UML and UML tools.pptx
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Unified Modeling Language This is the standard notation for visual modeling of software systems, adopted by a consortium Object Managing Group (OMG) in the autumn of 1997. Graphic description language for object modeling in the field of software development. UML was created to identify, visualize, design and documentation of software systems. Models provide visual clarity of the chosen architecture and allow us to understand the system being developed in its entirety. http: //www. uml. org/
Why UML is necessary? Visual modeling essentially facilitates achievement of such purposes as: q improvement of quality of software product q reduction of cost of a product q system delivery in the planned terms. Ways of splitting of system: q functional decomposition: function data movement Program = Data + Algorithms function q Objective (componental) decomposition: Component Based Development; system is divided into "active substance"
Excursion into history • Development of UML was begun in October 1994 by Grady Booch and James Rumbaugh in Rational Software Corporation as unification of two methods: Booch' 93 and OMT. • In the autumn 1995 Ivar Jacobson joined work, having included in unification process the OOSE method. • In October, 1996 UML 0. 91 edition in which numerous wishes which "three friends" received during 1996 were reflected was released.
Microsoft® Visio® Microsoft Visio (also known as Microsoft Office Visio) is a 2 D-object drawing application and is part of the Microsoft Office suite. This is a popular product which allows you to build diagrams, including UML. Visio began as a standalone product produced by Shapeware Corporation; version 1. 0 shipped in 1992. In 1995, Shapeware Corporation changed their name to Visio Corporation to take advantage of market recognition and related product equity. Microsoft acquired Visio in 2000, re-branding it as a Microsoft Office application, like Microsoft Project; however, it has never been included in any of the Office suites.
Microsoft® Visio® Features: • • • Visio is used to visualize the different information structures with a variety of relationships. The user can use both manual and automatic methods of drawing on some of the original data Visio with Visualization and Modeling Feature Pack allows you to: – generate code based on UML class diagrams; – create UML diagrams from code; – import UML class diagrams, sequence diagrams, diagrams use cases to XMI 2. 1; – create a chart of dependencies for ASP. NET, C and C++ projects;
Argo. UML is an UML diagramming application written in Java and released under the open source Eclipse Public License. By virtue of being a Java application, it is available on any platform supported by Java. Argo. UML was originally developed at UC Irvine by Jason E. Robbins. The Argo. UML project now includes more than 19, 000 registered users and over 150 developers. In 2003, Argo. UML won the Software Development Magazine's annual Readers' Choice Award in the “Design and Analysis Tools” category. Argo. UML development has suffered from lack of manpower. For example, Undo has been a perpetually requested feature since 2003 but has not been implemented yet.
Argo. UML functionality includes: • • • Standard UML 1. 4 Metamodel 9 types of diagrams UML (class diagrams, state, cooperation, consistency, activities, use cases, objects, components, deployment) OCL support Reverse engineering from source and bytecode Java Forward engineering (code generation supports C++ and C#, Java, PHP 4, PHP 5, Python) Export diagrams as GIF, PNG, PS, EPS, PGML and SVG. Available in ten languages Advanced diagram editing and zoom. Built-in design critics provide unobtrusive review of design and suggestions for improvements.
Star. UML is an open source project to develop fast, flexible, extensible, featureful, and freely-available UML/MDA platform running on Win 32 platform. The goal of the Star. UML project is to build a software modeling tool and also platform that is a compelling replacement of commercial UML tools such as Rational Rose, Together and so on.
Plug-in Architecture Star. UML provides simple and powerful plug-in architecture so anyone can develop plug-in modules in COM-compatible languages (C++, Delphi, C#, VB, . . . ) Usability • Generate code in C #, Java, C++ without any additional configuration • Easy to use graphical editor • UML 2. 0 fully supported • Ability to extend the functionality • Export documentation formats: DOC, PPT, TXT, XLS. . . • Import Rational Rose project
• 1996 The first version (v 0. 9) of Plastic was born. It was very simple tool that is used to draw software modules and their dependencies. • 1997 Plastic 1. 0 released. Grand prize of software contest held by Hyundai. • 1998 Plastic 1. 1 released. UML class diagram supported • 1999 Foundation of Plastic Software, Inc. Plastic 2. 0 released. UML supported, Java code generation and reverse engineering • 2001 Plastic 3. 0 released. UML 1. 3 fully supported • 2003 Plastic 2003 released. Completely redesigned and rewritten, UML 1. 4 fully supported, open architecture. • 2005 Agora Plastic 2005 released. Internationalized. 'Good Software' Certified from The Ministry of Information and Communications of Korea. Star. UML 5. 0 renamed and released. UML 2. 0 supported.
