- Количество слайдов: 20
UNICOS UNified Industrial COntrol System Hervé Milcent AB/CO 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS
Outline n n Purpose and domain of application PVSS-UNICOS in QPS and PIC Conclusions 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 2
AB/CO n n Provide control system for accelerator Tools: n n n Services: LHCLogging, Laser, etc. Installation of control computers Turn key application n Front-end framework Application framework Cryo, QPS, PIC, etc. Support: PLC, Fieldbus, etc. Etc. http: //ab-div-co. web. cern. ch/ab-div-co/ 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 3
Purpose of UNICOS n Provide a control system for the LHC cryogenics n n Define a standard hardware & generic software architecture Produce complete documentation for maintenance, operation and users n n Components, tools and methodology Based on industrial components: PLC and SCADA Cryogenics operators and experts Integrate the cryogenics control system within the LHC control architecture 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 4
Typical LHC cryogenic architecture Surface QSV Underground QSCA QSRA QURC QURA QSCC QURC QUI QRL Ring QSCB QSRB QSCC Sector 5 th-6 th April 2005 QRL Sector PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS § Size: 5 cryo points Total I/O: ~40000 Total dev. : ~75000 Total DPE: ~700000 30% archived, 15% alarm 5
Constraints n n n Schneider PLC (Siemens PLC under dev. ) + SCADA PVSS Reliability Performance n n Operators/experts: not PLC neither SCADA expert n n n Event: 6000 chg. /sec during 15 min. Modify graphical view, trend, etc. Tune the control system Big system fast commissioning automatic creation of most of the control system n n n Lots of applications: same look and feel, user friendly LHC Control: no SCADA Used by other projects n GCS, experiments magnet controls 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 6
Typical cryogenic hardware architecture SCADA data servers Bat 2851 Communication room SHR 8 DS 1 Control room SHC 8 DS 1 -2 -3 4. 5 K 1. 8 K L-LHCC 4. 5 K LHCA EW 1 OS 3 OS 4 OS 1 OS 2 EW 2 1. 8 K Ethernet local connection (AB-CO-IS/IT CS) R-LHCC LHCB Ethernet surface Infrastucture (IT-CS) Ethernet backbone (IT-CS) SH 8 QSCA-1 -2 Comp 4. 5 K QSV QSDN LN 2 Buffer SDH 8 SD 8 SHM 8 QSCCa QSCCb QSCB Comp 1. 8 K Comp 4. 5 K Main Dryer QSA(b) QSRA-1 QSRB-1 QSKA QURA-1 LCB 4. 5 K 3 em US 85 QUI 2 em L-QURC-2 CB 1. 8 K DFB 5 th-6 th April 2005 QSA(a) Main Dryer US IP 8 Connection Box 5200 UX 85 US IP 1(a) UX 85 L-QURC-1 QSRB-2 Cold Box 4. 5 K UCB 4. 5 K QURA-2 US IP 7(b) QSRA-2 SHBB 8 8200 R-QURC-1 R-QURC-2 CB 1. 8 K DFB PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS DFB 7
UNICOS: application development PLC database: tag, mapping, comm. Devices Specification database Automated Generation Tool PLC Device Instantiation PLC Section Structure, device links SCADA Database 5 th-6 th April 2005 PLC logic replication PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 8
PVSS-UNICOS n n n Based on JCOP Distributed and scattered Common look and feel n n JCOP SCADA Add on Modelisation of devices: Integrity of the application: PLC + PVSS managers Integration into the LHC control chain n n Device: state, data quality, etc. UNICOS Operator interface Configuration of the devices from a database n n Application LHCLogging (long term archiving), LASER (alarm server), CMW (middleware) Open framework: n New devices, configurable components/utilities, etc. 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 9
PVSS-UNICOS: device n Device n n n hierarchy: hardware and functional Can be classed in maximum two groups Widget: n n State, alarm, data quality Catalog: n n n drag & drop Configuration with device filter Faceplate: detail 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 10
PVSS-UNICOS: operator interface n n One interface Panel/trend navigation n n Internet explorer like Contextual navigation: configurable Hierarchy navigation: configurable Trend re-used from JCOP Utilities: n n Customized alarm list Event list User log book Device overview 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 11
PVSS-UNICOS: graphical frame 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 12
PVSS-UNICOS: operator interface n n One interface Panel/trend navigation n n Internet explorer like Contextual navigation: configurable Hierarchy navigation: configurable Trend re-used from JCOP Utilities: n n Customized alarm list Event list User log book Device overview 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 13
PVSS-UNICOS: navigation 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 14
PVSS-UNICOS: operator interface n n One interface Panel/trend navigation n n Internet explorer like Contextual navigation: configurable Hierarchy navigation: configurable Trend re-used from JCOP Utilities: n n Customized alarm list Event list User log book Device overview 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 15
PVSS-UNICOS: trend 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 16
PVSS-UNICOS: operator interface n n One interface Panel/trend navigation n n Internet explorer like Contextual navigation: configurable Hierarchy navigation: configurable Trend re-used from JCOP Utilities: n n Customized alarm list Event list User log book Device overview 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 17
PVSS-UNICOS: Device overview 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 18
Additional applications n n Re-use of core UNICOS with new devices PIC: Power Interlock Controller n n QPS: Quench Protection System n n n Lynx. OS front-end with CMW (Common Middle. Ware) High performance Similar look and feel n n S 7 PLC Widget, faceplate Same hardware architecture n n Distributed Linux data server Scattered system: Windows GUI 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 19
Conclusions n UNICOS improvements: n n Avoid mismatch definition of the mapping of data: PLC & PVSS Less work as possible for the application developer n n n Coherent data representation: PLC & PVSS Ease support PVSS: n n Re-usable tools, devices Easy definition of devices Automatic creation of the configuration and most of the control system : PLC & PVSS Distributed, integrity of the control application Application developer: n n Concentrate on the control process: control loops, control sequences Prepare the graphical view of the process control http: //ab-project-unicos. web. cern. ch/ab-project-unicos/ 5 th-6 th April 2005 PVSS User's meeting: UNICOS 20