- Количество слайдов: 50
Unit 5 Enquiry and Reply Teaching Objectives: Knowledge Requirements: 1 To give a brief introduction to what to write in inquiries and replies 2 To enable Ss to become aware of structure and main content of letters for inquiries and replies by learning the samples given Competence Requirements: 1 To skillfully practice using some useful expressions for writing inquiries and replies 2 To skillfully rewrite inquiries and ask for the information wanted 3 To skillfully give replies according to real situation
Part One Enquiry • An enquiry becomes a necessity when it comes to asking for more information concerning a product, service or other information about a product or service that interests us. These letters are often written in response to an advertisement that we have seen in the paper, a magazine, a commercial on television when we are interested in purchasing a product, but would like more information before making a decision. In an enquiry, careful attention must be paid to the following: • 1. Choose appropriate manufactures cautiously in advance. The manufacturers’ information can be collected from various ways, such as the previous records of transaction, your prior status inquiries. It is not a good idea to send inquiries to several manufacturers in the same district. But you may have no chance to make comparison before making a decision when you just select one or two suppliers. So it is recommended that you enquire several suppliers in different districts or countries and invite them to give offers.
2. The content of the enquiry should be adapted according to commodities and transactions. For goods of Fair Average Quality, you’d better send inquiries to manufacturers in different countries at the same time to master different quotations on the international market. For goods of multitudinal specifications, your enquiry involves not only prices but also specific items, quantities etc. It would avoid consultation in several letters and save both parties’ time. For monopolistic goods, you enquire different varieties and ask the other party to quote one by one. For goods of large quantities, you should arrange purchase gradually and avoid importing in a rush time since your attempt may arouse the supplier to increase the prices. 3. Don’t leak out your intended quantity and price too early. Enquire tentatively and give a trial order in the first transaction. But for specifications, models, technical requirements, you should give clear explanation in the enquiry based on your actual demand. 4. To be honest. Although the enquiry has no legally binding force, you still should try to avoid enquiring without purchase action. That will bring discredit on your name.
2. 1 Analysis of Specimen Letter: First Enquiry from Chinese Importer • Background: • A Chinese enterprise, Jinhua Import & Export Company is seeking an oversea supplier who could provide the product they want. An advertisement from Lnp Equipment, an American gold supplier on Alibaba website, catches their attention. Then the purchasing manager of Jinhua Import & Export Company wrote an e-mail to Lnp Equipment.
• • Vocabulary: leading adj. 主要的,最重要的 radial drilling machine 钻孔机床 Upon the above analysis, we may come to the impression and conclusion that: Structural parts of letters for enquiry consist of the following three sections: Section 1: Give the source of general information; Section 2: Making your specific enquiry; Section 3: Express thanks for the help & cordial expectation for a prompt favorable reply.
2. 1. 2 Skills for Writing Structural Parts of Letters for Enquiry Section 1: Give the source of general information. Begin your letter by stating who you are and giving your status or details of your own firm, and tell how you found out about the individual or entity that you are writing to. • Examples: 由人介绍、推荐 • On the recommendation of…, we have learned that you are manufacturer of …, now we are particularly interested in importing various range of … • Your name is given to us by …, with which we have been doing business for many years. • We have been informed by …that you are one of the leading exporters of … (product) in … (country or district), and that you wish to extend export business to our market. • We are much obliged to …for the name and address of your company and are pleased to know you are one of the principle producers and exporters of …in…
• Your company has been introduced to us by …with whom we have traded for many years. Would you please supply us with a complete set of catalogues for…so that we may make choice and work on them? • Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in… we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if… • We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for Electric Appliances. 回应广告 • We have seen your advertisement in the China Daily and should be glad if you would send us samples and prices of good quality cottons available from stock. • Seeing your advertisement in China Daily, we should be pleaded to receive your latest price list for … • 10) We learn from the latest issue of Business Week that your company handles the export of various types of computers. We are much concerned about this line as part of the products also fall within our business scope.
