Скачать презентацию Unit 5 Mandatory drug testing Лыкова Т Ю-123 Скачать презентацию Unit 5 Mandatory drug testing Лыкова Т Ю-123

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Unit 5 Mandatory drug testing Лыкова Т. Ю-123 Преподаватель – Линькова Ю. И. Unit 5 Mandatory drug testing Лыкова Т. Ю-123 Преподаватель – Линькова Ю. И.

Key terms: Mandatory – обязательный, принудительный Drug – наркотик To submit – подвергать, подчиняться Key terms: Mandatory – обязательный, принудительный Drug – наркотик To submit – подвергать, подчиняться To institute – устанавливать, вводить To eliminate – устранять, исключать, уничтожать To detect – обнаружить Ineligible – не имеющий права, лишенный права To participate – принимать участие

Vocabulary. 2. Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combination: On a random Vocabulary. 2. Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combination: On a random basis, legally sufficient grounds, performance – enhancing drugs, conference championships and all post – season bowl and championship competitions, top finishers. 3. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations: Принимать участие, нарушение основных конституционных прав, подвергать кого-либо тестированию, устранять, исключать, незаконное использование наркотиков.

Listening. 6. Listen to the next about drug testing. Make sure you know the Listening. 6. Listen to the next about drug testing. Make sure you know the meaning of the following words: to tromp to require to announce ambiguous suspension specimen insubordination to encourage to fire performance to ensure harsh to impair

Vocabulary 8. Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combination: Guidelines, to handle, Vocabulary 8. Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combination: Guidelines, to handle, to outline, to run the risk, to oppose, to refuse, to distinguish, to engage, strict, to administer a test, to implement, to mandate. 9. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations: рисковать, увольнять, ограничения, анализ мочи, быть против, принимать меры, негативное влияние, отстаивать свои права.

10. Are sentences about the text «Right» or «Wrong» ? If there is not 10. Are sentences about the text «Right» or «Wrong» ? If there is not enough information to answer «Right» or «Wrong» choose «Does not Say» : 1. Every employee of the company Beatrice worked for were checked for drug use every month. A. Right B. Wrong C. Does not Say 2. As usual employees can not be required to take drug tests. A. Right B. Wrong C. Does not Say 3. Long- distance drivers are not allowed to be tested at random. A. Right B. Wrong C. Does not Say 4. Prison guards can be drug tested if they are exhibiting violent behavior. A. Right B. Wrong C. Does not Say 5. In some states an employer runs the risk of violating a worker`s right to privacy if in this job safety is not a factor. A. Right B. Wrong C. Does not Say 6. In many jurisdictions an employee forced to take a drug test may sue for invasion of privacy. A. Right B. Wrong C. Does not Say

Drug testing. A drug test is a technical analysis of a biological specimen – Drug testing. A drug test is a technical analysis of a biological specimen – for example urine, hair, blood, sweat, or oral fluid / saliva – to determine the presence or absence of specified parent drugs or their metabolites. Major uses of drug testing are to detect the presence of performance enhancing steroids in sport or for drugs prohibited by laws, such as cannabis, cocaine and heroin. A "10 -panel urine screen“ consists of the following:

Types. 1. Urine drug screen Drug Screens are reported as PASS, or FAIL with Types. 1. Urine drug screen Drug Screens are reported as PASS, or FAIL with urine reported invalid or adulterated. When an employer requests a drug test from an employee, or a physician requests a drug test from a patient, the employee or patient is typically instructed to go to a collection site or their home. The urine sample goes through a specified 'chain of custody' to ensure that it is not tampered with or invalidated through lab or employee error. The patient or employee’s urine is collected at a remote location in a specially designed secure cup, sealed with tamper-resistant tape, and sent to a testing laboratory to be screened for drugs. If the result of the screen is negative, the MRO informs the employer that the employee has no detectable drug in the urine. However, if the test result of the immunoassay and GC MS are non-negative and show a concentration level of parent drug or metabolite above the established limit, the MRO contacts the employee to determine if there is any Legitimate reason—such as a medical treatment or prescription.

2. Hair testing results are legally and scientifically recognized as admissible evidence. Most hair 2. Hair testing results are legally and scientifically recognized as admissible evidence. Most hair tests screen and confirm for the main drugs of abuse (Cocaine, Amphetamines, Methamphetamines, Opiates, PCP, and Marijuana). Hair testing for alcohol markers is now recognized in both the UK and US judicial systems.

3. Blood 4. Anabolic steroids Drug-testing a blood sample measure whether or not a 3. Blood 4. Anabolic steroids Drug-testing a blood sample measure whether or not a drug or a metabolite is in the body at a particular time. These types of tests are considered to be the most accurate way of telling if a person is intoxicated. Blood drug tests are not used very often because they need specialized equipment and medically trained administrators. Depending on how much marijuana was consumed, it can usually be detected in blood tests within six hours of consumption. After six hours has passed, the concentration of marijuana in the blood decreases significantly. It generally disappears completely within 30 days. Anabolic steroids are used to enhance performance in sport and as they are prohibited in most high-level competitions drug testing is used extensively in order to enforce this prohibition. This is particularly so in individual (rather than team) sports such as athletics and cycling.

Drug Testing in Sports. The drug tests are designed to detect and deter abuse Drug Testing in Sports. The drug tests are designed to detect and deter abuse of performance-enhancing drugs by competitors. The testing procedures for drug abuse in sports are strict and at times deemed unfair by athletes. They are deemed unfair because athletes are responsible for knowing what is banned despite the fact that additions are made almost daily to the list of banned substances. The best possible solution is to avoid all drugs unless listed on the allowed substance list. There are some athletes who will try and beat the testing. When athletes know when a drug test will occur, they can prepare for it and thereby neutralize the effects of drug testing on the use of performance enhancing drugs and/or masking agents. Year-round shortnotice and no-notice testing are the most effective means to curtail the use of training drugs because they make athletes always at risk to be tested.

Drug Testing in the Workplace What happens for failing drug testing, depends on your Drug Testing in the Workplace What happens for failing drug testing, depends on your employer's or potential employers' policy about drug abuse and the provisions in municipal or state drug testing laws. Under drug testing laws, your employer might legally have good cause to fire or deny you promotion, while potential employers might justifiably refuse to hire you. If you're fired for failing a drug test or you injure yourself and then test positive, state or local drug testing laws (or other laws) might even allow your employer to deny you unemployment, worker's compensation or disability benefits. You don't have to submit to drug testing if you don't want to. That's your right. But, the consequences might be about the same as if you failed drug testing, because you're essentially guilty until proven innocent under the current program. Again, under municipal or state drug testing laws, an employer might have good cause to fire you, while potential employers might justifiably refuse to hire you.

Video. 1. Drug Testing in Sports. 2. Drug Testing in the Workplace. 3. Drug Video. 1. Drug Testing in Sports. 2. Drug Testing in the Workplace. 3. Drug testing in the law.