Nedelyaeva A. Unemployment in Russia.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 17
Unemployment in Russia Student: Nedelyaeva Anna
Problem of this presentation 1. What is unemployment? 2. Kinds and forms of unemployment in Russia. Features of unemployment in Russia.
Unemployment in Russia Unemployment is the macroeconomic problem having the most direct and strong impact on each person. Loss of work for the majority of people means decrease in a standard of living and puts a serious bad psychological effect.
Kinds and forms of unemployment in Russia. Unemployment natural compelled
Kinds and forms of unemployment in Russia. Unemployment frictional hidden institutional partial voluntary seasonal regional technological structural
Frictional unemployment is caused by that the people who have left a former place of work, are in movement, pass to the new enterprise. The main sign of such unemployment is small duration.
Institutional unemployment It is generated by rules of law, the device of the market of labor, the factors influencing on supply and demand. So, excessive social payments cause decrease in the supply of work, promote increase in an unemployment rate.
The voluntary unemployment Voluntary unemployment is caused by that among able-bodied population always there are people who for any reasons don't wish to work. It is obvious that such unemployment too has signs of the natural.
Technological unemployment The essence of technological unemployment consists in that development and wide use of computers and high technologies to a great extent forces out human work.
Structural unemployment arises, when under the influence of scientific and technical progress there are large-scale structural transformations of economy. The investment demand employment are grows in one branches, production is curtailed into others and workplaces decrease.
Regional unemployment is formed under the influence of a difficult combination of historical, demographic, social and psychological factors which are insuperable by means of one only means of economic policy.
Seasonal unemployment The seasonal unemployment is generated by a temporarily of performance of these or those kinds of activity and functioning of branches of an economy. Agricultural works, fishery, gathering berries, a timber-rafting, hunting, partially construction concern them and some other kinds of activity.
Partial unemployment The partial unemployment arises from results of decrease in demand for enterprise production. In this case we have two options of behavior of the businessman: or he keeps possibility to work for a part of the personnel total working hours, and other part dismisses, or without dismissal incomplete working hours give the chance to work with everything, as conduct to emergence of partial unemployment.
Hidden unemployment For example, absence of incentives to work conducts to low productivity when work of one person is carried out by two. It testifies that one workplace superfluous, and level of the hidden unemployment reaches 50 %.
Unemployment in Russia One of characteristic features in Russia unemployment is disturbing fact of growth of its duration. For understanding mean of unemployment in Russia it is necessary to consider specific features of formation of labor markets in post-socialist countries and in particular Russia.
Unemployment in Russia The salary sharply lagged behind reproduction cost labor. 2. Movement of rates of a salary is distorted inflationary processes. 3. It did not develop while system contractual formation of a salary. 4. Remained some centralized ways of administrative regulation salary 1.
Unemployment in Russia availability along with open unemployment of considerable massifs of the hidden unemployment as in the form of surpluses of labor power at the entities, and in to form of part-time employment; availability along with officially traceable unemployment unregistered, but the real unemployment, which sizes in several times exceed scales of official unemployment; availability of considerable dummy unemployment (the hidden employment on informal labor markets); availability of big gaps in the levels of unemployment on regions, industries and to spheres of the national economy, caused by specifics transitive economy of Russia and features of market forms.
Nedelyaeva A. Unemployment in Russia.pptx