展会后的跟进 • We were deeply impressed by the wide selection of sewing machines that were displayed on your stand at Canton Fair in May. • Our company is marketing Home appliance products in central, South America and some European countries. Right now we are looking for color TV, from sizes 21# to 29#, CRT normal and pure flat screen as well as LCD.
Section 2: Making your specific enquiry. Clearly state what you are enquiring about and what you would like the recipient of your letter to do. Make your enquiry as specific as possible: the goods needed, usual terms of payment, possible time of delivery, a catalogue, a pricelist, a quotation, and after-sale service etc. Sometimes specific models are mentioned in the enquiry letter, while the reader would like to provide the information of the whole set or range of products. So it is not necessary for you to make too many requests all at once. If you have to ask for several things, the most important thing comes first. When you have to make a demanding request, you should do it tactfully by employing more polite expressions. • Examples: • Would you please send us details of your computers including the functions and the necessary software? • Would you please send us by airmail your latest catalogue and price-list, quoting your best prices?
• As there is a good demand here we should appreciate your sending us a sample together with the prices of various models for which we will pay immediately upon receipt of your debit note. • Could you quote us the lowest price for leather gloves? • Could you give us some idea about the discount you can offer on bulk purchase? • Would you please supply us with a complete set of catalogues for … so that we may make choice and work on them? • We should like you to send us a catalogue and price list regarding your products. • We should like to know if you can supply the products by the end of May. • Could/Would you please send us samples of your products? • We would find it most helpful if you could supply samples of your products. • It would be helpful if you could send us samples showing your range of… • Please let us have information as to the price and quality of the goods.
• Please quote us your lowest price for sundry goods, including synthetic fiber goods, such as nylon and saran made in Japan. • Please send your samples corresponding to our samples with the most reasonable price C. I. F. Singapore if you can supply within three months from now. • Kindly let us know at what price you are able to deliver quantities of best refined sugar. • At what lowest price can you quote for 50 bales middling Texas cotton in November? • We have received several requests for your … and have good reason to believe that we could place regular orders with you provided your prices are competitive. • Meanwhile, our terms of payment are by L/C at sight. If you are interested in the above conditions, and can meet our orders of over 300 sets before November this year, please send us your catalogue and price-list. • We are interested in your range of … and would like you to send us details of … suitable for a small office. • We shall appreciate it if you will make us offers for CTL 988 Desk-top and CTL 985 Laptop CIF Mali for shipment during
Section 3:Express thanks for the help & cordial expectation for a prompt favorable reply. Thank the person for his/her time and appreciate whatever help you may obtain. You may include the date by which you need the information or services that you are requesting, and indicate that you await the reader’s favorable response. • Examples: • We should appreciate it very much if you would give us a prompt reply. • We shall be pleased to receive your enquiries for the machineries. • Notes: • If appropriate, you may want to mention that you will keep any information provided confidential. This may increase the likelihood that the reader will respond to your enquiry. • Generally, give at least a couple of weeks for the person, company, or organization to respond to your enquiry before sending a follow-up letter or making a follow-up phone call. • The tactic often used to invite better terms is to give the seller some hope of substantial orders or continued business.
