- Количество слайдов: 41
Unit Five Delivery
Lead –in § Delivery of goods means that the sellers deliver the contracted goods at the agreed time, place and in the agreed manner to buyers. In international trade, how to deliver the goods quickly and safely is essential to the buyers and the sellers. In this unit we will focus on some important items in delivery negotiation.
Explanation and comments on the text § Now go through the “Introduction” § For your reference: § ☆Supply of the goods货源情况 § The sellers should make sure that they have enough time for the production and preparation of the goods. § 在谈判中卖方要保证自己有足够的生产、备货的时间 § ☆Transportation 运输情况 § Delivery is accomplished by means of transportation. What means of transportation to be selected depends on the shipment, voyage, and the conditions of the port. The sooner you can get the steamer the earlier you can make the delivery. § 交货是通过各种运输方式来完成。运输方式的选择取决于船舶、航线 以及港口条件。船只获得越早,交货就能越早的完成。
§ ☆Conditions of the goods (货物本身的情况) § Some goods are seasonal, so they need sooner shipment to catch the selling season. Some goods are likely to molder and get damp, such as cigarette leaves, and they should not be shipped in rainy seasons. § 一些货物是季节性的,要尽快装运以便赶上销售 季节。一些商品容易腐烂并且变得潮湿,如:烟 草叶,不应在雨季运输。
§ ☆Because the time of delivery is so important in international trade, how should we set the time of delivery in the contract? § § § § § ☆三种比较常见的交货期表达方式: (1)在某一段时间交货,常用介词 in或 during 表示, 如: Shipment in July. Shipment in June/July (跨月) Shipment during June/July (2) 在某个具体的日期或此之前,或不晚于某个具体的日期交货,常 用介词 on/before或not later than 表示: Shipment on/before Nov. 30, 2008 Shipment not later than Nov. 30, 2008 (3) 收到有关信用证后一段时间交货(仅限于信用证付款的情况下使用 ) Shipment within 45 days after receipt of the covering L/C § Q: 在实际业务中,(1)(2)两种交货期中,哪一种更常用?为什 么? § Answer: (2)比较常用。如用(1),万一货物提前备妥也无法提前 装运,必须等到六月一日才能装运,因此,很容易导致不必要的仓储 费和其他费用,用(2)则只要交货的时间不超过最晚期限,可以随 时提前装运,所以比较灵活。
§ ☆Speeding up delivery is what the buyers care most about. In order to do so, you can: § ☆Shorten the time of getting the goods ready 缩短备货时间 § You can consider where you can get the goods you need in the shortest time; or how can you persuade the manufacturer to advance delivery of the goods you need. § 考虑在什么地方可用最短的时间获得你要的商品;如何说服生产商提 前交货。 § ☆Shorten the time of transportation 缩短运输时间 § Shortening the time of transportation means that you should choose a proper means of transportation, then you should know where to load the goods. The port you choose should be in good condition, that is, it should be near to the source of goods, it should be convenient to get the steamer at any time, and it should offer a safe, economic, and fast transportation service. § 缩短运输时间是指你应当选择合适的运输方式,还要确定在哪里装卸 货物。你选择的港口应当条件良好,就是说,应当靠近货源地,在任 何时间都方便将货物运至船上,并且能够提供安全、经济和快速的运 输服务。
§ ☆Spend less time on distribution of the goods 缩短 商品流通的时间 § This means shortening the time of going through necessary formalities and the time of goods flowing through the market channel. § 缩短商品流通的时间是指缩短货物经过必要手续的时间和 货物在市场渠道流通的时间。 § § § § ☆Modes of transport 运输方式 Sea transport (ocean transport) 海洋运输 Rail transport 铁路运输 Air transport 航空运输 Road transport 公路运输 Container transport 集装箱运输 International multimodal transport国际多式联运
Language points § § § § 1)delivery n. 发货 We aim to speed up our delivery times. 我们正力争加快交货时间。 deliver v. 发货 Please deliver these goods immediately to the London Dock. 请立即将这些货物运往伦敦码头 port of delivery 发货港 prompt delivery 即期发货 time of delivery 发货时间 punctual delivery 按时交货 § § § 2)Shipment n. 装运,装船;装运的货物;装运期 We shall effect shipment on July 10. 我们将在 7月10号装货启运。 We are not quite satisfied with the shipment. 我们对这批货不太满意。 shipment date 装运期 time of shipment 装船期 advance shipment 提前装运 effect /make shipment 装运 delay/extend shipment 延期装运 hasten/speed/expedite up shipment 加速装运 urge shipment 催促装运
