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UNDERSTANDING NAADAC’S CODE OF ETHICS May 19, 2011 Anne S. Hatcher, Chair NAADAC Ethics Committee Kathryn Benson, Chair NCC Ethics Committee
OBTAINING CE CREDIT § The education delivered in this webinar is FREE to all professionals. § 2 CEs are FREE to NAADAC members and Accu. Care subscribers who attend this webinar. Non-members of NAADAC or non-subscribers of Accu. Care receive 2 CEs for $25. § If you wish to receive CE credit, you MUST download, complete and submit the “CE Quiz” that is located at: § www. myaccucare. com/webinars § www. naadac. org/education § A CE certificate will be emailed to you within 30 days. § Successfully passing the “CE Quiz” is the ONLY way to receive a CE certificate.
SEMINAR OBJECTIVES § Understand the ten principles in the new NAADAC Code of Ethics; § Understand the nature of the counseling relationship and corresponding ethical obligations; and § Understand your ethical responsibility relating to peers and society. Question and Answer session at the end of the program.
WHAT WE HEAR TOO OFTEN “Ethics is easy…just don’t sleep with your clients!”
MORALITY § Conscious adoption of standards related to right and wrong § These standards develop from life experience when behaviors are labeled good or bad.
SOURCE OF ETHICAL STANDARDS AND LAWS Someone got in trouble so a rule was made to keep the next person from making the same mistake. - Dan Lobnitz, JD
ETHICAL DILEMMAS “Ethics dilemmas often arise as the unintended consequences of well-intentions actions, not from unethical motives. ” “Ethics at work is often not the simple choice of right versus wrong, but of reconciling competing rights. ” - Michael Rion
POLITICS PLAY A ROLE IN ETHICAL DECISION MAKING “Politics is the peaceful resolution of conflict among legitimate competing interests. ” “At its best, politics can make a world where the powerful are more just and the poor more secure. ” - Shields, 2006
WHEN EVALUATING A DILEMMA Rely on the ethical standards as documentation and proof.
2011 NAADAC CODE OF ETHICS A new document that: ü Includes new principles ü Prioritizes principles so they are in a different, more workable order than in the 2008 version
DURING THIS WEBINAR § Review the new NAADAC Code of Ethics § Discuss each principle and the standards that apply § Discuss the principles that have been added
COUNSELING RELATIONSHIP STANDARDS 1) Client Welfare 2) Client Self Determination 3) Dual Relationships 4) Working with Groups 5) Preventing Harm
2) CLIENT SELF DETERMINATION The fundamental right to self-determination is respected.
3) DUAL RELATIONSHIPS Development of a relationship of equals is nurtured and supported.
4) WORKING WITH GROUPS Provide required services while protecting clients from physical, emotional or psychological trauma.
5) PREVENTING HARM Even in a life well lived, harm might be done to others by thoughtless words and actions.
EVALUATION, ASSESSMENT AND INTERPRETATION STANDARDS 1) Scope of Competency 2) Informed Consent 3) Screening 4) Basis for Assessment
EVALUATION, ASSESSMENT AND INTERPRETATION STANDARDS 5) Release of Assessment Results 6) Release of Data to Qualified Professionals 7) Diagnosis of Mental Health Disorders 8) Unsupervised Assessments
EVALUATION, ASSESSMENT AND INTERPRETATION STANDARDS 9) Assessment Security 10) Outdated Assessment Results 11) Cultural Sensitivity Diagnosis 12) Social Prejudice
PRINCIPLE III: CONFIDENTIALITY/PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION AND PRIVACY “Once private information is obtained by the addiction professional, standards of confidentiality apply…Every effort is made to protect the confidentiality of client information and in very specific cases or situations to disclose information appropriately and according to federal law. ”
PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY STANDARDS 1) Counselor Attributes 2) Legal and Ethical Standards 3) Records and Data 4) Interprofessional Relationships
3) REPORTS AND DATA “Make a habit of noting things you see. ” - Walt Whitman Records of professional services rendered, research conducted, interactions with other individuals, agencies, legal and medical entities are maintained.