Astah Community Features: • Support for UML 2. 1 (Class, Use. Case, Sequence, Activity, Communication, Statemachine, Component, Deployment, Composite Structure, Object and Package Diagrams); • Suggest Feature (when you enter part of the team is considering all possible variants of its continuation); • Alignment (when an object is saved and its links move with it); • Export to PNG, JPEG; • Astah API (Models of Class, Use. Case, Activity, Sequence and Statemachine Diagrams); • Localization GUI.
BOUML Features: • support for UML 2. 0; • Very high performance (written in C++, for Qt); • code generation in C + +, Java, IDL, Php, Python; • runs on Unix / Linux / Solaris / Mac OS X / Windows; • plug-in architecture (supported languages: C + +, Java).
UMLet Features: • Fast UML diagramming; • export diagrams to EPS, PDF, JPG, SVG, and clipboard; • Creation of new UML elements; • runs on Windows, Mac OS, Linux.
Dia currently has special objects to help draw entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, and many other diagrams. It is also possible to add support for new shapes by writing simple XML files, using a subset of SVG to draw the shape.
• Dia is written in C and has a system of extensions that can be written in Python. • It can load and save diagrams to a custom XML format (gzipped by default, to save space), can export diagrams to a number of formats, including EPS, SVG, XFIG, WMF and PNG, and can print diagrams
Violet UML Editor • Violet UML editor is very easy to learn and use. Draws nicelooking diagrams. Completely free. Cross-platform. Violet is intended for developers, students, teachers, and authors who need to produce simple UML diagrams quickly • Violet does not generate any source code from UML diagrams. • Violet does not generate UML diagrams from source code
• You can use Violet to draw contradictory diagrams • Violet does not generate files that can be imported into other UML tools, nor can it read model files from other tools
UMLGraph allows the declarative specification and drawing of UML class and sequence diagrams. The specification is done in text diagrams, that are then transformed into the appropriate graphical representations. One specifies a class diagram using the Java syntax complemented by javadoc tags. Running the Uml. Graph doclet on the specification will generate a Graphviz diagram specification that can be automatically processed to create Postscript, GIF, SVG, JPEG, fig, or Framemaker drawings class Person { String Name; } class Employee extends Person {} class Client extends Person {}
Visual Paradigm SDE Visual Paradigm for UML is a professional UML tool that supports complete software lifecycle - object-oriented analysis, object-oriented design, construction, testing and deployment. You can draw all types of class diagrams, reverse code, generate code from diagrams and generate documentation. Capabilities: Use Case modeling System analysis and design Plug-in architecture Provide user with ORM.
Tangible T 4 Editor comes with UML-Style modeling tools and can generate from diagrams, database schemas, xml, word, excel sources, or any other data source. It provides an Code-Editor for Microsoft Visual Studio. It provides Microsoft Visual Studio with T 4 text template.
Net. Beans UML With Net. Beans UML, your designers focus on the design of the application, and your developers focus on the code. First, designers and analysts design applications using UML, a standard modeling language, then developers generate source code from the UML model. UML Diagram Types You can create 8 UML diagram types: Activity, Class, Sequence, State, and Use Case. Net. Beans UML also supports the Dependency diagram showing all the dependencies for a Classifier on the diagram: Generalizations, Associations, Implementations, and Operations.
UML 2 Tools is a set of GMF-based editors for viewing and editing UML models; it is focused on (eventual) automatic generation of editors for all UML diagram types. The diagrams that will be initially supported (as part of the first release) include class, component, state machine, and activity diagrams. Please see the project plan(s) for details.