b. responsible for the intifada B. Goals: 1. driving Israeli settlers from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip l 2. establishment of a Palestinian State l C. Individuals: 1. No significant leader, 2. related to Al Fatah l l l D. Financing 1. Many public accusations of financing from Iran and Hezbollah

20. Al-Jihad l l l A. Attacks: 1. Numerous high level Egyptian government officials 20. Al-Jihad l l l A. Attacks: 1. Numerous high level Egyptian government officials (Anwar Sadat) 2. U. S. and Israeli intelligence officials B: Goals: 1. the overthrow of Egypt and the establishment of an Islamic state 2. merged with al Qaeda(2001) l l l C. Individuals: 1. Ayman al-Zawahiri D. Financing: 1. early financing unknown 2. since 1998 from al Qaeda

21. Ayman al-Zawahiri 21. Ayman al-Zawahiri

22. Abu Nidal (1974) l l l l A. Attacks: 1. In 20 different 22. Abu Nidal (1974) l l l l A. Attacks: 1. In 20 different countries killing over 900 people 2. Rome, Vienna airports – 1985 3. Istanbul synagogue, (85) 4. Pan Am F-73 in Karachi (86) 5. Greek cruise ship (88) 6. attacks ag. PLO ministers 7. No attacks since late 80’s l l l B. Goals: 1. elimination of Israel 2. elimination of anyone who cooperates with Israel C. Individuals: 1. Sabri al-Banna (Abu Nidal) – died 2002 D. Financing: Iraq, Syria, Libya

23. The Irish Republican Army (IRA) 23. The Irish Republican Army (IRA)

24. The IRA (cont. )(1969) l l l A. Attacks: 1. bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, 24. The IRA (cont. )(1969) l l l A. Attacks: 1. bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, punishment, beatings, extortion, robberies in Britain, Northern Ireland, and Ireland B. Goals: 1. removing British forces from Northern Ireland reuniting Ireland Northern Ireland l l l l 2. protecting Catholics and punishing Protestants 3. voluntarily disarmed in 2005 C. Individuals: 1. various leaders – current Gerry Adams (SF) 2. formed as a radical wing of the Political Party Sinn Fein D. Financing: Libya, PLO, sympathizers in the U. S.

25. Gerry Adams – Sinn Fein 25. Gerry Adams – Sinn Fein

26. Important Terms and People l l l l l A. Terrorism B. Terrorist 26. Important Terms and People l l l l l A. Terrorism B. Terrorist C. Al Qaeda D. Usama bin Laden E. Abu Mus’ab al Zarqawi F. Ayman al Zawahiri G. Hezbollah H. Hamas I. PFLP l l l l J. Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade K. Abu Nidal L. Al-Jihad M. IRA N. Sinn Fein O. Gerry Adams P. intifada- armed struggle against Israel in the occupied territories