- Количество слайдов: 105
Unit 5 Learning Chinese as a FL
Reporting; Weather
Objectives 1. Acquire the knowledge of indirect speech. 2. Learn the skills of reporting. 3. Share the difficulties with English learning. 4. Understand “weather” as an important greeting in England. B 1 -Unit 5
1 1 Language Structures Dialogue II Reading II Guided Writing Interaction Activities Listening Practice
1 1 LSP LS 1 2
1 LSP See the following sentences and find out the grammar rules they use: v The first notice says that some students are requested to go to the Department Office before 8 October. v He asks Mr. Ford how he has been. v He asks Mr. Ford if he is still busy learning how to paint.
Michael Phelps
“I have a long body and long arms, a gift and love for swimming. ” Phelps said he had a long body and long arms, and a gift and love for swimming.
“I started swimming at an young age in order to treat my ADHD disease. ” Phelps said he had started swimming at an young age in order to treat his ADHD disease.
“I receive a 5 -hour training every day. ” Phelps said he received a 5 -hour training every day.
“I always desire to be the winner, to win gold medals and to break world records. ” Phelps said he always desired to be the winner, to win gold medals and to break world records.
“One of my favorite things is to compete with the best swimmers in the world. ” Phelps said one of his favorite things was to compete with the best swimmers in the world.
“I have many goals, and all of them are high. ” Phelps said he had many goals, and all of them were high.
“I will always try my best to be Phelps No. 1. ” Phelps said he would always try his best to be Phelps No. 1.
引述别人的话语一般采用两种方式: 一是原封不动地引用原话, 把它放在括 号内, 这叫直接引语(Direct speech); 一 是用自己的话加以转述, 这叫间接引语 (Indirect speech).
直接引语 (变 化前 间 接引语 (变 化后) ) 陈 述句 Jane said, “I’m very fond of traveling. ” that引导的宾语从句 Jane said that she was very fond of traveling.
直接引语 (变 化前) 间 接引语 (变 化后) 一般疑问 句 whether/if 引导的宾 “Is this your 语从句 umbrella, Mary? ” John asked Mary if asked John. that was her umbrella.
直接引语 (变 化前) 间 接引语 (变 化后) 特殊疑问 句 wh-词引导的宾语从句 “Mary, when will John asked Mary you return me the when she would return book? ” asked John. him the book.
由直接引语转变为间接引语, 有时会引起 时态的变化, 注意以下几个方面: 直接引语 (变 化前) 间接引语(变化后) 主句动词为 一般现 在时 或现 在完成时 She often says, “All men and women are equal under the law. ” 从句动词时态不变 She often says that all men and women are equal under the law.
直接引语 (变 化前) 主句 引导动词 间接引语(变化后) 从句 从句动词变 为: 动词 为 : 一般现在时 一般过去时 为一 时态 “I know it, ” He said that 般过 相应 he said. he knew it. 去时 变化 动词
直接引语 (变 化前) 主句 引导动词 间接引语(变化后) 从句 从句动词变 为: 为: 现在完成时 动词 过去完成时 动词 “I have seen 时态 He said he had 为一 her before, ” 相应 seen her 般过 said he. 去时 before. 变化
直接引语 (变 化前) 引导动词 间接引语(变化后) 从句动词变 为: 为: 主句 一般过去时 从句 过去完成时 动词 “I saw her 动词 He said he had 为 一 last 时态 seen her the 般过 Monday, ” 相应 previous 去时 he said. 变 化 Monday.
直接引语 (变 化前) 主句 动 词 为 一 般 过 去 时 间接引语(变化后) 引导动词为 : 过去完成时 “ Do you know Rick had been ill in bed for many days till he died? ” Jack asked. 从句 动词 时态 相应 变化 从句动词变为 : 过去完成时 Jack asked if I knew Rick had been ill in bed for many days till he died.
由直接引语转变为间接引语, 下列情况 时态不变: 1. 不变的真理 The teacher said to the students, “Water freezes when the temperature falls below 0℃. ” → The teacher told the students that water freezes when the temperature falls below 0℃.