§ 3)place goods on the market 将货物投入市场 § When other importers place their goods on the market, we sell ours at a profitable price. § 当其他进口商将货物投放市场时,我们已经以盈利价格售 出了我们的货。 § place goods (or stock, for example) on the market in large quantities and at a low price. § 倾销向市场大量低价投放(如货物,股票) § 4)the time of getting the goods ready 备货时间,备货 周期 § We are pleased to inform you that we have the goods ready two weeks in advance of the contracted time and we can effect shipment as soon as your L/C reaches us. § 我们高兴地通知您方,我们已比合同时间提前两周将货物 备妥,只要您方信用证一到,我方即能立即装船。
How to set the port of shipment and port of destination in the contract? § The stipulations of port of shipment and port of destinations are as follows: § § 1. 规定一个装运港和目的港。 例如:Port of shipment: Shanghai; port of destination: New York. § § 2. 规定两个或两个以上的装运港和目的港。 例如: Port of shipment: Qingdao and Shanghai; Port of destination: London/Liverpool. § § § 3. 笼统规定。 例如:Port of shipment: China port; Port of destination: U. K. port. 当采用第(2)、(3)种规定方式时,如卖方负责安排运输,则卖方可在范围内任选; 如买方安排运输,则买方必须在合同规定的装运时限或装运时间将最终选定的装运港的 详细信息通知卖方。 § § 4. 采用选择港( Optional Ports) 办法。 例如:CIF London/Hamburg/ Rotterdam optional. 即允许收货人在预先提出的两个或两个 以上的卸货港中,在货轮驶抵第一个备选港口前,按船公司规定的时间,将最后确认的 卸货港通知船公司或其代理人,船方负责按通知的卸货港卸货。按一般航运惯例,如果 贷方未在规定的时间将选定的卸货港通知船方,船方有权在任何一个备选港口卸货。
Supplementary material § ☆Port of shipment and port of destination § Port of shipment is the port where goods are shipped and depart, while port of destination is the port at which goods are ultimately discharged. Both of them should be specified in the contract: Normally, one specific port of shipment and one specific port of destination are stipulated. But sometimes two or more of each are stated to meet special requirements. § 装运港是货物起始装运的港口,卸货港是是指最终卸货的 港口。装运港和卸货港在合同中都要做出规定:通常只规 定一个装运港和一个卸货港,但是有时为了满足特殊的业 务需求可规定两个或两个以上的装运港和目的港。
§ ☆Partial shipment and transshipment § Partial shipment means shipping the commodity under one contract in more than one lot. It should be defined in the clause of shipment whether “Partial shipment is (or is not) allowed”. Meanwhile, the time and quantity of each shipment should be specified, such as “shipment during May/June in four equal monthly lots”. The seller should strictly follow the regulation, or otherwise, the buyer has the right to reject goods. § 分批装运是指一批成交的货物分若干批次装运。是否允许分批装运应 当在装运条款中做出规定,例如“货物 5月和6月份分4批等批装运”。 卖方应该严格按照规定装运,否则买方有权拒收货物。 § Transshipment means that when there is no direct ship between the port of shipment and the port of destination, or no suitable ships available at that particular period, the goods have to be transferred from one ship to another at an intermediate port. The clause must also specify whether “transshipment is (or is not) allowed”. In addition, it should also be indicated who should pay the cost of transshipment. § 转船装运是指如果没有直达船或一时无合适的船舶运输,货物需通过 中途港转运。是否允许转船装运需要在运输条款中做出规定。同时也 要说明是谁来承担转船费用。
Dialogue One Time of Delivery
Lead-in § From the Introduction we have gotten to know some important factors in delivery negotiation. In this dialogue we will focus our attention on the time of delivery.
Explanation and comments on the text § § § Go through Dialogue One and try to find the answers for the following questions: 1. When can the seller effect the shipment in the beginning? 2. For the earliest time of shipment that the seller mentioned, can the buyer accept it? If not, what’s the reason? 3. Why can the seller not make delivery in October? 4. If the seller can not advance the time of shipment, what kind of actions will the buyer take? 5. At last, do they achieve a final agreement on the time of shipment? Key: 1. During November and December. 2. He can not. That’ll be too late. November is the selling season for those articles. If they place them on the market in December, they would be at a great loss. 3. The products are well-received in the world market. And the demand for those articles has continued to rise. They have been heavily committed this year. 4. The seller will cancel the order. 5. They don’t. because the seller needs to approach the manufacturer before making the final decision.