• Examples: • As we usually place substantial orders, would you please grant a quantity discount? • 订单量大,能否优惠? • We are large dealer in silk garments, having over 15 year’s experience in this particular line of business. Silk blouses of good quality and moderate prices command a good sale in our market. • 说明本企业产品进口能力、经营历史和行业地位,暗示对方自己 的实力,产品在市场畅销的势头也会引起对方的兴趣。 • Several of our customers have recently express interest in your BJ-199 suit and enquired about the quality. • 已有顾客上门,产品不愁销路。 • If you can assure regular supplies, we will place large orders with you. • 有实力供货,订单自然来。
2. 1. 3 Specimen Letters for Enquiries Specimen Letter 1: First enquiry from Chinese Importer • From: Wang Hai <wangh@yahoo. com> • To: Tom Julton < tom 11@hotmail. com> • Subject: Enquiry for cashew nut • Date: 2009 -3 -26 09: 20: 12 • Dear Sirs, • We have been informed of your company and address through Agricultural Bank of China in Guangdong. • Right now, we are interested in cashew nut for sales in Chinese market. It would be helpful if you could send us latest specification and price-list. • Owing to keen competition, it is important that your quotation would reach us not later than the end of this month so as not to miss the business chance. • We look forward to your early reply. • Yours faithfully, • ……
Specimen Letter 2: A specific Enquiry from an Overseas Buyer • From: Clay Morgan < clay@ hotmail. com> • To: Li Ming < liming@ 163. com> • Subject: Enquiry for dolls • Date: 2009 -1 -20 15: 20: 12 • Dear Sirs, • We were impressed by the selection of dolls that were displayed on your stand at International Toy Fair that held in Nuremberg, German. • As a large chain store retailer, we plan to start a new marketing and distribution in Southeast Asia. Now we are looking for a manufacturer who could supply us with a wide range of Intelligent Toys for the children market. • As for the samples, we think it necessary to stress the importance of the material of the doll used and its specification. Our requirements are as follow: • Specifications: Legs, hands and head are made of plastic. Dressed in simple fabric cloth.
• • Weight: 390 gram Height: 36 cm Feature: The doll could talk by recording. If you are in a position to supply the goods as per the above enquiry at very competitive prices, we trust large order will be obtained. We shall appreciate it if you could email your catalogues with details of your prices and terms of payment. And please send us by airmail your samples as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we need to know the following items of information: Is it possible to order goods with our own trademark? What is a minimum number of pieces for such an order? We hope to hear from you soon. • Yours faithfully, • Clay Morgan
Specimen Letter 3: An Enquiry from an Overseas Buyer • Dear Sirs, • We are pleased learn from our Embassy in your country that you are manufacturing and exporting a variety of Chinese traditional furniture in China. • We are the largest importer of Chinese furniture, having 10 years’ experiences in this particular line of business. We are glad to tell you there is an increasing demand for Chinese traditional furniture in our local district after the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games successfully held in this summer. Especially wooden furniture of salient oriental characteristics is highly pursued in the market. Several of our customers have recently expressed interest in the style of Ming and Qing Dynasty and enquired about the quality. • We shall appreciate it if you could send us the details of your various types, including sizes, colors and prices. If possible, please also send us the picture of each design for our reference. Provided the prices quoted are competitive, we should like to place large order with you. • As for payment, we will open irrevocable letter of credit in your favor for the total value right after orders have confirmed by us. Your soonest reply will be much appreciated. • Yours faithfully, • ……
Specimen Letter 4: An Enquiry from an Overseas Buyer • Dear Sirs, • We are in receipt of your letter of March 7, for which we thank you. • As one of the largest importers of solar chargers in Pakistan, we are interested in your solar chargers of all descriptions. We should be obliged if you would quote us the most favorable CIF Karachi prices for those items as listed on the separate sheet with your terms of payment and state if you can dispatch within one month of the order. • We are given to understand that you are a state-owned enterprise and we have confidence in the quality of Chinese solar chargers. If your prices are moderate, we believe there is a promising market for the above commodities in our area. • We look forward to your early reply. • Yours faithfully,
Part Two Reply to an Enquiry • Enquiry means potential business. It is very important to make a good impression when responding to inquiries from potential customers. Of course, the best impression will be made by providing the materials or information that the perspective client has asked for. This positive impression will be improved by a well written response. So, your reply letter will answer questions, supply information or materials, offer special help and attempt to satisfy the needs of those who make the request. Let’s look at an example.