2. 经常的习惯: He said to the doctor, “I smoke two packs every day. ” → He told the doctor that he smokes two packs every day.
3. 历史事件: The teacher said, “World War Ⅱ ended in 1945. ” → The teacher said that World War Ⅱ ended in 1945.
4. 部分情态动词, 如must, ought to, used to, had better等: She said to me: “You must hurry up. ” → She said that I must hurry up.
祈使句转变为间接引语: to do is often used, said to sb is often changed in asked / told sb (to do sth)。 • The teacher said to me, “Come earlier tomorrow, please. ” → The teacher asked me to come / go earlier the next day. • The policeman said, “Don’t play in the street, boys!” → The policeman told the boys not to play in the street. Follow up activity
1 1 1 LSP I Notice Board LSP Practice following conversations: A: Anything new on the notice board, Zhang? (I can't read without my glasses. ) B: (Yes, this first one is new. ) It says that some students are requested to go to the Department Office before 8 October. A: Does it say why? (Please tell me if my name's on the list. ) B: (No, it doesn't say why. ) Let’s see if your name’s on the list. (Well, don't worry. Your name's not there. )
1 1 Language points for LSP I: 1. Notes on writing a notice 1) A notice should be short and to the point. 2) The information must be given very clearly. 3) Notices are usually written in the third person, passive voice. 4) Many notices are written in phrases. 2. no later than e. g. You should hand in you paper no later than this weekend. LSP
1 1 3. collapsible: adj. can be folded and opened e. g. This is a collapsible umbrella. 4. owing to: because of e. g. Owing to our joint efforts, we finished the work ahead of schedule. 5. folklore: n. (study of the) traditional beliefs, tales etc. LSP
1 1 6. chamber music: music written for a small group of instruments 室内音乐 7. orchestra: n. group of persons playing musical instruments together 8. auditorium: n. a building such as a theatre, etc. 9. FLECA― Foreign Language Extracurricular Activities LSP
1 2 1 LSP II Letters Practice following conversations: A: Who is the first letter from? B: (John Gibbon. ) A: What does he have to tell Mr. Ford? B: (He doesn’t tell Mr. Ford anything, but he asks him some questions. ) He asks Mr. ford how he has been. . . (He says he will go to see him. )
1 1 Language points for LSP II: 1. the Alps It’s the biggest mountain in Europe. 2. can’t help doing e. g. On hearing the news, we can’t help laughing. 3. seat belt e. g. Please put on your seat belt when you are on the superhighway. LSP
Viewing, Listening & Speaking Watching and Discussing How to learn well at university? Listen to a passage and answer the following questions. 1. What may have made the difference between a positive and negative experience? 2. How do we acquire new information? Keys to the questions: 1. The learning style. 2. By using our senses of sight, hearing and touch.
Viewing, Listening & Speaking Watching and Discussing Listen to a passage and try to fill the missing words in the blanks. Study tips quiet place • Find a _______ to study. detailed notes • In class, use a tape recorder instead of ______. remember • Create little songs to help yourself _______ new English words.
1 1 Dialogue I D I Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language Working in pairs, discuss the following questions: v How long have you been learning English? v Do you have any difficulties in learning English? v Have you ever attend Li Yang’s lecture on Crazy English? What’s your opinion on learning English?
1 1 Dialogue I D I Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language Listening to the recording and answer the questions on specific details of this dialogue v What do David and Xiaohua think of Chinese grammar? What difficulties does each of them have in learning Chinese and English? v How does David find the tonal system of the Chinese language? Does he have difficulty with it? v Why does David mention the proverb “Rome was not built in a day”?
