- Количество слайдов: 36
UNESCO Documents and publications From pre-cataloguing to Internet access: A pragmatic approach UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
UNESDOC contents: Ø Director-general’s speeches Ø Governing bodies’ documents – Resolutions/decisions since 1946 Ø Sectoral documents (Headquarters – Field) Ø Monographs (Headquarters – Field) Ø Periodicals (Headquarters – Field) UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
UNESDOC does not content Ø Items and appendixes of the Manual Ø Administrative circulars Ø Circular letters Ø Depository letters Ø DG blue notes and minutes Ø Administrative forms UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Ø Documents are free of charge publications Ø Publications (books) are usually for sale Ø Periodicals are serials either distributed free of charge or for sale UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Which documents/publications can you send to UNESDOC via HERMES? Ø All documents/publications printed outside CLD workshops Ø Publications/documents printed by CLD follow another channel before being included in UNESDOC (EDATS) UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
HERMES Work flow Control CLD UNESDOC DIT Composition unit Indexing Library DIT Management of titles with non latin fonts Inside CLD workshops EDATS CLD Printing unit UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005 Outside CLD workshops
Why PDF Ø The same file can be sent to a printer or displayed on the web Ø The layout is maintained Ø It’s a finalized document with a beginning , an end, a title, a publication date, a reference … UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Transfer – main rules : for security reasons and authentification, use only I. E. 6+ You have to: Ø Assign a document code if you send a document of public nature Ø Assign an ISSN if you send a periodical (International Standard Serial Number). The ISSN is managed by a world wide network of 76 National Centres coordinated by an International Centre based in Paris, backed by Unesco and the French Government. Ø Assign an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) if you send a book (contact UNESCO Publishing first to get an ISBN) UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
HERMES Home page url: http: //hermesapp. hq. int. unesco. org/ UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Assign a document code, an ISBN or an ISSN UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Pre-cataloging and transfer UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Pre-cataloging and transfer of an English version UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Cataloging and indexing by the UNESCO Library UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
The document is now in the UNESDOC database ENG eng UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
An e-mail is sent to notify of the avaibility of the document UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Why to assign a code to documents ? Ø To authentify them Ø To follow the different versions Ø To identify them quickly and surely UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Follow-up of versions • CLT/2005/PI/4 REV. 2 UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Follow-up of versions (2) UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Follow up of versions (3) UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Quick identification of another language version or a previous version. ØEx. DIT/2004/HERMES/DEMO/1 UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
The code must be the same for ALL linguistic versions and contain the publication year of the original language Ø Ø Ø Ø ED. 04/MINEPS IV/2 ED. 04/MINEPS IV/3 CN/2004/SC-HYD/PI/1 CIB/04 -05/INF. 1 REV. 3 IOC/IUCN/NOAA/LME-V/3 IOC/SC-WESTPAC-V/3 IHP/BUR-XXXV/6 Ø Ø Ø IOC-XXII/2 Annex 2 IOC-XXII/Supplementary item 1 SHS. 2004/DECLAR. BIOETHIQUE BSP. 2004/YTH/001 FAP. 2003/COUNCIL. II/10 UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Abbreviations to use in order to avoid interference with codes assigned by CLD : Ø PI - Public information documents Ø ME - Meeting documents (Conference, seminar, etc. ) Ø RP – Meeting reports UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
The ideal title page contains: • ED/2005/…/RP/8 • Language of the original • Title • Publication year UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Demo 2 Ø Identify a document and publish it online Ø Insert a code in a PDF (CTRL + text modification) UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Ø Use of personalized forms Ø Search can be made in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese, Italian UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Ø Only one PDF for a peridical issue Ø The role of «destinations» in intelligent» documents http: //unesdoc. unesco. org/images/001373/137349 f. pdf#3. 4. 1 Ø How to open a PDF to a specific page? http: //unesdoc. unesco. org/images/001383/138384 f. pdf#page=6 UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Ø Demo documents « intelligents » UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
PDF: problems Ø A cover page too big Ø A picture compression badly customized Ø Double page spread Ø PDF file not optimised (quick display on the Web) UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
PDF monopage Øhttp: //unesdoc. unesco. org/images/0013/00 1331/133120 f. pdf UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
PDF: Pdf. Maker parameters (1) UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
PDF: Pdf. Maker parameters (2) UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
PDF: Pdf. Maker parameters (3) UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
By-products UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Some figures : Ø 45 000 documents (January 2005) Ø 1, 8 million pages Ø 10 000 documents/year Ø 400 000 pages/year Ø More than 2 millions documents consulted in 2004 UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Who’s who? § § § Thierry Guednée: HERMES-UNESDOC Administrator Patrick Huby: CD-ROMs design and production(Thesaurus, full text documents) Eve-Marie Trastour: customized forms design Fatiha Ayour: microfiche digitization and online publishing standard documents Yann Le: digitization of paper documents (1946 -1995) HERMES and UNESDOC are applications developped and managed by DIT UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005
Questions – Answers Power Point presentation http: //unesdoc. unesco. org/ulis/pp/hermes-unesdoc-Eng. ppt UNESCO Clearing-House : Thierry Guednée, 10/02/2005