2. 2. 1 Analysis of Specimen Letter: A Favorable Reply to Dolls
• Upon the above analysis, we may come to the impression and conclusion that: • Structural Parts of Reply to Enquiry Letter Consist of the following three sections: • Section 1: Make reference to the letter you have received clearly; • Section 2: Respond favorably, positively or negatively and provide information to their request; • Section 3: Express sincere hope for future cooperation.
2. 2. 2 Skills for Writing Structural Parts of Reply to Enquiry Letter Section 1: Make reference to le letter you have received clearly. Answer promptly when you get an enquiry, say within two days if it is possible. Begin the reply by repeating the date and the enquiry. Specifically indicate the enquiry that was made, as you understand express your appreciation for his/her interest. If possible, personally respond to the enquiry. If the person who makes the enquiry has been recommended by someone, you should make a reference to that recommendation. • Examples: • Thank you very much for your letter of March 12 asking us to quote for 1, 000 dozen men’s shirts.
• We are very pleased to receive your enquiry of April 10 and are enclosing our illustrated catalogue and price list as requested. • It was a pleasure to hear from you again. • We are pleased to know that we have been recommended by ABC Company. • Thank you for your letter of. . . inquiring / asking for information about. . . • We would like to thank you for your letter of. . . inquiring about. . . • We thank you for your email enquiry for both groundnuts and Walnut meat CNF Copenhagen dated February, 21. • We thank you for your letter dated April 8 inquiring about our leather handbags. • We are in receipt of your letter of July 17, 2002 asking us to offer 10, 000 metric tons of the subject sugar for shipment to Japan and appreciate very much your interest in our product. • We were very pleased to receive your letter of 5 th April answering our advertisement for typewriters.
Section 2: Respond favorably, positively or negatively and provide information to their request. Give a full answer to the enquiry. You might want to include with your response letter any brochures, catalogues, reports, or other helpful information available. If appropriate, you might want to include additional information about your organization, the products or services you sell, or the subject matter of the enquiry, beyond the scope of the original enquiry. • Examples: • We have sent, by separate post, samples of the advertised … and other brands we stock, and would urge you to place an order as soon as possible as there has been an active response to our advertisement. • Although costs have been rising since March, we have not yet raised our pries, but may have to do so when present stocks run out. We therefore advise you to place your order with us at once. • As requested, we have enclosed a copy of our latest illustrated catalogue and current price list.
• Please refer to the catalogue enclosed in our letter of July 1. • Enclosed pleased find… • In reply to your enquiry of December 13, we are sending you under cover a copy of our illustrated catalogue together with our latest price list for the embroidery machine. Details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment are stated therein. • As requested, we take pleasure in offering you a brochure of products for your reference. We hope some of them meet your taste and needs. • A copy of our illustrated catalogue is being sent to you today, with samples of our products.
Section 3: Express sincere hope for future cooperation. You may end you letter by hoping that the information you provide is helpful and by offering further help, or close by saying that you would be happy to help the reader in the future if he/she needs further assistance. • Examples: • We hope that you will find our prices reasonable and look forward to your trial order. • If we can be of any further help, please feel free to let us know. Customers’ inquiries are always met with our careful attention. • Notes: • Give the potential buyer prompt reply. The buyer usually read several letters which first arrive at his mail box if he has send enquiry to different sellers at the same time. If you can’t reply as soon as possible, the business opportunity may slip • If you can not personally answer the person’s question, let him/her know that you have contacted the person who can and that he/she will shortly be in touch with the reader. If this is not possible, express your regret for being unable to help the reader, and try to find out for him/her the contact information for
• 2. 2. 3 Specimen Letters for Replies to Enquiry Letters Specimen Letter 1 an Unfavorable Reply • Dear Sirs, • We appreciate very much your confidence in the range of our electric water heater. • There is an exceptionally high demand for electric water heater owing to the cold weather during this season. The model you ordered is now out of stock. However, the manufacturer has promised us a further supply by the end of this month and if you could wait until then, we would deliver promptly the goods you need. • Since the year 1990 our company has manufactured electric water heater of high quality which have enjoy increasing markets in many countries. Under separate cover, we send you our latest sample book of similar electric items we have recently produced. As one of our regular customers, you will be allowed a special discount of 2. 5% provided we could receive your order before Aril 30. • We are looking forward to early opportunities of serving you. • Sincerely yours, • ……
• Read in details: • As a supplier, you definitely don’t want to miss such a business opportunity when you receive an enquiry. So, if you can’t do as requested, explain it in your reply and try to offer a substitute for the buyer’s reference. • Note: • 1. Also begin the reply by repeating the date and the enquiry. • 2. Tell the buyers why you can’t supply what they want. • 3. If appropriate, clearly describe any action you feel the person should take and the reason(s) for such a • recommendation. However, you may want to use caution because of any possible liability you might incur for offering such advice.