1 1 Dialogue I D I Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language Browse through the dialogue and try to list the differences between English and Chinese. items Grammatical structure Writing system Pronunciation others English Chinese
1 1 D I 1)英语单词的准确数量,没有正式的统计,语言学家一般认为, 英语单词(不包括专用词汇、人名、地名等),大约有17万个, 其中约 7万个是已经或者即将废弃的,因此英语单词的大致数 量是 10万个。 (2)英语单词中,不会连续出现三个相同的字母,但如果我们 给单词添加后缀,则可能出现这种情况,比如governess(女 总督)变成governessship(女总督职务)。 (3)英语单词中,字母不重复的最长单词是uncopyrightable( 不能获得版权保护的),由 15个不重复的字母组成。 (4)英语中最著名的一个回文(Palindrome),是拿破仑被流放 到Elba岛时说的一句话:Able was I ere I saw Elba(在我看 到Elba岛之前,我曾所向无敌),这句话不论是从左向右看, 还是从右向左看,内容都一样。 (5)在英语中,一般人即能看懂的最长单词是 antidisestablishmentarianism(赞同国家对教会的支持),由 28个字母组成。
1 1 D I 汉字是语素文字,总数非常庞大。秦代的《仓颉》、《博学》、《爰 历》三篇共有3300字,汉代扬雄作《训纂篇》,有5340字,到许慎作 《说文解字》就有9353字了,晋宋以后,文字又日渐增繁。据唐代封 演《闻见记·文字篇》所记晋吕忱作《字林》,有12824字,后魏杨承 庆作《字统》,有13734字,梁顾野王作《玉篇》有16917字。唐代孙 强增字本《玉篇》有22561字。到宋代司马光修《类篇》多至 31319字, 到清代《康熙字典》就有47000多字了。1915年欧阳博存等的《中华 大字典》,有48000多字。1959年日本诸桥辙次的《大汉和辞典》, 收字 49964个。1971年张其昀主编的《中文大辞典》,有49888字。 随着时代的推移,字典中所收的字数越来越多。1990年徐仲舒主编的 《汉语大字典》,收字数为 54678个。1994年冷玉龙等的《中华字海 》,收字数更是惊人,多达 85000字。 如果学习和使用汉字真的需要 掌握七八万个汉字的音形义的话,那汉字将是世界上没人能够也没人 愿意学习和使用的文字了。幸好《中华字海》一类字书里收录的汉字 绝大部分是“死字”,也就是历史上存在过而今天的书面语里已经废置 不用的字。有人统计过十三经(《易经》、《尚书》、《左传》、《 公羊传》、《论语》、《孟子》等13部典籍),全部字数为 589283个 字,其中不相同的单字数为 6544个字。因此,实际上人们在日常使用 的汉字不过六七千而已。
1 1 Check Yourself Task : Translation 你在英语学习上投入很多,也有很好的自制力。 你上课认真听讲,按时完成作业。可你是否感到 你的英语还是不尽人意?甚至有时候感到沮丧, 想要放弃?尝试一下张强的学习方法吧,它也许 会使你的英语学习大有收获。不像一些只花时 间背单词的学习者,张抓住一切机会练习英语, 了解英语文化。他参加课堂活动,他去校园里的 英语角与人用英语交流,他还喜欢看英语影片。 相信我吧,这方法值得一试。
1 1 Check Yourself Words and Expressions to Be Used • commitment • discipline • assignment • frustrate • far from • feel like • reap the benefits • unlike of • opportunity • gain insights into • communicate • positive with For your reference • get access to • participate in • well worth trying
1 1 Check Yourself Key You don’t lack commitment and discipline in English learning. You listen to the teacher carefully in class and hand in your assignments on time. Do you feel your English is still far from what you expect? Do y o u f e e l f r u s t r a t e d, e v e n feel like giving up sometimes? Try the learning method of Zhang Qiang. You might reap the benefits of it. Unlike other English learners, spending almost all their t i m e m o r i z i n g v o c a b u l a r y , Z h a n g g e t s To be continued
1 1 Check Yourself access to e v e r y opportunity to practice his English and gain insights into the English culture. He actively participates in class activities, he communicates with others at English corners, and he likes English movies very much. Trust me, h i s p o s i t i v e m e t h o d i s w e l l w o r t h t r y i n g !