Language points § § § 1) selling season 销售季节 As the selling season is drawing near, the market is going to go up. 随着销售旺季的来临,市场行情将会上涨。 § § § 2) well-received 受到欢迎的 Silks are one of China’s traditional exports and they are usually received well abroad. 丝绸是中国的传统出口产品之一,在国外很畅销。 § § § 3) heavily committed 订单太多,订货太多 Owing to our manufacturers being heavily committed, it is not possible for us to effect shipment before the date named. 由于生产厂商承约过多,我方不可能在所订日期前安排装运。 § § § 4) long-standing relations 长期的关系 Our two countries are neighbors whose friendship is long standing. 我们两国是有悠久友谊的邻邦。 § § 5) be compelled to 不得不 If the goods are not shipped in June, we shall be compelled to purchase elsewhere and may have to countermand our order. 若无法在六月装船,我们只能撤回订单去别处采购。 If you can not keep your promise, I shall be compelled to sue you in a law-court. 如果您不能信守诺言,我将被迫上法院告您。 § § §
Comments § 案例点评: § 作为买方为了保证货物能够在销售旺季到来之前进入市场,应催促卖 方尽快交货;谈判的关键技巧是如何说服卖方尽早交货,同时卖方不 能盲目的同意买方提出的交货时间,要根据自身的实际情况和买方协 商合理的时间以保证按时交货。 § 本轮谈判的主要亮点是: § 1) 由于买方订货较晚,但又希望卖方能早日交货,因此,在探听卖 方具体交货的时间时采用层层剥茧的方式,技巧性较强。 § 2)买方采取了软硬兼施的方式说服卖方早日交货:首先客观说明未 能赶上销售季节的后果,其次,以情打动卖方,上述两招都无效的情 况下,以取消订货威胁对方,最后卖方同意尽力帮忙,买方使用情感 的技巧可谓不俗。 § 3)选择not later than November 10作为交货期而不用during November对买方也极其有利,一是避免了卖方在 11月10日以后交货, 同时,如有可能,交货也尽可能提前。
Practice § Translate the following sentences into English. § § § § § 1)Inquiring about shipment(查询有关装运) a. 我们可以谈论一下交货时间吗? b. 你方能不能再提前一点交货? c. 这批货的运费由我们付吗? d. 请通知应于何时用何种方式运送。 a. Shall we discuss the time of delivery? b. Could you possibly advance shipment even further? c. Do we pay the shipping charges for this order? d. Please tell me when and how you would like the goods delivered. § § § § § 2) Setting the date of delivery(确定交货日期) a. 能不能在 10月份交货? b. 你们能不能设法提前交货? c. 第 105号订单所订货物我们要急用,请你们加快装船速度。 d. 非常抱歉我们不能把交货期提前。 a. Is it possible to effect shipment during October? b. Could you do something to advance your shipment? c. Order No. 105 is so urgently required that we have to ask you to speed up shipment. d. I'm sorry to say that we can't advance the time of delivery.
§ § § 3) Urging shipment(敦促交货) 我方要求早日交付我方的订货。 我们坚持立即交货,否则将撤销订单。 请立即处理此事,务必使货物装运别再延误。 我希望你们能在收到我方信用证后马上装运。 我方迫切需要这次订货,故请贵方加快装运。 § We ask for an early delivery of our order. § We must insist on immediate delivery; otherwise we shall be compelled to cancel the order. § Please take the matter up at once and see that goods are delivered without further delay. § I hope that the goods can be shipped promptly after you get our L/C. § The order is so urgently required that we must ask you to expedite shipment.
§ § § 4) Declining the delivery time a) 厂商目前任务已经饱和。 b) 厂商手头存有许多待完成订单。 c) 要我们在几个星期内准备好货物是不可能的。 d) 由于新订单源源不断的涌入, 人们正一日三班加速生产。 § § a) Our manufacturers are fully committed at the moment. b) Our manufacturers have a heavy backlog on their hands. c) It’s impossible for us to get the whole lot ready within a few weeks. d) As new orders keep pouring in, the workers are working three shifts to step up production. § § § 5) Setting the port of shipment a) 咱们今天下午是不是谈谈卸货港的问题? b) 我们总希望用较大的港口作为装运港。 c) 你可以选择天津作为装运港。 d) 我们认为把伦敦作为中国茶叶的卸货港,很难让人接受。 § § a) Shall we have a talk this afternoon on the port of discharge? b) We are always willing to choose the big ports as the loading ports. c) You may choose Tianjin as port of shipment. d) We don't think it's proper to unload the Chinese tea at London.
