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UMR Campus Procurement Services G 5 C Campus Support Facility Extension 4266 Fax 4048 Email: umrpurch@umr. edu
Staff • Susan Potrafka – Manager • Stacy Jones – Senior Buyer – Requests for Bids / Proposals – Purchase orders – Problem solving • Karen Walberg – Admin Asst – Purchasing Card Administrator • Lisa Alderson – Sr. Secretary – Accounts Payables – Enterprise Rent-A-Car Invoices (local office only) – Backup for Purchasing Card • Carol Lay – Secretary – Purchase order processing – Front desk • Ed Finnell – Sr. Inventory Clerk – Surplus Property – Asset tagging / management
Procurement’s Goal Provide a valuable service to end-users by procuring item/services in an efficient and cost conscious, ethical manner in accordance with applicable university procedures.
UMR Campus Procurement Services http: //procurement. umr. edu/
Methods of Procurement • Purchasing Card – University issued Master. Card – purchases up to $5, 000 • Purchase Order – Purchases not allowed on purchasing card or over $5, 000 • Bookstore Requisitions - $1, 000 Limit except computers • Non-PO Voucher Reimbursement - $100 Limit – Exceptions only
University of Missouri Payables Guide http: //procurement. umr. edu/purchguide/APPO. pdf
Purchase Limits / Requirements • Purchases less than $5, 000 – Preferred method of payment is purchasing card, if purchasing card is not accepted or item/service is not allowed on purchasing card, purchase is made on a purchase order. A bid request is not required.
Purchase Limits / Requirements • Purchases between $5, 000 and $10, 000 – Purchase must be made on a purchase order. Procurement, together with the requesting department, decide whether it is in the university’s best interest to issue a bid request. • Issues considered when deciding if a bid request is issued are when is it needed, will it save any money to issue a bid, and a M/WBE supplier provide this item/service.
Purchase Limits / Requirements • Purchases which exceed $10, 000 must either be purchased from an existing university contract, be documented as a sole source, or require a request for bids / proposals be issued. Note: Splitting purchases into multiple purchases to bypass bidding requirements is not allowed by University policy.
Request for Bids (RFB) • Lists minimum requirements. Award made to lowest priced bidder meeting all the minimum requirements. – In general - once all required information is available, allow 1 wk for Procurement processing, 2 wks for vendor responses, 1 day for bid summary – If Procurement workload is heavy, additional time may be required. – We try to process bids in the order they are received.
RFB Process • Requesting department provides detailed specifications and a requisition. • Procurement issues a bid request for 3 days to 1 month, depending on item/service, dollar amount, and time respondents need to respond to requirements. • Responses received by Procurement, Procurement types a summary, sends summary and responses to requesting department. • Requesting department reviews responses, finds lowest priced bidder meeting specifications, states why bidders not selected but lower priced do not meet specifications, signs summary, and returns summary and bid responses to Procurement. • Procurement issues award by purchase order, contract, or combination.
Request for Proposals (RFP) • Considers price as well as other criteria. • Requires review committee. • Points are awarded for cost and other criteria. Award made to respondent with most points. – In general requires more time than bid to get agreement on specifications, once all required information is available, allow 1 wk for Procurement processing, 2 -4 wks for vendor responses, 3 days for bid summary, 2 -3 wks for committee review and vendor presentations if required, 2 wks for contracts
RFP Process • Committee and Procurement staff meet to discuss specifications, decide upon mandatory and desirable specifications. • RFP issued to potential respondents for 2 -4 weeks usually. • Responses received by Procurement removes all information about pricing. Committee awards non-financial points. After non-financial points are finalized, Procurement shows financial points. Respondent with most points selected for award. • Procurement issues award by purchase order, contract, or combination.
RFBs/RFPs are posted on-line http: //procurement. umr. edu/bids. htm
Authorization to make a purchase • The University of Missouri Purchasing Policy states: Any employee who commits the University to a purchase, sale, lease, or other arrangement without proper authorization may be personally liable for the transaction.
Authorized Signature • Agreements for items or services purchased on a purchase order or a purchasing card which require the university to agree to terms and conditions and/or require a signature must be submitted to Procurement for review and signature prior to the purchase being made. • Authorized signers for the UMR campus for purchasing related agreements are – Susan Potrafka, Manager of Procurement – Steve Malott, Vice Chancellor of Administrative Svs – Randy Stoll, Director of Business Services
How do I get a purchase order? • Department enters and approves a requisition listing detailed information. – Requisitions are created in People. Soft and are usually created by a support staff member. • Requisition goes through overnight budget checking process before being available to Procurement staff. • Most requisitions are turned into a purchase order and sent to the supplier within 1 -2 business days. Delays are most often caused by missing information, need for certificate of insurance, or need for clarification.
Sole Source Purchase • A sole source purchase is when an item or service is only available from one source. • Required documentation includes – Sole Source Justification Form – Available on-line from a link at http: //procurement. umr. edu/purchguide/guidelines. htm#solesource. – The Sole Source Justification Form includes: • Statement from a competent expert in the field in which the product/service will be used which indicates that in the professional opinion of the certifying individual this is the only item / service which can accomplish the task necessary and a detailed explanation why. • Statement that product is only available from source indicated and there are not multiple distributors. – From vendor: • Written quotation
Contracts and Agreements http: //procurement. umr. edu/contracts. htm
Odds-N-Ends • Certificate of insurance – Any vendor providing a service on University property must provide a current certificate of insurance meeting the university’s requirements before the services is provided. • Internal Loan Program – An internal loan program is available for purchases of $5, 000 or more. • Please remember we are experts in the buying process but you are the expert in the item/service. We need clear and complete specifications/details.
Tips for getting WHAT you need and WHEN you need it. • Don’t wait until the last minute. “Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part. ” Unknown • Involve us early. • If you are uncertain – ASK. • Provide detailed information – the purchase order / bid is a legal document. • Get to know YOUR Procurement staff.