• Examples: • We are delighted to receive your letter of July 12 asking whether we can supply you with Art. No 235. However, we regret to tell you that the said article is not available owing to the rush of order. In order to meet your demand, we would recommend excellent substitute. It is as good as the enquired article in quality, but the price is 20% lower. It has already found a ready market in Southeast Asia. We are sure it will meet with warm reception in your country as well. • We appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive demand. We would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer the following item as a close substitute: Article 5, US$ 500 per set FOB Shanghai, including your commission 2%. Please visit our catalog at http: //www. xxx. com for more information on this item. If you find the product acceptable, please email us as soon as possible. • Could you accept delivery in June or August? • May I draw your attention to item 15?
• Thank you for your letter of December 13 inquiring for our computers. Unfortunately, these models are out of stock because of increasing demand both at home and abroad. But we could make the shipment by the end of August and you can have a discount of 5% then. We also have other models that are available, for instance, CTL 989 and CTL 991 are meeting with a favorable reception in your market. If you are interested in any other models in the catalog enclosed, please let us know. • Referring to your letter of 5 June, we very much regret that we are unable to make you an offer for the goods you demand. The reason is that the product you need has been out of stock. What’s more our manufacturers have declined orders because of shortage of raw materials. We shall, however, file your enquiry and cable you our offers as soon as we have got supplies. • Thank you for your enquiry. We are sorry that we have no stock at present. • We very much regret that we are unable to supply you with the small quantity you require. • While thank you for your enquiry of … (date) for …(product) we regret to inform you that we are not in a position to cover your requirement. However, as soon as we secured our
• Specimen Letter 2 • Dear Sirs, • In reply to your enquiry of august 6, we are sending you under cover a copy of our illustrated catalogue tighter with our latest price list for the laptops. Details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment are stated therein. • We hope that you will find our prices reasonable and look forward to your trial order. • Yours faithfully, • ……
Specimen Letter 3 • Dear Sirs, • Your enquiry for HDD media player has been passed on to us for attention by our Chamber Of Commerce’s office. • We have been a Sisvel licensee since 2004. All products are licensed by Sisvel and are very popular in domestic and foreign market at present. The enclosed catalogue will make you acquainted with some of our products. • In particular, we recommend and quote for the following types which have met with warm reception in the Middle East market and, we are sure, will be of interest to you.
• It is understood the above prices are quoted on FOB Shanghai basis and are without engagement, subject to our final confirmation. The goods would be ready for shipment one month from receipt of your written order. • We look forward to your trial order. • Yours sincerely, • ……
Summary Enquiries for information about goods or services are sent and received in business all the time in the international trade. It needs practice in asking what you want politely and tactfully. While as a salesman, it is more important to write an effective reply in which you assure that your customer have faith in your products or service, which means that you have to “sell” it. The Standard Letter Model:
Exercises • I. Fill in the blank with appropriate words of which the first letter is given for reference: • 1. Please make us your best q_____ CFR Marseilles for 3000 cases of White Cloud Brand Toothpaste. • 2. The quantity a_____ now is 2000 yards. • 3. We must point out that our price does not i_____ insurance. • 4. Please let us know when you are in a p____ to supply this article. • 5. On an order for more than US$ 10000, we usually allow a 5% c_____. • 6. For your i______, 3% commission is the best we can do. • 7. We shall a_____ it very much if you send us a catalogue of your products together with price lists and the largest discount you can o_____. • 8. If your quotation is f_____, we shall place a trial order with you. • 9. Should your price be c_____, you will have the opportunity to obtain a large order from us. • 10. In r______ to your letter dated August 3, we enclose or latest illustrated catalogue for your r____.