Supplementary materials---交货时间 § 交货时间是指卖方按照合同规定将合同货物交付给买方或 承运人的期限故而又称交货期和装运期。交货时间对买卖 双方的利益均有很大影响;对买方来说关系到能否适时的 取到货物满足其销售或使用的需要;对卖方来说关系到能 否在规定的时间内备妥货物安排运输办理各种必要手续以 交付买方。而且交货时间的早晚又往往关系到买方支付与 卖方收取货物价款的时间直接影响企业的资金运用。所以 在国际货物买卖合同中,原则上必须对交货时间做出明确 具体的规定。但是,由于国际货运情况的错综复杂,不可 控因素很多要保证做到在某一天将货物装运很难做到。因 此,一般不采用规定某一个具体日期,如某月某日的做法。
Dialogue Two Partial Shipment
Lead-in § In Dialogue One, we learned how to negotiate the time of shipment; in this Dialogue we will focus our attention on partial shipments and transshipments.
Explanation and comments on the text § Go through the Dialogue Two and try to find the answers for the following questions: § 1) What does the buyer expect the delivery time to be? § 2) Can the seller ship the goods within the time the buyer expect? Why or why not? § 3) How does the seller suggest making the shipment? § 4) What’s the buyer’s suggestion for the partial shipment? § 5) At last what kind of agreement can the seller and buyer achieve? § Key: 1. The buyer expects to make shipment early next month. § 2. The seller can not meet the buyer’s request for they can not get all the goods ready in such a short time. § 3. He suggests making shipment in three lots. § 4. 70% for the first lot and 30% for the second lot. § 5. The first lot of 600 metric tons to be delivered not later than June 10, 2008.The second lot of 300 metric tons to be delivered not later than July 30,2008.
Language points § § 1) partial shipment 分批装运 transshipment 转船 Letter of credit should allow transshipment and partial shipment. 信用证应允许转船和分批装运。 § § § § 2) place an order with sb. 给某人下订单 place an order with sb. for sth. 向某人定购某物 I'll check with my boss before I place an order. 订货之前,我得和老板商量一下。 I would like to place an order with you for fuel. 我愿意订购你厂的煤。 I'd like to place an order with you for some tea. 我想从贵公司订购一些茶叶。 § § 3)in three monthly lots 分三批,每月一批 Shipment is to be made during April to June in three equal lots. 货在四月至六月,分三批均装发运。 Shipment is to be made during June, July, and August in three equal lots of 1000 tons each. 货物将在 6、7、8月份分三批均装启运,每批 1000吨。 §
Comments § 案例点评: § 本轮谈判的重点依然是如何解决快速交付货物,满足买方 将货物及时投放市场的问题。所用方法一是催促供应商及 早交货,缩短备货时间,二是采取分批交货的方式,保证 部分货物能尽早交货。一般而言,只规定允许分批装运而 对分批装运的具体时间、批次和数量均不作规定,这种做 法对卖方来说比较主动,他完全可以根据货源和运输条件, 在规定的装运期内灵活掌握,但本轮谈判中买方为保证自 身的利益,并没有给卖方这些宽松的余地,而是具体订明 每批装运的时间和数量,这种做法往往是根据买方对货物 的使用或转售的需要确定的,对卖方的限制较严。
Practice --Translate the following sentences into English. § § § § § 1) Proposing partial shipments and transshipments a) 货物分三批装运。 b) 货物五月和六月份分两批等量装运。 c) 本月无直达船, 我们只能在香港转船。 d) 将装运港由汕头改为珠海对我们来说问题不大。 a) Shipment is to be made in three installments. b) The goods will be shipped in May and June in two equal lots. c) There is no direct steamer this month; we will have to ship the goods via Hongkong. d) It makes no difference to us to change the loading port from Shantou to Zhuhai. 2)discussing shipping documents a) 一般来说我们收到信用证后一个月内交货。 b) 这是一套这批货的装运单据。 C) 我们将寄送两套已装运清洁提单。 d) 货一发运,我们就寄给你方一套单据副本。 a) As a rule, we deliver all our orders within one month after we receive the covering L/C. b) This is one set of the shipping documents covering the consignment. c) We'll send you two sets of the Shipped, Clean Bill of Loading. d) We'll send you a full set of non-negotiable documents immediately after the goods are loaded.