1 1 Dialogue I D I Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language Read the dialogue loudly in pairs and find out useful expressions in the text.
1 1 Assignment • Please prepare the PPT to introduce Peking Opera • Preview dialogue 2 and reading 1 • Workbook dialogue 2 reading 1 vocabulary work A
1 1 Dialogue I D I Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language points 1. Your CFL programme: you study of Chinese as a Foreign Language Other acronyms (只取首字母缩写词): TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language IELTS: International English Language Testing System BEC: Business English Certificate CET-4: College English Test Band 4 TEM: Test for English Majors UNESCO: United Nation’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
1 1 Dialogue I Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language points 2. go through: experience; endure e. g. He would have gone through fire and water for his motherland. 3. ordeal: n. a terrible or painful experience that continues for a period of time e. g. Standing in the sun on a hot summer day is an ordeal. She then had to go through the ordeal of giving evidence. 4. have difficulty / problems / trouble with 5. to name just a few: to give only a few examples e. g. I love sports, football, basketball, shadowboxing D I
1 1 Dialogue I D I Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language points 6. stroke: single movement of a pen or brush; sound made by a bell e. g. He wrote with vigorous strokes. The class came to an end on the stroke of 12. useful expressions: at a/one stroke: with a single sudden action e. g. All the prisoners escaped at one stroke. At one stroke the country lost two outstanding leaders. 7. calligraphy n. (art of) beautiful handwriting
1 1 Dialogue I D I Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language points 8. melodious adj. something that sounds melodious sounds like music or has a pleasant tune e. g. He spoke in a quiet melodious voice. 9. a newly-released feature film(故事片) documentary记录片 love story / romance爱情片 horror movie / thriller惊悚片 science and education科教片 cartoon/animation动画片 action movie 动作片 fantasy movie / science fiction科幻片 Kung Fu movie / martial arts movie功夫片/武术片 military / war movie军事片/战争片
1 1 Dialogue II D II Reporting, Part I Useful expressions 1. point out: used to report what the speaker calls attention He points out that Mei Lanfang was a world-famous opera singer. 2. announce: used to report what the speaker wants to make known Mr. Wang announces that there will be a meeting to commemorate Mei Lanfang next week. 3. declare: used to report what the speaker makes known publicly without hesitation or doubt He declares that he likes Beijing opera better that
1 1 Dialogue II D II Reporting, Part I Useful expressions 4. wonder: used to report the speaker’s speculation for a future event Mr. Johnson wonders whether many young people in China appreciate Beijing opera. 5. deny: used to report the speaker’s opposition to what somebody else has supposed or suggested Mr. Liu denies that he is a Beijing opera fan. 6. admit: used to report the speaker’s agreement to some facts She admits that she can’t get a word out of the opera.
Proverbs Art is long, life is short. 人生朝露,艺业千 秋 Works of art last much longer than human lives; Life is too short to learn everything you need to know about a particular discipline. Alan: You ought to do something besides paint pictures in your spare time. Come out with us, have some fun. All good things will notto an end. 天下没有不散的 Bob: Having fun came win me immortality. Only my paintings can do that. Art is long and life is short. 。
Vocabulary Link How’s the weather? Look at the weather report. Match a word in the box with a city. Adjectives a. sunny b. cloudy c. windy d. clear Verbs e. raining f. snowing HOME MY PAGE AROUND THE GLOBE TODAY’S WEATHER Montreal, Canada 28 o. F/-2 o. C snowing 1. It’s . Portland, Oregon, USA 55 o. F/13 o. C windy 2. It’s . Shanghai, China 42 o. F/5. 5 o. C 3. It’s . cloudy NEWS STORE Buenos Aires, Argentina 90 o. F/32 o. C 4. It’s clear and . sunny Suva, Fuji 70 o. F/21 o. C raining 5. It’s .
