Скачать презентацию Unit 4 Shopping Section A play games Скачать презентацию Unit 4 Shopping Section A play games


  • Количество слайдов: 19

Unit 4 Shopping Section A Unit 4 Shopping Section A

play games do sports read books go hiking listen to music go shopping play games do sports read books go hiking listen to music go shopping

online mall online mall

drugstore bookstore supermarket department store bakery drugstore bookstore supermarket department store bakery

Let’s read! drugstore supermarket online mall go shopping bookstore bakery department store Let’s read! drugstore supermarket online mall go shopping bookstore bakery department store

Let’s talk! I can buy _____ a book in a _____. bookstore Let’s talk! I can buy _____ a book in a _____. bookstore

Let’s think! clothing store shopping places flower shop farmer’s market … Let’s think! clothing store shopping places flower shop farmer’s market …

Let’s play a game! Rules: repeat what the former student says and add one Let’s play a game! Rules: repeat what the former student says and add one of your own For example: S 1: bookstore S 2: bookstore-drugstore S 3: bookstore-drugstore-bakery

Let’s do an interview! A: What’s your favorite shopping place? B: I like shopping Let’s do an interview! A: What’s your favorite shopping place? B: I like shopping in … most. A: What do you usually buy there? B: I often buy …

Mother’s Day Christmas Day Friends’ Birthdays Father’s Day Wedding Anniversary Mother’s Day Christmas Day Friends’ Birthdays Father’s Day Wedding Anniversary

A: Can I help you? B: I want to buy _____ for _____. flowers A: Can I help you? B: I want to buy _____ for _____. flowers scarf tie watch cake wallet chocolate

Listen and circle. 1. 3. Tom 2. 4. $40 …is coming. Tom goes to Listen and circle. 1. 3. Tom 2. 4. $40 …is coming. Tom goes to a … to buy a gift for … At first, Tom wants to buy a …, but it costs … that’s too expensive for him. At last, Tom buys … and it costs him …

Listen and match. sweater bags $15 $5 T-shirt $1 $10 A: How much is Listen and match. sweater bags $15 $5 T-shirt $1 $10 A: How much is / are…? B: It’s / They’re…. socks

Listen and decide. 1. Miss Daisy's Clothes Store is having a sale. T 2. Listen and decide. 1. Miss Daisy's Clothes Store is having a sale. T 2. We can only buy sweaters, bags, T-shirts and socks in this shop. F 3. 3. T-shirts for girls have only one color. F three colors: red, green and white Will you buy something you don’t really need just because they are very cheap?

Listen and circle. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Listen and circle. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Listen and read. a ai name rain ea great ay s sure ey they Listen and read. a ai name rain ea great ay s sure ey they s usually i bike ch china y my tch watch oy boy g oi oil j y yes sh shoe German joy

Let’s chant. Shopping, shopping, everybody's shopping. Shopping for Christmas, shopping for Easter. Shopping for Let’s chant. Shopping, shopping, everybody's shopping. Shopping for Christmas, shopping for Easter. Shopping for father and shopping for mother. Shopping for lunch and shopping for supper. Shopping in summer and shopping in winter.

Tongue-twisters ride a bike fly a kite I like to ride my light white Tongue-twisters ride a bike fly a kite I like to ride my light white bike, and fly a white light kite with my wife. If two witches watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch? witch watch

Homework 1. Practice the 8 phonemes. 2. Learn the words in word bank by Homework 1. Practice the 8 phonemes. 2. Learn the words in word bank by heart. 3. Do the exercise in the workbook.