• Answer: • 1. quotation 2. available 3. include 4. position 5. commission • 6. information 7. appreciate offer 8. favorable 9. competitive • 10. response reference
II. Choose the best answer to fill in the blank: • 1. We ____ some brochures _____ to illustrate the types of materials we manufacture. • A. enclose, × B. enclose, you C. enclose, to you D. enclose you, × • 2. Your firm has been recommended to us by the James Olivier Co. _____ we have done business for many years. • A. which B. with whom C. whom D. with which • 3. We are making you our quotation for shoes _____. • A. as follows B. as following C. as follows D. following • 4. We would like to inform you that we have received a large inquiry ______ 1000 sets refrigerators. • A. of B. at C. for D. with • 5. We can supply the goods you require ____. • A. from stock B. in stock C. out of stock D. just the stock • 6. _____ the remaining 50 tons, we have faxed the suppliers to ship the goods at once. • A. As regard B. In regards to C. With regards to D. Regarding
• 7. ____ your information, there has been a large demand for groundnuts and such a growing demand can only result ____ an increased price. • A. For, in B. From, from C. From , in D. For, from • 8. We have 30 years of experience _____ handling mohair fabrics. All our products are subject to inspection _______ export and enjoy good reputation on international market. • A. on, of B. of, on C. in, of D. for, in • 9. Our usual terms of payment are ____ L/C and we hope they will be satisfactory ____ you. • A. by, for B. by, to C. for, in D. for, with • 10. We regret to inform you that we do not have in stock the goods in the ____ quantity. • A. desire B. desires C. desired D. desiring • 11. We _______ herewith two copies of our illustrated catalogue for your consideration. • A. include B. enclose C. inquire D. exclude • 12. The goods are in _____ supply. Consequently the market will probably rise next week. • A. short B. lower C. small D. fresh • 13. ____ your request, we have sent the samples to you by air. • A. In compliance to B. Compliance with C. In comply with D. In compliance with
Answer: • 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B • 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. C • 11. B 12. A 13. D
III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: • 1. As our customers are in urgent need of the goods to start their production, if you can supply immediately, please give us your best quotation FOB Shanghai for 1000 dozens of each Art. No. 3 and No. 6. • 2. At what lowest price can you quote for 50 bales middling Texas cotton for November? • 3. Although costs have been rising since March, we have not yet raised our pries, but may have to do so when present stocks run out. We therefore advise you to place your order with us at once. • 4. Please quote us for the items listed on the enclosed inquiry form and give your CIF Shanghai price. It would be appreciated if you include your earliest delivery date, terms of payment, and discounts for regular purchases. • 5. On regular purchases in quantities of more than 500 dozen of individual items, we would allow you a discount of 3%. Payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable L/C at sight.