Vocabulary Link What’s the temperature in each city? Use the words in the box to talk about each city. Montreal, Canada o o 28 F/-2 C 1. It’s snowing. Buenos Aires, Argentina 90 o. F/32 o. C 4. It’s clear and sunny. Portland, Oregon, USA 55 o. F/13 o. C 2. It’s windy. Suva, Fuji 70 o. F/21 o. C 5. It’s raining. Shanghai, China 42 o. F/5. 5 o. C 3. It’s cloudy. freezing cold chilly warm hot
Listening Listen to the five conversations. How’s the weather? ( ) √ √ ( ) √ Keys
The Weather Global Viewpoints Watch the interviews and check (√) True or False. Then correct the false sentences. ■ 1. Jennifer says it’s usually hot and sunny in her hometown. 2. Dan says there a lot of snowstorms in central Texas. 3. Dayanne says there are basically two seasons in Brazil. 4. Alyssa says she really likes the winter. 5. Daniel’s favorite season is summer. True False ( ) √ ( ) √ ( ) √ Check
1 1 Reading I R I The Weather Introduction Ø Britain is an island country and the surrounding sea gives England a varied climate. We never know what the weather will be like from one day to the other. It can be sunny one day and rainy the next. As we have such a variable climate changing from day to day, it is difficult to predict the weather. In general we have warm summers and cool winters.
BOOK 1 Unit 5 Tick the Right hat are correct about the weather in Britain 1. The British Isles are surrounded by the Arctic ocean. 2. The winter is relatively warm, but the summer cool. 3. People may even wear something to keep warm during the summer nights. 4. Rain is fairly well distributed throughout the year. 5. In the UK the most common winds (known as the prevailing winds) are from the east or south-east. 6. Temperatures in the UK are usually expressed in degrees Celsius (e. g. 20 °C )
BOOK 1 Unit 5 The overall climate temperate maritime is the oceanic climate/
BOOK 1 Unit 5 The main factors that influence the country’s climate are the Atlantic Ocean, latitude (which ranges from 50°to 60°N), and the Gulf Stream (from Mexico)
BOOK 1 Unit 5 Temperature: generally the United Kingdom has cool or mild winters and warm summers. In England the average annual temperature varies from 8. 5°C (47. 3°F) in the north to 11°C (52°F) in the south
BOOK 1 Unit 5 Sonnet 18 William Shakespeare Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of the heaven shines And often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance or nature’s changing course untrimmed; But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st; Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st: So long as a man can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives live to thee. 我能否将你比作夏日? 你与它一样可爱,一样温婉 粗鲁的风摇动五月里爱怜的花蕊 而夏天的约期太短
1 1 Reading I R I The Weather Go over the text in 3 minutes and answer the questions on specific details of this text u 1. What’s the most interesting topic of conversation in England? u 2. What words and expressions will you use if it is good weather? u 3. How will you reply when someone says to you “Nasty day, isn’t it? ”, if you don’t think it is nasty? u 4. Do you think the two people talking about a rainy day really remember the year when it happened? u 5. What does the writer say is the important rule that one gets from the two conversations given in the text? u 6. Why do you think the writer suggests that you
1 1 Reading I R I The Weather Language points 1. exceptionally adv. extremely (synonym: outstandingly) e. g. Richard is an exceptional student. e. g. Promotion in the first year is only given in exceptional circumstances. 2. thrilling adj. interesting and exciting 3. gorgeous adj. extremely beautiful or attractive; pleasant or enjoyable e. g. You look gorgeous, Maria. The hotel room had a gorgeous view.
1 1 Reading I R I The Weather Language points 4. adore v. 1) to love someone very much and feel very proud of them e. g. Betty adores her grandchildren. 2) informal to like something very much e. g. I simply adore chocolate. 5. nasty adj. 污秽的, 肮脏的, 令人厌恶的, e. g. What's that nasty smell? Drivers often have a nasty habit of driving too close to cyclists. I had a nasty feeling that a tragedy was going to
1 1 Reading I R I The Weather Language points 6. emerge vi. come out (from water, etc); become known e. g. The swimmer emerged from the lake. She emerged as a well-known movie star at the age of 22. 7. contradict v. disagree with sth. by saying that it’s wrong or not true e. g. She kept silent, just because she didn’t like to contradict her husband in public.
