Скачать презентацию Ukrainian System of Education http ictv ua ua index view-media id 10751 Скачать презентацию Ukrainian System of Education http ictv ua ua index view-media id 10751

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Ukrainian System of Education http: //ictv. ua/ua/index/view-media/id/10751 • • • Early Childhood Education Secondary Ukrainian System of Education http: //ictv. ua/ua/index/view-media/id/10751 • • • Early Childhood Education Secondary Education School Education Vocational Education Higher Education Інструкція для самостійної роботи з презентацією.

Early Childhood Education (Pre-School Education Primary element of the overall structure of education in Early Childhood Education (Pre-School Education Primary element of the overall structure of education in Ukraine. This education is not required and provided to a child by parents. The State does not guarantee pre-school education , so we have not equally prepared children for school. Quantitative indicators and network of preschool institutions have a strong tendency to decrease. The innovation in the pre-school education of Ukraine is home education. This can allow usually families with a high income, so the home education does not affect significantly the dynamics of the network pre-school education

Secondary education To complete general secondary education is compulsory for all the citizens of Secondary education To complete general secondary education is compulsory for all the citizens of the state. Secondary education in Ukraine has welldeveloped institutional network that is able to satisfy the general needs of children and adolescents. On September 1, 2001. in Ukraine began the transition to 12 -year general secondary education. Secondary education is divided into: Elementary level (elementary schoolchildren, four years of study ); II stage ( primary school , five years of study ); III degree ( high school , three years). Senior school should function primarily as a professional. The last degree can be fulfilled after the 9 th form by after-school education, school training and production centers and vocational education and higher educational institutions of I- II accreditation. The students of secondary schools are usually children aged from 6 to 18 years.

School education (позашкільна освіта) The legislation of Ukraine recognizes school education component of lifelong School education (позашкільна освіта) The legislation of Ukraine recognizes school education component of lifelong learning. However, statistics shows that the institutional network and the number of pupils outside the school reduced , the most significant reduction experiences the network of institutions whose activities require significant financial costs and relatively sophisticated equipment.

Vocational education provides the primary professional training, retraining and advanced training of workers. VET Vocational education provides the primary professional training, retraining and advanced training of workers. VET is funded from the state budget. The three levels of certification VET : training course combines (level ) vocational schools (II level) , higher vocational schools (III level ). Vocational institutions awards the graduates with the qualification of a " skilled worker ". Graduates of accredited higher vocational schools level III can receive the level of a "specialist. " The overwhelming share of the contingent VET are young people aged 15 to 18 who gets first training.

HIGHER EDUCATION Legislation of Ukraine guarantees the citizens the right to get a higher HIGHER EDUCATION Legislation of Ukraine guarantees the citizens the right to get a higher education , including free state and communal educational establishments. Higher education is optional. Higher education is built on the principles steps - basic higher education and complete higher education, which give the universities with an appropriate level of accreditation. To higher educational establishments belong technical schools , colleges , institutes , conservatories , academies and universities. In the current , 2001/2002 years there are 983 high schools of all levels of accreditation and ownership in Ukraine , providing teaching students on full-time, evening, part-time and attending classes.

Інструкція Презентація має складатися з 5 -6 слайдів, де коротко і зрозуміло ви розміщуєте Інструкція Презентація має складатися з 5 -6 слайдів, де коротко і зрозуміло ви розміщуєте матеріал про освіту в певній країні. Матеріал має включати: - інформацію про початкову (дошкільну освіту) -шкільну освіту різних рівнів -позашкільну освіту -середню професійну освіту -вищу освіту. Назви слайдів можна змінювати Зміст розміщується на першому слайді вашої презентації До інформації надавайте всі необхідні посилання. Успіхів вам у роботі!

Education in Great Britain • • • Early Education Secondary Education School Education Vocational Education in Great Britain • • • Early Education Secondary Education School Education Vocational Education Higher Education