- Количество слайдов: 14
UNFCCC Asia & Pacific Regional Workshop on Transfer of Technology 17 January 2000, Cebu, Philippines Johan Wide, GEF Secretariat GEF
Technology Transfer and Market Development - the GEF Portfolio FY 1991 -1999: u Climate change activities in over 120 countries u Energy efficiency and renewables: M$ 700/5000, more than 80 projects u Short-term and enabling activities: additional M$ 200 GEF vs. World market: u Solar home systems: >1 mill. vs. 250, 000 u Solar thermal: >200 MW vs. 400 MW planned u Geothermal: 500 MW vs. 1100 MW u Wind: 350 MW vs. 1200 MW in DCs
GEF CC Technology Clusters GEF
Recent Policy Initiatives u u GEF Programs: Environmentally Sustainable Transport, Integrated Ecosystem and Natural Resource Management Partnerships: Capacity Building, Knowledge Management, Renewable Energy, RDBs, Private Sector u u Modalities: Targeted Research, Contingent Financing, Market-Pull Business Planning: Selective Reviews for PV, ESCOs; Adaptation
Climate Change Portfolio - Cluster Examples u u u GEF Solar Home Systems: China, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Sri Lanka Grid-Connected RE: China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka Precommercial RETs: India, Philippines u u Energy Efficient Products: China, Thailand Energy Efficiency in Industry: China, India, Malaysia Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Thailand Fuel Switching and Recovery: China, India, Pakistan
Sri Lanka: Energy Services Delivery Objective: u Sustainable RET deployment by private sector, NGOs and cooperatives; stronger DSM environment u M$ 6/55 GEF u u u Private sector developers, cooperatives, and NGOs install RE subprojects (target 16 MW of wind farms, SHS, and village hydro) Establish standard power purchase agreement and non-negotiable tariff for wind farms and village hydro, and equipment standards Strengthen capabilities of developers, agencies, NGOs, and cooperatives to promote, develop, finance and install RE Create code of practice for EE in commercial buildings; strengthen capabilities of firms and agencies to incorporate in design & operations Conduct consumer awareness and
India Alternate Energy/Renewable Resources Objective: u Promote wind power and PV; pioneer market mechanisms u M$ 26/186 GEF u u Private developers install wind farms and mini-hydro projects (85 MW total) Strengthen functions and capabilities of national RE agency to develop, market and finance RE projects Establish a solar PV credit line and marketing program Conduct studies for improving policy environment for small-scale IPPs
Thailand: Building Chiller Replacement Program Objective: u Widespread penetration of new high efficiency non. CFC chillers u M$ 2. 5/90. 5 u u GEF Replace 440 chillers with new high-efficiency chillers National utility to pilot ESCO model for replacement of chillers on a fee-for-service basis Establish zero-interest revolving loan fund for end-user chiller investments Disseminate information on high -efficiency chillers
Philippines: CEPALCO Distributed Generation PV Power Plant Objective: u Demonstrate feasible model of supplemental PV capacity for existing hydroprojects u M$ 4/8 GEF u Construct 1 MWp PV plant in conjunction with existing 7 MW hydroelectric plant with dynamic load control, providing firm generating capacity
China: Development of Coal-Bed Methane Resources Objective: u Demonstrat e technologies to reduce and recover methane emissions u M$ 10 GEF u u Install demonstration recovery technologies at three sites and specifically demonstrate vertical well-drilling techniques and an integrated recovery system using in-seam horizontal drainholes Create a database and financial/economic assessments of CBM resources in five coalmining administrations Conduct study trips and arrange an international conference to increase knowledge among coal mine engineers and policy makers Train technicians from coal geology companies, research institutes and coal-mining administrations in vertical well drilling
Multiple-Country Activities u u u GEF Efficient Lighting Initiative (M$ 15/50) Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund (M$ 30/240) Small and Medium Scale Enterprise Program (M$ 21/72) u u Photovoltaic Market Transformation Initiative (M$ 30/120) Solar Development Corporation (M$ 10/50)
Interdependent Components in TT Technique - Facilitation of hardware investments: financing - Technical assistance, training (‘software’) Organization Product - Enabling, building framework capacity GEF Knowledge - Countrydrivenness, market sustainability
Demand-Driven Market-Pull: Cooperative Technology Procurement International Market Applications: u Industrial energy consumption u Passive heating and cooling u Manufacture of more energy-efficient equipment u Transportation u Commercial buildings u Heating and cooling GEF CTP Sequence: 1. Definition of common interest/need 2. Establishment of buyers' groups 3. Performance and price specifications 4. Competitive procurement 5. Market transformation
http: //www. gefweb. org/ GEF