1 1 Reading I R I The Weather Language points 8. hail n. frozen rain drops which fall as hard balls of ice e. g. heavy showers of rain and hail hurricane n. a storm that has very strong fast winds and that moves over water cyclone: a very strong wind that moves very fast in a circle typhoon: a very violent tropical storm tornado: an extremely violent storm consisting of air that spins very quickly and causes a lot of damage storm / thunderstorm / lightening / blizzard
1 1 Reading I R I The Weather Language points 9. witty adj. using words in a clever and amusing way e. g. witty remarks Laura is very witty. adv. wittily n. wittiness
1 1 Assignment • Reading 2 fluently and translate it into Chinese • Workbook Reading 1 Translation A vocabulary work B
BOOK 1 Unit 5 Reading I Matching Game e __ a painful experience a. recognize __ a single movement of pen d b. distinction __ know sb/sth again a c. calligraphy c __ the art of producing beautiful writing d. stroke b __ difference; excellence e. ordeal
1 1 Reading I R I The Weather Some interesting expressions about weather 1. “dog days of summer” 2. “It’s raining cats and dogs. ” 3. “Red sky at night, sailors delight; red sky in the morning, sailors take warning. ” 4. “Clear moon frost soon. ” 1. the hottest period of the year 2. It’s raining heavily. 3. It will be fine weather if the sky is red in the evening; It will be foul weather if the sky is red in the morning. 4. If there’s no clouds at night, the temperature will be low.
1 1 Reading I R I The Weather Some interesting expressions about weather 1. “as right as rain” 2. “as pure as the driven snow” 3. “as quick as lightening” 4. “Let’s save it for a rainy day” 5. “Make hay while the sun shines” 6. “Lightening never strikes in the same 1. in excellent health 2. 象飞雪一样美丽 纯洁、清新 3. 疾如闪电 4. 未雨绸缪 5. 抓紧时机赚钱 6. 祸无双至
1 1 Reading I R I The Weather Make a short dialogue with your partner with the following words: u Nouns: storm, tornado, hurricane, typhoon, blizzard, u drought, flood u Verbs: snow, sleet, hail, rain u Adjectives: stormy, breezy, foggy, muggy, wet, dry, humid, freezing, cold, chilly, warm, hot, overcast, cloudy u word bank u suggestions: raincat, rain hat, umbrella, rain boots, coat, parka, scarf, mittens, gloves, sun hat, sunglasses, sun block, sun lotion, parasol
1 1 Reading II R II The Weather Song Appreciate the song, pay attention to the rhyme and the rhythm the rhymes: snow & glow sleet & feet wind & unkind showers & hours May& day stops & crops hot & not wet& yet mud& blood gale& hail fog & dog then& again
1 1 Reading II R II The Weather Song Read the song, and try to translate it into Chinese 天气歌 一月飘小雪,冻得脚手裂。二月冰天雪地,冻掉脚趾不足奇。 寒风迎三月,不要心不悦。四月春分潇潇雨,天上落下丝丝雨。 农夫惧怕五月凶,白日冰雹夜霜封。六月天雨绵绵,三十日庄稼淹。 太阳热在七月里,灿烂天不在这里。八月寒冷湿淋淋,带来多雨下不 停。 阴冷九月雾与泥,足以冷得血液凝。十月又添大强风,冰雹融雪雨加 风。 黑暗十一月雾蒙蒙, 关好爱犬不让出笼。冰湿的十二月到,可恶的 元月来得早!
