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UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO JCTD 4 th NMIOTC Annual Conference Mikel Awad USCENTCOM J UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO JCTD 4 th NMIOTC Annual Conference Mikel Awad USCENTCOM J 8 Science and Technology 19 June 2013 1 3/18/2018 UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED Background • Joint Capability Technology Demonstration – US Do. D program to rapidly UNCLASSIFIED Background • Joint Capability Technology Demonstration – US Do. D program to rapidly develop capabilities that address urgent needs – 18– 24 months to develop and demonstrate a potential solution – Demonstration program, not a procurement program • Quickly get new, relevant technology to warfighters – Generally starts with mature technologies – Provides options that can lead to accelerated procurement – The 80% solution 2 UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO JCTD • C 3 PO: Combined End-to-End Expanded Maritime Interdiction UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO JCTD • C 3 PO: Combined End-to-End Expanded Maritime Interdiction Operations Performance Optimization – 18 -month effort involving US and Coalition naval forces – Addresses shortfalls in sharing boarding data among multiple different multinational naval formations, as reported by NATO Joint Lessons Learned Centre (Portugal) in 2010 3 UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO Team Organization USCENTCOM USEUCOM Role JCTD Co-sponsors Plan and execute UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO Team Organization USCENTCOM USEUCOM Role JCTD Co-sponsors Plan and execute the MUA Develop CONOPS and TTPs Naval Research Laboratory Navy Program Executive Office for C 4 I Transition C 3 PO to program of record for continued development NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Centre Multi-national representation SME and test site support JCTD Program Office 4 Technical development System administration Training Liaison with Do. D and US Congress UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED Operational Problem • US and NATO boarding teams (CMF and EU) are unable UNCLASSIFIED Operational Problem • US and NATO boarding teams (CMF and EU) are unable to share actionable maritime interdiction information in a timely manner, resulting in missed interdiction opportunities, unnecessary boarding events, and the potential failure to detain persons of interest or confiscate suspected contraband. • Boarding teams lack a common repository to consolidate and share MIO data. Once boarding data is collected, it usually remains in theater or in secured combined systems, which inhibits efficient analysis and processing by US and Coalition partners. 5 UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO Operational Concepts • Share boarding data among Coalition navies – UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO Operational Concepts • Share boarding data among Coalition navies – Web-based architecture – Globally accessible UNCLASSIFIED content • Support pre-mission planning – Access to historical boarding reports and imagery • Provide near-real-time biometric verification – Faster response from reference databases • Consolidate and share boarding data – Archive boarding reports and images – Support users, analysts, and decision-makers 6 UNCLASSIFIED


UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO vs. CEBOSS • C 3 PO is the overarching project UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO vs. CEBOSS • C 3 PO is the overarching project – CEBOSS online database – CONOPS, TTPs, and training package • CEBOSS: C 3 PO Enterprise Boarding Operations Support System – Unclassified, web-based user interface accessible anywhere – Searchable database of historical boarding information – Automated data exchange with biometric databases – Boarding report templates – Information sharing among partners and organizations 8 UNCLASSIFIED