Answer: • 1. 因我方客户急需上述货物开始生产,若能立即 供货,请报 3号、6号各1000 打的最低FOB上海 交货价。 • 2. 请报德克萨斯州产中等棉花 50包、11月份交货 的最低价格是多少? • 3. 自今年三月以来各种费用一直在上升,但我们 仍未提价,不过目前的库存一旦售完便可能不得 不这样做。为此我们建议您即时向我们下订单。 • 4. 请贵方按随函附表所列产品提供CIF上海价格, 最好包括最快交货日期、付款条件及所能提供的 定期购货折扣。 • 5. 对于定期购买单项商品数量超过500打的(订 单),我们可以给予3%的折扣,用保兑的、不 可撤销的即期信用证付款。
IV. Translate the following sentences into English: • 1. 我们的一位客户对贵方产品颇感兴趣,请就下列产品报价。 • 2. 我方拟购干香菇,请报最低价,说明原产地、包装、详细规格、 可供数量和最早交货期。 • 3. 在附页上你们将看到我们现在可供的这类商品的报价。 • 4. 很高兴收到你方 9月5月询价,根据你方要求,今寄上有插图的 目录和明细价目单。 • 5. 由于原材料短缺,生产已停止。一旦恢复生产即与你方联系。
• Answer: • 1. One of our clients takes interested in your products and wishes to have your quotations for the items specified below. • 2. We are thinking of getting a supply of dried mushroom. Please send us your best offer indicating origin, packing, detailed specifications, quantity available and earliest time of shipment. • 3. On the enclosed sheet, you will find quotations for our present availabilities in this line. • 4. We were very pleased to receive your inquiry of September 5 and enclose our illustrated catalogue and the detailed price-list as you asked. • 5. Because of material shortage, production has been discontinued. But once we resume production, we shall contact you without any delay.
• V. Letter writing: • 1. 你是一家经营液晶显示器进出口的企业,名叫Wuhan Zenitek Electron Equipment Co. , Ltd(中国武汉江汉路 40号贸易大厦 20层进出口部,Tel: 0086 -02789758888, E-mail: zee @ hotmail. com)。你从www. Business. com上得知韩国Jin-Young I&C Co. Ltd (14422 Doksan-dong, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea ) 正 在中国寻求液晶显示屏的进口商,给他们写一封信介绍 一下自己的公司,说明消息来源,并询问目前对方最新 产品的情况。 • 2. 你是一家纺织品进出口公司,名叫Datex Trading Co. Ltd. (Address: Lianfang building 666 Huayuan Avenue Dalian, Liaoning China, Tel: 0086 -041137896699, E-mail: datex @ hotmail. com). 3月26日你 收到一封土耳其一家名为Sunteks Tekstil Sanayi Ve Dis Ticaret Limited 的询价函,询问你公司几种全棉床 单和枕头的价格,并提出寄样。请对对方来函进行回复。
• • • Wuhan Zenitek Electron Equipment Co. , Ltd Floor 20 Trade Building, No. 40 Jianghan Road, Wuhan, China Tel: 0086 -027 -89758888, E-mail: zee @ hotmail. com March 23, 2009 Jin-Young I&C Co. Ltd 144 -22 Doksan-dong, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea Dear Sirs, We are interested in your various types of liquid crystal display advertised at www. Business. com. We introduce ourselves as one of the largest importers liquid crystal display in Central China and have been in this line for over tens years. We expect to establish business relations with you interest. • At present we are enlarging our import business and the said products fit in very well. Please send us a full range of illustrated catalogues and samples. We will appreciate it very much if you will quote us the lowest price CIF Shanghai for the liquid crystal display that can be supplied from stock • We look forward to your early reply. • Yours faithfully,
• 2. • Datex Trading Co. Ltd. • Lianfang Building, 666 Huayuan Avenue, Dalian , Liaoning, China • Tel: 0086 -0411 -37896699, E-mail: datex @ hotmail. com • Dear Sirs, • Re: All cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases • Thank you very much for your inquiry of March 26 requesting for a price list and samples of the above products. • We are enclosing our latest price list for all cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases. We are also sending you separately our sample-cutting booklets. We hope our products will appeal to you. • We are one of the leading exporters of the above items in this city. All our products are very popular on the world market because of their durability and reasonable prices. If you need any further information, please feel free to let us know. • We are looking forward to your order soon. • Yours faithfully, • ……