1 1 一月小寒接大寒,二月立春雨水连;惊蛰 春分在三月,清明谷雨四月天;五月立夏 和小满,六月芒种夏至连;七月大暑和小 暑,立秋处暑八月间; 九月白露接秋分, 寒露霜降十月全; 立冬小雪十一月,大雪 冬至迎新年。
1 1 Song of Solar Term • January brings the Slight and Great Cold, • Welcome February with the sweet spring showers, • Waking of Equinox rain rise in March • April is Clear and Bright, Farmers love the Grain Rain • Summer approaches and grain buds in May, • Then in June Grain in Ear over the Summer Solstice
1 • • • 1 Song of Solar Term In July Slight Heat Great Heat and dog days, Autumn limit of autumn cold Then Autumn Equinox comes after White Dews Cold dew frost extends in October Winter comes in November and brings the Light Snow • In Heavy Snow and the Winter Solstice welcome the New Year
1 1 Reading II R II The Weather Song Words and expressions of weather sweltering adj. 闷热的 pleasant breeze 和煦的 春风 weatherman n. 气象员 hot and humid 闷热潮 湿 dog days of summer 三伏天 tropical climate 热带气 候 the mean annual temperature 年平均温度 snowstorm暴 雪 the tropical/subtropical zone 热带/亚热带 typhoon n. 台风 tornado n. 旋风, 龙卷 风 hurricane n. 飓风, 狂风 thunderstorm n. [气]雷 暴
1 1 Guided Writing GW Telephone Message The following sentences go together to form a telephone message, but they are in scrambled order. Working in pairs to put them right. 10 a. m. 1 March / Prof. Johnson / He sent his regards to Mrs. Johnson / He said his rheumatism prevented him from leaving the house in this nasty weather. / Prof. Smith called at 9. 50 a. m. / So he would not be able to come to discuss the energy project with you and your colleagues. / He asked to be excused. / Mary
In writing a telephone message, it is necessary to give the name of the person who called and the exact time of call. The message must be stated clearly and in good order.
Reference version 10 a. m. , 1 March Prof. Johnson, Prof. Smith called at 9: 50 a. m. He said his rheumatism prevented him from leaving the house in this nasty weather. So he would not be able to come to discuss the energy project with you and your colleagues. He asked to be excused. He sent his regards to Mrs. Johnson. Mary
1 1 Assignment • Interaction activities: Information from a Copy of the China Daily (p. 58) • Workbook Translation B Blank filling Vocabulary work C IA
1 1 Dictation Listening Spelling (Workbook P. 44) irregular pronunciation character environment continent contradict structure recognize nasty coversation thrilling exceptionally
1 1 Dictation A Listening Passage dictation
1 1 D I Visitors to Britain are often surprised to find that the weather is an almost inexhaustible topic of conversation. This is not because the British are too dull to think of anything else to talk about because there is always an element of surprise in the British climate. In some countries, people can put away their raincoats for several weeks and let out their fires during the burning heat of the summer. Not so in England, where they never know from one day to the next what is in store for them. One year, they had a spell of very hot weather in early June and Mrs. Brown decided to spend the weekend at the seaside. When everything was in the car, Mr. Brown drove towards the coast. Not for long, the sky began to cloud over, and by the time
1 1 Dictation B Listening Passage dictation
1 1 The doctor is making the rounds of the wards. He asks the patient many questions. But he seems to be a little hard of hearing. He cannot hear the patient’s words. So the nurse repeats the patient’s words to the doctor. The patient wants to know if he is in hospital, if there has been an accident, if he has been badly hurt, and if he will be in hospital long. The doctor answers all his questions. He says that he is in hospital, that there has been an accident, that he has not been badly hurt, and that he will not be in hospital long. D I
1 1 Listening Comprehension 1. The patient who has just been sent to hospital suffers from_____. A. a fall C B. broken bones C. an injury in the brain D. backache B 2. The man thinks that ____ is worried about the patient. A. he himself C. his wife B. the doctor D. neither he nor his wife
1 1 Listening Comprehension A 3. The doctor wants to keep the patient in overnight because_____. A. she has been knocked on the head in danger B. her life is C. they want to operate on her serious case D. it is a C 4. That night the man and the woman will _____. A. stay with the patient C. sleep in their caravan B. go back to Holland
• • • Translation 1 1 1. It takes a sharp eye to distinguish cultured pearls from genuine pearls. 2. This is really a piece of cake to a man who has gone through so many hardships during the war. 3. That was the first time I had ever had such serious trouble with an employer. 4. The newcomer asked the middle-aged man sitting beside him if he was quite familiar with the place. 5. The new evidence which emerged from this investigation was quite unfavorable to him. 6. Should it be necessary, he would try to persuade his father to sell this house to pay the debt.