UNCLASSIFIED Military Utility Assessment 10 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Military Utility Assessment 10 UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED MUA Purpose • Assess the JCTD’s proposed solution – CEBOSS database – CONOPS, UNCLASSIFIED MUA Purpose • Assess the JCTD’s proposed solution – CEBOSS database – CONOPS, TTPs, and training support package • Gather warfighter feedback – Employ the system during realistic boarding scenarios – Acquire data on the system’s capability to support boarding operations • Inform the military utility determination – Recommend transition to program of record, additional tech development, or termination – Joint report by USCENTCOM and USEUCOM 11 UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED MUA Test Concept • Populate CEBOSS with real-world boarding reports – Build MUA UNCLASSIFIED MUA Test Concept • Populate CEBOSS with real-world boarding reports – Build MUA scenarios to complement this data • Provide system training to seasoned US and NATO boarding teams • Execute scenarios allowing personnel to use the system as they would at sea – Initial contact with suspect vessel – Pre-mission planning – Boarding event – Post-mission reporting 12 UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED MUA Participants CEBOSS Users Organization Areas of Expertise USNAVCENT Counter-piracy Biometrics collection USNAVEUR UNCLASSIFIED MUA Participants CEBOSS Users Organization Areas of Expertise USNAVCENT Counter-piracy Biometrics collection USNAVEUR Counter-piracy Biometrics collection US Coast Guard Patrol Forces Southwest Asia Law enforcement Counter-narcotics NMIOTC NATO boarding operations Command control Office of Naval Intelligence Maritime intelligence analysis 13 UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED MUA Participants Subject Matter Experts • Leaders – Commanding officer: Italian Navy – UNCLASSIFIED MUA Participants Subject Matter Experts • Leaders – Commanding officer: Italian Navy – Senior department head: Romanian Navy – VBSS training officer: US Navy – Senior boarding officer: US Navy • Observers – German Specialized Boarding Team – Greek Customs and Border Control – NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation Multi-national representation from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Romania, Turkey, and the United States 14 UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED Mission Sequence CEBOSS Interaction • Initial contact with suspect vessel – Prepare hail UNCLASSIFIED Mission Sequence CEBOSS Interaction • Initial contact with suspect vessel – Prepare hail scripts; verify master’s replies • Pre-boarding preparations – Extract historical boarding information • Mid-mission data exchange – Transmit biometric data during boarding – Begin populating event report • Post-mission reporting and sharing – Compile, review, and distribute event reports – Export into after-action report templates 15 UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO MUA Summary Benefits • Easy and intuitive • Historical information UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO MUA Summary Benefits • Easy and intuitive • Historical information readily available • Boarding teams better prepared for missions • Biometrics responses greatly improve safety • Organizes boarding information; assists with data collection • Exports data into AARs, IIRs, etc. 16 Improvement Areas Mission Impacts • Function with intermittent Internet connectivity • Boarding data archived at proper classification level • Improve search and mapping capabilities • Large user base complicates roll-out • Develop printerfriendly formats • Some privacy and legal concerns • Allow multi-person data entry • UNCLASS access supports collaboration across organizations • Expand historical boarding data set • Potential to gain workload efficiencies UNCLASSIFIED


UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO Path Forward Near-Term Activity • Participate in Naval Postgraduate School’s UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO Path Forward Near-Term Activity • Participate in Naval Postgraduate School’s TNT MIO Experiment (10 -13 Jun 2013) – Verify system updates & introduce CEBOSS to additional users • Brief to NATO MARCOM and EUNAVFOR (21 Jun 13) • Final report and military utility determination (Aug 13) – USCENTCOM and USEUCOM Joint Memorandum • System updates and debug activities – Search enhancements – Map and database updates – Reporting and printing improvements • Coordinate limited fielding to operational units 18 UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO Path Forward Future Activity • Complete actions to support limited UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO Path Forward Future Activity • Complete actions to support limited fielding – Expand CEBOSS database with additional real-world data – Implement off-line mode and concurrent data entry – Update training support package – Integrate CEBOSS training into NMIOTC and VBSS curriculums – Update USNAVCENT OPTASK MIO • Transition to a sustained capability – Department of the Navy Identification and Screening Information System (Do. N ISIS) – Forecast to occur in January 2014 19 UNCLASSIFIED


UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO JCTD Lead POCs US Central Command US European Command Mr. UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO JCTD Lead POCs US Central Command US European Command Mr. Thomas Smith Mr. Steve Desautel Mr. Greg Bader / Mr. Mike Mc. Guiness Mr. Mikel Awad Ms. Toni Gosinski US Naval Forces Central US Naval Forces Europe Mr. Wayne Pavalko Mr. Kiriakos Kalogiannis LT Clifford Crumley Mr. Gary Shaffer • Thomas Smith – thomas. smith@centcom. mil • Mikel Awad – awadmy@centcom. mil • Steve Desautel – stephen. c. desautel. ngo@mail. mil • Michael Mc. Guiness – michael. t. mcguinness. ngo@mail. mil • Greg Bader – gregory. b. bader. civ@mail. mil 21 • Toni Gosinski – antoinette. m. gosinski. civ@mail. mil UNCLASSIFIED

UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO Interest Contact Information • If your nation is interested in UNCLASSIFIED C 3 PO Interest Contact Information • If your nation is interested in joining this project, please contact: – Mr. Mikel Awad – US Central Command – Office: 001. 813. 529. 8113 – Email: awadmy@centcom. mil Or – Mr. Thomas Smith – US Central Command – Office: 001. 813. 529. 8108 – Email: thomas. smith@centcom. mil 22 UNCLASSIFIED