Supplementary materials § 分批装运:又称分期装运(shipment by installments),是指一个合 同项下的货物先后分若干批或若干期装运。在国际贸易中,有的交易 由于数量较大,或由于备货、运输条件、市场需要或资金的限制,有 必要分期分批交货。 § 转运:是指货物从装运港或装运地至卸货港或目的地的货运过程中进 行转装或重装,包括从一运输 具或船只移至同一类运输方式的运输 具或船只,或由一种运输方式转为另一种运输方式的行为。一般来 说,允许转运对卖方比较主动,但要增加费用支出。 § What is the “More or Less Clause”? 什么是“溢短装条款”? § A “more or less clause” can be used to allow some tolerance in the quantity of the commodity. The wording of such a clause can be “xxx with x% more or less at Seller’s option”. It means a difference not exceeding 10% more or less will be permissible. § 分批装运货物有时难以保持相同的数量,溢短装条款的措辞可采用“ 装运时允许有多于或少于x%的误差。”, 意味着不超过10% 的浮动 是可以接受的。
Dialogue Three Transshipment and container transportation
Lead-in § With the development of international trade, the container transport has become an important transport mode, in this Dialogue we will get to know how to talk about it in trade negotiation.
Explanation and comments on the text § § Go through the Dialogue Three and try to find the answers for the following questions: 1) How will the goods be shipped? 2) According to the dialogue, what are the characteristics of the container ship? 3) What should be paid attention to when negotiating the transshipment? § Key: 1. The goods will be first shipped to H. K. in a container ship, and then transshipped in H. K. to Los Angles, of course, in another container ship. § 2. They are watertight and airtight to protect goods from being damaged by heat, water or dampness. The containers can be opened at both ends, so that loading and unloading can be made at the same time. Containerization is faster, safer and more convenient. It can be also save a lot of wrapping and the cost of freight. § 3. The clause must also specify whether “transshipment is (or is not) allowed”. In addition, it should also be indicated who should pay the cost of transshipment.
Comments § 案例点评: § 集装箱运输是以集装箱作为运输单位进行货物运 输的一种现代化运输方式,具备传统运输不具备 的优点:适合海、陆空国际多式联运,提高了货 运速度,加快了运输 具、货物及资金的周转, 减少货损、货差,提高货运质量,节省货物包装 费用及其它杂费,具有“安全、迅速、简便、价廉 ”的特点,因此在当今的国际贸易运输中普遍采用。 本轮谈判的目的主要是学习如何根据集装箱上述 的优点说服对方采用集装箱的运输方式。
Supplementary materials § Container transport集装箱运输 § Containerization is a method of distributing merchandise in a unitized form, suitable for ocean, rail and multinational transport. It is the most modern form of physical international distribution and overall is highly efficient in terms of reliability, cost, quality of service, advanced technology and so on. § 集装箱是一种把分散的单件货物组成规格化、大运输单位 来配送货物的形式,适应于海运、铁路运输和国际多联式 运输。集装箱运输以其高效优质低成本的特点,成为当今 最重要的一种货物装载形式。
Practice(实训) § § § § Language Practice Put the following into English. 1. Could you tell me the delivery time of my goods? Now you try: a. Could you tell me the mode of transportation of the steel we ordered? b. Could you tell me your specific transport requirement? c. Could you tell me what your usual mode of transportation in exporting the machines are? § § § 2. You know that they are our best selling products this year. Now you try: a. You know that there is a good market for these articles. b. You know that our bicycles find a ready market here. c. You know that your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country. § § § 3. We regret to say that it’s difficult to improve on the time. Now you try: a. We regret to say that due to some delay in the sailing schedule, we will have to ship the goods next month. b. We regret to say that due to the problem of supply, we are unable to advance shipment. c. We regret to say that since there is no direct steamer this month, we will have to transship the goods via Hongkong. § §
§ § § § § 4. I would like to know how you are going to deliver my goods. Now you try: a. I would like to know your earliest shipment time. b. I would like to know whether you can make shipment in September. c. I would like to know if you can deliver the goods in November. 5. November will be the selling season for this commodity. Now you try: a. September is the selling season for this commodity in our market. b. October is the selling season for this product; the goods must be shipped before September. c. May is the selling season for this product, our customers urgently need it to supply.