1 1 - Susan and Jack have gone away for their honeymoon. Here is the note Susan left me before leaving. - Does the note say where they are going first? worth seeing. - Yes, Susan says they are going to Trafalgar Square first at the Nelson Column, and then they’re going to visit the National Gallery.
1 1 - They will to to Buckingham Palace, too, won’t they? - Yes, Susan says that they’ll leave for paris on Saturday. She asks us where we are going for our holiday, and if we’d like to meet them in London and then go to Paris together with them. - It’s a good idea. Let’s do that. I’m sure we’ll have a good time in Paris.
1 1
1 1 Dialogue II D II Reporting, Part I Listen to the Dialogue, find out reporting sentences: Culture notes: 1. Beijing Opera 2. Mei Lanfang
1 1 Beijing opera or Peking opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre which combines music, vocal performance, mime (丑角), dance and acrobatics. It arose in the late 18 th century and became fully developed and recognized by the mid-19 th century. The form was extremely popular in the Qing Dynasty court and has come to be regarded as one of the cultural treasures of China. Major performance troupes are based in Beijing and Tianjin in the north, and Shanghai in the south. The art form is also enjoyed in Taiwan, where it is known as Guoju (国剧). It has also D II
1 1 Beijing opera features four main types of performers. Performing troupes often have several of each variety. With their elaborate and colorful costumes, performers are the only focal points on Beijing opera's characteristically sparse stage. They utilize the skills of speech, song, dance, and combat in movements that are symbolic and suggestive, rather than realistic. Above all else, the skill of performers is evaluated according to the beauty of their movements. Performers also adhere to a variety of stylistic conventions that help audiences navigate the plot of the D II
1 1 D II
1 1 梅兰芳 Mei Lanfang(1894 -1961),was one of the most famous Beijing (Peking) opera artists in modern history, exclusively known for his qingyi roles, a type of dan role. Méi was born in 1894 into a family of Beijing Opera and Kūnqǔ performers. He made his stage debut at the Guanghe Theatre in 1904 when he was 10 years old. In his 50 -year stage career, he maintained strong continuity while always working on new techniques. His most famous roles were those of female characters; skillful portrayal of women won him international D II
1 1 Dialogue II Video • Who is he? • What are "sheng", "dan", "jing", "mo", and "chou"? (age, gender, social status)
1 1 Dialogue II reference • Sheng - male roles, young males, old males, martial males • Sheng was a type of male role subdivided into lao sheng, xiao sheng, wu sheng, hong sheng, and wawa sheng. • Dan —female roles • The dan actors played different types of female roles with different social status, ages and personalities. The roles of dan could be further divided into qing yi, hua dan, hua shan, wu dan and lao dan.
1 1 Dialogue II • Jing — painted-face role • also called hua lian (characters with painted facial make-up), took the male roles. Jing could be further divided into zheng jing, fu jing and wu jing. • Mo, is called laosheng in Peking Opera. Lao sheng playing middle-aged or old men with beard.
1 1 Dialogue II • Chou — the clown, also called xiao hua lian (little hua lian) or san hua lian (the third-rank hua lian). This was a lower rank than da hua lian (the first-rank hua lian) and er hua lian (the second hua lian) of jing actors. Chou could play both evil characters and kind figures. Their roles portrayed insidious, cunning and selfish persons, and upright people with sharp wits and good humor could be depicted vividly as well. •