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Unit 3 Unit 3

Unit 3 n n n What is a blog? Do you have one? Do Unit 3 n n n What is a blog? Do you have one? Do you read other people´s blogs? 1/28 read the blog. What do you think of it? What was the blogger´s main aim? Do you think this sort of approach can be successful? Why not? What other ways are there of compaining? Are they more or less effective? Would you ever use a blog to complain? In what circumstances?

Unit 3 n Blogging can be an effective tool fo communicating in small groups. Unit 3 n Blogging can be an effective tool fo communicating in small groups. Blogs can be used for anything but are mosr frequently used as an alternative coverage or for giving opinions on social or political issues. A person who writes a blog is a blogger.

Unit 3 n n n Vocabulary To recall – when a manufacturer requests that Unit 3 n n n Vocabulary To recall – when a manufacturer requests that a defective product is banned from sale and returned. It can also be used for foodstuffs when something harmful has been found. Libellous – using harmful and often untrue statements with the intention of causing harm A restraining order – an order which is issued by the court, forbidding someone from doing something

Unit 3 n n n 2/28 listen and decide whether the statements are true Unit 3 n n n 2/28 listen and decide whether the statements are true or false. 1 False ( a lot of people have problems) 2 True (until Jarvis phoned the Chie Marketing Officer) 3 False (they put pressure on the companies) 4 True

Unit 3 n n Can you think of the advantages and disadvantages of blogs Unit 3 n n Can you think of the advantages and disadvantages of blogs for businesses? Vocabulary To wrestle something from someone – to struggle to take something away from someone Tipping point – the point at which the number of small changes over a period of time reaches a level where a further small change has a sudden and very great effect on a system, or leads to an idea suddenly spreading quickly among a large number of people n Constituency – a group of people which a prgramme or group addresses and intends to serve n To dump – a slang term meaning to stop using

Unit 3 n n Read 3/29 1. It allows people to communicate with each Unit 3 n n Read 3/29 1. It allows people to communicate with each other very quickly and in any country. 2. It is changing the way thay communicate with customers and other people and organizations connected to their business. 3. They can provide better products, services and save money.

Unit 3 n n n n Articles 1 – no article 2 – takes Unit 3 n n n n Articles 1 – no article 2 – takes the Special cases The city of London, a supermarket – not the one where we normally shop, Europe but The European Union He is going to the university to pick up his books. He is going to university next year.

Unit 3 2/30 Category Examples A, an, the countries France, Korea - States or Unit 3 2/30 Category Examples A, an, the countries France, Korea - States or groups of states USA, EU, north-east, Middle East The (exception Central America) Mountains Mount Kilimajaro - Mountain Ranges Andes the Rivers, seas and oceans Ganges, Black, Indian the Sports and activities Football, karate - , exception musical instruments Types of entertainment Pop music - Places of entertainment cinema the Languages Spanish - Nationalities Japanese The(to refer to the nation as whole) Jobs and job titles Manager, A, the, (dr …) Places where we shop Post office the

Unit 3 n n n !!! Lakes no the – Lake Titicaca Public institutions Unit 3 n n n !!! Lakes no the – Lake Titicaca Public institutions – no THE when we refer to them being used for their initial purpose – hospital, church, university, school, college, prison, court. . Tom has been in hospital for over a week now. She is at church every Sunday. However!!! They have checked the architectural plans for the hospital and it looks like it´s going ahead. They want to film the scene in the church to make it more atmospheric.

Unit 3 n n n n Do you ever buy things online? Have you Unit 3 n n n n Do you ever buy things online? Have you ever done your supermarket shopping online? Do you think it´s a convenient way to shop? Can you name any British supermarkets? Are you planning to do more of your supermarkets shopping online in the future? Why not? What are the advantages? Disadvantages?

Unit 3 n n n 2/30 reading 1. convenience 2. Tesco 3. Sainsbury´s customers Unit 3 n n n 2/30 reading 1. convenience 2. Tesco 3. Sainsbury´s customers 4. Sainsbury´s 5. Almost 1 billion pounds

Unit 3 Talking about the present n n n n 1. A. is growing Unit 3 Talking about the present n n n n 1. A. is growing B Tesco has a 31, 5% share C Tesco is winning the online supermarket war D Sainsbury´s customers spend more per order 2 1 b, d 2 a, c

Unit 3 n n n n n 1. The online supermarket business is booming. Unit 3 n n n n n 1. The online supermarket business is booming. 2. Most customers spend less than 100 pounds per order. 3. I´ve always turned off my mobile phone except once during a live a tennis match. 4. Blogging is becoming an important way for businesses to communicate with customers. 5. Recently a lot of supermarkets have been trying to attract more customers to shop online by offering lower delivery charges. 6. The number of local shops has fallen drastically in the last ten years. 7. Aston Martin makes luxury sports cars. 8. Bloggers have been/were successful in getting three computer firms, Sony, Dell and Apple, to withdraw their faulty computers. 9. Mobile phones get smaller each time a new model comes out. 10. People communicate more these days but less communication is face to face.