Translate the following sentences into English: § 1. Please have the goods transported by air. § 2. We don't think it is proper to transport the goods by railway. § 3. Can you tell me the definite time of delivery? § 4. We can ship the goods duly, but your L/C must reach us on time. § 5. Please get the goods ready for shipment at an early date and ship them without delay. § 6. What is your specific transport requirement? § 7. Transport by sea is the most important mode of transportation in the world today. § 8. We'll send you two sets of the Shipped, Clean Bill of Lading. § 9. We’ll try our best to advance shipment to September. § 10. I hope that the goods can be shipped promptly after you get our L/C.
§ 11. I hope you’ll be entirely satisfied with this initial lot. § 12. I don’t think I can promise you any January shipments. § 13. Who will bear the extra freight charges? § 14. I don't like this kind of combined transportation. § 15. Please dispatch the TV sets we ordered by sea. § 16. Because of the high cost of railway transportation, we prefer sea transportation. § 17. Can we short-ship 5 tons? § 18. The goods are all ready for shipment. § 19. I want the goods to be delivered in June. § 20. I'm sorry to say that we can't advance the time of delivery.
Put the following dialogue into English. § § § § 对话一: A: Shall we discuss the time of delivery? B: Certainly A: What would you say if we deliver the goods in October? B: I’m sorry to say but that is impossible because we are fully committed. A: You know that prompt delivery is of great importance to us. B: Yes, I know. But ahead of you more than 10 firms have placed orders with us. A: Can’t you find any way for us? You don’t want to push us to other suppliers. B: We don’t want to disappoint our customers, especially regular customers like you. A: Thank you for your consideration. B: We will try our best and contact our producers to see if they can manage to do so for you. A: Thank you. when could you give me your information? B: May I phone you, er, tomorrow afternoon around 1 p. m. ? A: Sure. I value the friendly business relations between us very much. B: Thank you for your sincere cooperation.
§ § § § § 对话二: A: Let’s exchange ideas on terms of shipment. B: I propose multi-modal transport by rail and sea. A: The combined transport may cause a delay in shipment or even loss of the goods completely. Besides, the formalities are too complicated. B: The facilities for shipping goods to European countries have changed a lot in the last few years. Lately, we have been able to transship European – bound orders from ship to rail without mishap. As formalities, we’ll handle them at our end. A: Well, in that case, we have to pay extra transportation charges. B: No, all transshipment charges will be included in the CIF price. Besides, it is simple and cheap for both of us. A: All right. B: But we’ll not pay until we get the shipping documents for the transshipment. A: I understand. We’ll also fax you the vessel’s name, departure time from Dalian and the number of the bill of lading as soon as we can.
§ For your reference: § 国际多式运输(international multi-modal transport)又 称国际联合运输(international combined transport), 是 在集装箱运输的基础上产生和发展起来的一种综合性的连 贯运输方式。它一般是以集装箱为媒介,把各种单一的运 输方式有机结合起来,组成一种国际性的连贯运输。国际 多式运输较之个别单一的运输方式或一般的联运方式,有 简化手续、加快货运速度、方便运输费用计算、缩短发货 人收回货款的时间的优点,而且还有助于货运质量的提高。 货物的交接方式也可以做到门到门、门到港站,也有港站 到港站、港站到门等。 § 谈判技巧: § 在实际业务磋商中,买卖双方为了更好的交付货物可以依 据实际的业务情况选择国际多联式运输以便更高效的完成 货物的交接。
Have a try § § 1. The seller should immediately advise the buyer that the loading of the goods has been completed. If the sellers fail to send the shipping advice to the buyer in time, causing the buyer to fail to arrange insurance, then the losses should be borne by the seller. 一旦货物完成装运后,卖方应立即通知买方。如果卖方 未能即使通知买方,致使买方不能及时给货物购买保险, 一切损失由卖方承担。 2. Normally, one specific port of shipment and one specific port of destination are stipulated. But sometimes two or more of each are stated to meet special requirements. In case a decision cannot be made, several alternatives should be listed. 通常只规定一个装运港和一个卸货港,但是有时为了满 足特殊的业务需求可规定两个或两个以上的装运港和目 的港。