ETHICAL COUNSELORS ARE LEADERS “It’s hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse. ” - Adlai Stevenson, politician, statesman (1900 -1965)
PRINCIPLE VIII: RESOLVING ETHICAL ISSUES “Addiction professionals will attempt to resolve ethical dilemmas with direct and open communication among all parties involved and seek supervision and/or consultation as appropriate. ”
Policy and Politics Standards 1) Societal Obligations 2) Public Participation 3) Social and Political Action
INVOLVED PROFESSIONALS § Maintain membership in their professional organization § Participate in state association meetings § Advocate for laws that affect the profession § Advocate for laws and policies that impact quality services for clients
REFERENCES Allison, J. (2006). This I believe. Holt Pub. P 6 Freeman, S. J. (2000). Ethics, an introduction to philosophy & practice. Wadsworth. CA. pp 100 -101. Kidder, R. M. How good people make tough choices. Fireside books. NY. P 14 -15. Mullane, (2006). “The rule of law. ” in This I believe. Holt Pub. P 165 -167 Shields, M. “The people have spoken. ” in This I believe. Holt Pub. P 220 -223.
DILEMMA CONSULTATION CAN BE REQUESTED BY CONTACTING Kathryn Benson, NCC Ethics Chairperson Lightbeing@aol. com Anne Hatcher, NAADAC Chairperson hatchera@mscd. edu
OUR WISH FOR YOU That happiness will wrap her arms around you, and wisdom make your soul serene.
Thank You for Participating! Please feel free to ask questions! 1001 N. Fairfax Street. , Ste. 201 Alexandria, VA 22314 phone: 703. 741. 7686/800. 548. 0497 fax: 703. 741. 7698/800. 377. 1136 www. naadac. org naadac@naadac. org Misti Storie: misti@naadac. org 1016 Leavenworth Street Omaha, NE 68102 phone: 402. 341. 8880 fax: 402. 341. 8911 www. myaccucare. com info@orionhealthcare. com Emily Haverty: ehaverty@orionhealthcare. com
Providing solutions to improve the quality of life for communities by helping addictions professionals excel in their field through the use of information technology. Clinical Administrative Outcome Reporting Billing Visit us today! Call: (800) 324 -7966 Click: www. My. Accu. Care. com
OBTAINING CE CREDIT § The education delivered in this webinar is FREE to all professionals. § 2 CEs are FREE to NAADAC members and Accu. Care subscribers who attend this webinar. Non-members of NAADAC or non-subscribers of Accu. Care receive 2 CEs for $25. § If you wish to receive CE credit, you MUST download, complete and submit the “CE Quiz” that is located at: § www. myaccucare. com/webinars § www. naadac. org/education § A CE certificate will be emailed to you within 30 days. § Successfully passing the “CE Quiz” is the ONLY way to receive a CE certificate.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Ethics and Professional Issues in Addiction Counseling Independent Study Course A great way to gain the continuing education in ethics required to maintain many state and national credentials. This course is a component of the Basics of Addiction Counseling package and can be used as a stand-alone resource for those seeking additional guidance in ethics. The Independent Study Course includes a bound reference and study manual and 30 practice examination questions. Independent Study Course w/ Exam, Manual & 12 CEs: $85 for members; $160 for non-members
UPCOMING WEBINARS 2011 § June 16, 2011 - Staying Informed: Trends in the Addiction Profession § July 14, 2011 - Integrating Co-occurring Disorders: An Introduction to What Every Addiction Counselor Needs to Know § August 18, 2011 - Strategies for Successful Test Taking § September 15, 2011 - Your Voice Counts: Advocacy and the NAADAC Political Action Committee § October 13, 2011 - Conflict Resolution for Clients and Professionals § November 17, 2011 - What's Next in Your Career? Recap and Highlights from the NAADAC Workforce Conference § December 15, 2011 - Clinical Supervision: Keys to Success Register at: www. naadac. org/education or www. myaccucare. com/webinars
ARCHIVED WEBINARS § Alcohol SBIRT: Integrating Evidence-based Practice Into Your Practice § Medication Assisted Recovery: What Every Addiction Professional Needs to Know § Build Your Business With the Department of Transportation Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) Qualification § Working with NAADAC to Express Your Professional Identity § Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) § Medicaid Expansion 2014 and Preparing to Bill for Medicaid Archived webinars located at: www. naadac. org/education or www. myaccucare. com/webinars
Thank You for Participating! Please feel free to ask questions! 1001 N. Fairfax Street. , Ste. 201 Alexandria, VA 22314 phone: 703. 741. 7686/800. 548. 0497 fax: 703. 741. 7698/800. 377. 1136 www. naadac. org naadac@naadac. org Misti Storie: misti@naadac. org 1016 Leavenworth Street Omaha, NE 68102 phone: 402. 341. 8880 fax: 402. 341. 8911 www. myaccucare. com info@orionhealthcare. com Emily Haverty: ehaverty@orionhealthcare. com